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Version: 13.x (Current)

Form assignments configuration

If you want to use the Form assignments feature of the Form Service Frontend, version 1.2.0 (or above) of the Form Service Backend is required.

Form Service Backend Configuration

The Form Service Configuration JSON object now has additional properties.

formAssignmentsCrudObjectNo-form assignments CRUD parametersContains details about the CRUD that is used to store the form template and the users assigned to it.
userGroupsObject[]No-user groups parametersThe user groups that can be chosen in Submitted forms viewers field of the Form Builder.

Leaving the Form Service Configurations without the formAssignmentsCrud property turns off the Form assignments feature. This also ensures backwards compatibility with previous configurations.

Form assignments CRUD parameters

This section defines the details of the CRUD responsible for storing the reletionship between a form template customized with the Form Builder and the users that will submit data.

The properties of the formAssignmentsCrud object are the following:

  • name

    • type: string;
    • required: true;
    • description: the name of the form assignments CRUD endpoint (i.e. /form-assignments).
  • formIdPropName

    • type: string;
    • required: true;
    • description: the name of the property that stores the ID of the form template for a form assignment (i.e. formTemplateId or formSchemaId).
  • manualAssignmentsPropName

    • type: string;
    • required: true;
    • description: the name of the property that stores user IDs array. The form defined in the formIdPropName is assigned to the users contained in this array. These users will be able to submit data with the /visualizer/fill-assignment/{assignmentId} route of the Form Service Frontend.

The Mia-Platform Microfrontend Composer can be used to update this array and assign a form template to specific users.

  • automaticAssignmentsPropName
    • type: string;
    • required: false;
    • description: the name of the property that store an additional user IDs array. The users contained in this array will also be able to submit data for a specific assignment.

This array is designed to store IDs computed from another assignment property. For instance, it can be used to assign a questionnaire to users of a specific cluster (such as users in the same company or department). You can use a PRE decorator to manipulate a POST or a PATCH of an assignment and update the automaticAssignments array accordingly.

Here an example:

  "formAssignmentsCrud": {
"name": "/form-assignments",
"formIdPropName": "formTemplateId",
"manualAssignmentsPropName": "customerIds",
"automaticAssignmentsPropName": "automaticUserIds"

User groups parameters

This config object specifies the different user groups that your application supports (for example admins, accountant and users), and enables a user to configure a form template allowing only specific user groups to view submitted data.

An array of user groups objects must be defined with the following properties:

  • group: an unique group identifier;
  • label: a mandatory label that will be displayed in the Form Builder as select entry.

Here an example:

  "userGroups": [
"group": "admin",
"label": "Administrator"
"group": "accounting",
"label": "Accountant"

The Form Service doesn't provide any authentication or authorization system nor user management systems. Further information can be found here.

To see how user groups are rendered in the Form Builder UI check the Form Service Frontend assignments documentation.

CRUDs update

To support the Form Assignments you need to update the form_schemas CRUD and create a new one named for example form_assignments to link a form template to specific users.


This CRUD described in this service configuration must be updated with additional properties:

  • isEditable, of type boolean, which defines if a form submission can be updated by the user who submitted it in the first place;
  • isPrivate, of type boolean, which specifies if a form template can be displayed to every user, or instead it needs to be assigned to enable the form access;
  • enabledUserGroups, of type array of string, which stores the user groups that will have 'view only' access of the submitted data.


This CRUD enables the assignment of a form template to specific users. We recommend to create a CRUD named form_assignments.

The required properties (specified in the form assignments CRUD parameters section) of the CRUD can be imported downloading this example json file.

You also need to expose a new endpoint /form-assignments following this guide. You can use a different name paying attention to change the formAssignmentsCrud parameter accordingly. The type of this endpoint is CRUD.

Form assignments ACL

The Form Visualizer endpoints described in the service overview have been updated to enforce the following ACLs:

  • a user can access a private (isPrivate is true) form template only when assigned or has a group contained in the form_schemas enabledUserGroups array;
  • a user can update form submission only if the form template is editable (isEditable is true).

Additional information can be found in the Form assignments documentation of the Form Service Frontend.