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Version: 13.x (Current)

The Marketplace

The Mia-Platform Marketplace contains several code resources that facilitate a faster and frictionless building of your architecture.

In the Marketplace, you will be able to choose from a set of items, also called components, to easily set up a single microservice or a bundle of resources with predefined and tested functionalities.

The Marketplace components types you can use include:

  • Plugin: a ready-to-use Microservice.

  • Template: a base repository with some boilerplate code from which you can start to create a new Microservice.

  • Example: a specific use-case, a ready-to-use model to create a new Microservice. On the contrary of the Template, an Example already contains some ready to use business logic code, that you can later modify to match your exact needs.

  • Application: a bundle of resources including Plugins, Templates, and Examples, but also Endpoints, Collections, and Public Variables.


Mia-Platform supported Templates and Example source code is open source software, hosted on public Git repositories. You can visit the Mia-Platform Marketplace GitHub page to browse the source code.

Feel free to contribute by opening a Pull Request!

Explore the Marketplace

Mia-Platform Marketplace has two different entry points, both located in the Design Area of the Console.

To browse Marketplace Applications, head to the Applications section and click on the button Create new Application. For more information see the related page.

To browse Markeplace Plugins, Templates and Examples, go to the Microservices section and click on the button Create a Microservice, then click on the option For Marketplace of the dropdown menu.

In both cases, you will be able to filter components by Category, a property reflecting the purpose, the field, or the use-case a component is associated with (e.g. Data visualization).

The results of your search will always appear organized by Category.



You can contribute to the Mia-Platform Marketplace by creating and sharing your own items. Find out more about how to contribute to the Marketplace.

Marketplace items lifecycle

Each Marketplace item has a predetermined development lifecycle:


The following are the expected stages along a Marketplace component lifecycle:

  • Coming soon: implementation has just started, these components cannot be used yet (users can still be informed about the existence of a new component)

  • Preview: first usable release, components may include bugs and be subject to undocumented breaking changes

  • Beta: implementation is complete, these components won't be subject to any undocumented breaking change but may still include bugs (hence they must be used with caution)

  • Stable: implementation is stable (bugs free). Consequently, this stage represents the period before the component's official release and its documentation in the release note.

  • Deprecated: items may reach this state when support by maintainers is dropped. For more details consult the following section.

Deprecated Items

Sometimes, a Marketplace item may become deprecated. This typically occurs when a newer item replaces it with enhanced features, or when a better solution is provided by a new application.


In such cases, the maintainer may decide not to longer support the older item, meaning it will not receive any future updates.

The item will be marked as Deprecated. While you can still use it if necessary, its functionality may be limited or outdated compared to current standards. The suggested alternative will be published in the deprecated item documentation.


It's important to consider the alternatives to a deprecated item. Using updated and supported items ensures better performance, security, and compatibility.