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Version: 13.x (Current)

Pharma Ecommerce Backend


The Pharma Ecommerce Backend is deprecated, and no active development, new versions, or bug fixes are planned. It will reach end of life with the v14.0.0 of the console.

The Pharma Ecommerce Backend is a Mia-Platform plugin that provides APIs that can be used to create your own pharmaceutical e-commerce.

It allows through its endpoints to:

  • sign up users to the pharma e-commerce providers;
  • get the providers available in a given location;
  • get a list of product categories available for a specific provider in a given location;
  • get a list of products or a specific product detail for a specific provider and a specific location;
  • create a shopping cart for a logged user and manage its items with items addition, update and delete;
  • create an order for the logged user from it's current shopping cart;
  • access the orders' history of the currently logged user.

The available functionalities are detailed in the usage section of the documentation.


At the moment, the Pharma Ecommerce Backend supports only PharmaPrime as pharma e-commerce provider. Additional providers may be added in the future.

If you want to learn how to configure the microservice, follow this configuration guide.