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Version: 13.x (Current)

Form visualizer styling

The Form visualizer styling feature of the Form Service Frontend let you add custom stylesheets and fonts to form templates. It requires version 1.3.0 (or above) of the Form Service Backend because GET /visualizer/schemas/:id and GET /visualizer/forms/:id routes have been updated to return the graphical assets associated to a form template alongside to its configuration.

Form Service Backend Configuration

The Form Service Configuration JSON object now has the following additional property:

  • 1. formStyleAssetsCrud
    • type: string;
    • required: false;
    • description: the CRUD endpoint used to store graphical assets that will be used to style the form visualizer interface.

See the form style assets CRUD section for details on how the Form Service Frontend can use multiple form style assets such as style sheets or fonts to customize the form visualizer's UI.

Here's an example:

"formStyleAssetsCrud": "/form-style-assets"

Form style assets CRUD

This section defines the details of the CRUD that stores the style assets that can be associated to one or more form templates. The form service supports only .css and fonts files. Depending on the kind of resource .css or .fonts, a resource can be provided with an url or a file stored using the Files Service.

The properties of this CRUD (in addition to the default ones) are:

  • name

    • type: string;
    • required: true;
    • description: an user friendly name of your asset.
  • assetId

    • type: string;
    • required: true;
    • description: an unique string id to identify your asset.
  • priority

    • type: number;
    • required: false;
    • description: defines a priority in which the assets of a form template will be added in the form visualizer page.

Resources with higher priority than others will be loaded first in the form visualizer web page. Resources with no priority value will be loaded in the end.

  • resourceType

    • type: string;
    • required: true;
    • description: the kind of the asset, can be only css or font.
  • inputType

    • type: string;
    • required: true;
    • description: the type of storage where the asset is saved, can be only url or file.
  • file

    • type: object;
    • required: true with inputType equal to file, false otherwise;
    • description: contains the information of a file uploaded using the File Service. The form visualizer will use the url contained in the location property of this object to load the required asset when needed.
  • url

    • type: string;
    • required: true with inputType equal to url, false otherwise;
    • description: the url of an external asset that the form visualizer will load.

The form service frontend supports only:

  • .css: both files and urls;

  • .ttf .otf .woff .woff2: upload only as files (it's always possible to add fonts directly in an uploaded .css file).

  • fontFamily

    • type: string;
    • required: true with resourceType equal to font, false otherwise;
    • description: the font-family of the uploaded font.
  • fontFormat

    • type: string;
    • required: true with resourceType equal to font, false otherwise;
    • description: the @font-face src format of the uploaded font. The supported values are: truetype, openformat, woff and woff2.

We recommend to add fonts directly in an uploaded .css file (insted of assigning them to the form as separated files) in order to avoid possible problems when loading the form.


We recommend checking the output of styled form templates on the form visualizer to confirm their full functionality. Note that using global styles selectors in the loaded stylesheets may lead to unexpected changes in styles of components out of the scope of the form-service microfrontend application.

As an example, applying in your css stylesheet a global rule for modifying the font family in use, will modify the native font family used in the Microfrontend Composer aside menu component.

* {
font-family: custom-font-family, sans-serif;

For this reason, we recommend scoping your custom styles rules through the selection of only those elements contained in the form visualizer page:

#form-visualizer-page * {
font-family: custom-font-family, sans-serif;

The required properties of this CRUD can be imported downloading this example json file.

You also need to expose a new endpoint using the same name defined in the configuration's formStyleAssetsCrud property following this guide. A formStyleAssetsCrud value equal to /form-style-assets will require an endpoint with Base path equal to /form-style-assets.


Mia-Platform Microfrontend Composer can be used to manage the different style assets. In case you require supporting files, you will need to configure a Files Service instance in your project and update Microfrontend Composer configuration to use it's File Manager client.

CRUDs update

To support the Form visualizer styling you need to update the form_schemas CRUD in order to optionally add style assets to a form template.


The CRUD collection described in the service configuration section must be updated with an additional property:

  • styleAssetIds, of type array of string, which stores the assetIds of the styles assets stored in the form style assets CRUD.