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Version: 13.x (Current)


RapiDoc is an OpenAPI-genereted API reference documentation generator that can be used to produce documentation for your APIs quickly.

In the dev portal, RapiDoc can be used to create the API documentations just setting up the link to your OpenAPI specification.

Microservice creation for RapiDoc

To create an instance of RapiDoc:

  1. Go to the Microservices section;
  2. Create a new microservice using the Microlc RapiDoc Plugin in the Dev Portal category of the marketplace; RapiDoc Plugin
  3. Configure the microservice with a custom name and description;
  4. Complete the creation to deploy an instance of RapiDoc.

RapiDoc endpoint configuration

  1. Create a new endpoint;
  2. Define the Base path where you want to expose RapiDoc (e.g. /plugin-rapidoc);
  3. As type, use Microservice;
  4. Select the microservice name used for RapiDoc;
  5. Complete the creation.

After that, the situation should be similar to the following:

Endpoint configured

RapiDoc configuration

Like all the plugins of micro-lc you should refer to the core configuration section for the setup and to correctly configure RapiDoc you must set one props:

  • openApiSpecUrl : the url to your Swagger or OpenApi specification in json format.

Here follows a full configuration example:

"id": "rapidoc-plugin",
"label": "RapiDoc",
"icon": "fas fa-link",
"order": 4,
"integrationMode": "qiankun",
"pluginRoute": "/rapidoc/",
"pluginUrl": "",
"props": {
"openApiSpecUrl": ""


After a deployment, your new Dev Portal should be exposed at the / path of your host (e.g. https://your-host-com/), and should be similar to the following:

RapiDoc Example


We suggest to use RapiDoc to set up the Dev Portal, but in case of small (<~300kb) OpenApi specification file you can consider to use Redoc; for this plugin, we highly suggest to read the ReDoc Documentation