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Version: 13.x (Current)

SQL Invoker


The SQL Invoker plugin is deprecated, and no active development, new versions, or bug fixes are planned. It will reach end of life with the v14.0.0 of the console.

SQL Invoker is designed to invoke stored procedure and/or stored function. In this moment, the service supports only:

  • Stored procedures that does not return result sets and consequently:
    • performs database side effects
    • get results from INOUT and OUT parameters

In future releases, the service will support:

  • Stored procedures that returns result sets
  • Stored functions that returns result sets

The service will read configuration files contained within the directory specified in the PROFILE_FILES_PATH directory.

Environment variables

The variables to be set are the following:

  • HTTP_PORT: The port exposed by the service
  • PROFILE_FILES_PATH: The dir in which are located the stored procedures/functions
  • DB_USER: The database username
  • DB_PASSWORD: The database password
  • DB_URI: JDBC uri specifying also the schema at the end. Ex: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/testdb
  • DB_DRIVER: The JDBC driver class name. Example for MariaDB: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver

Stored functions/procedures file structure

Files contained within the PROFILE_FILES_PATH have the following format:

"parameters": [
"name": "in",
"dataType": "INTEGER",
"parameterType": "IN"
"name": "in_out",
"dataType": "INTEGER",
"parameterType": "INOUT"
"name": "out",
"dataType": "INTEGER",
"parameterType": "OUT"
  • name: The name of schema and the stored procedure/function concatenated with a dot, as you would invoke it using SQL.
  • parameters: An array containing objects describing parameters, as described below:
    • name: The parameter name
    • dataType: The SQL data type of the parameter
    • parameterType: One of IN, INOUT, OUT string.


The service will read each file contained in the PROFILE_FILES_PATH directory and will expose for each one and endpoint. The endpoint name corresponds to the property name of the file.

For example the file described in the paragraph above will expose the \testdb.TEST_STORED_PROCEDURE_PRESENT endpoint.

REST API live documentation

The service offers an interactive documentation of the API via Swagger, at the route /documentation of the running SQL Invoker.