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Version: 13.x (Current)

Cron Scheduler


The Cron Scheduler is deprecated, and no active development, new versions, or bug fixes are planned. It will reach end of life with the v14.0.0 of the console.

Mia-Platform integrates a Cron system to schedule operations at intervals decided by the developer. The implementation of the Cron involves two phases: the scheduling configuration and the implementation of the function to be performed.

Implement a Cron

The cron is designed to run in the context of a plugin, so the configuration and implementation of the routine must exist atplugin level.

The configuration must be written in the options.json file of theplugin. Below is an example:

"cronConfiguration": {
"active": true,
"period": "* 30 01 * * *"

The part of the file of interest is in the cronConfiguration object json which contains two fields:

  • active: Boolean that enables or disables the Cron
  • period: string for the time schedule of the Cron. The digits indicate, from left to right, the seconds 0-59, minutes 0-59, time 0-23, day of month 1-31, month 0-11 and day of week 0-6.

In the above example, the Cron is active and runs the routine every day at 01:30.

The routine to execute is a Javascript function implemented in the index.js file of theplugin. The function signature must necessarily be cronFunction. Only this function can be used, with this name, without arguments and only one can exist. Below is an example:

class MIACronExample extends MIACollection {

cronFunction() {
this.log('info', 'Hello cron')
