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Version: 13.x (Current)


The ck-reset-password web component is used for resetting the users password in a bulk activation. The operation is done by selecting many records from the corresponding users'table and by clicking on the ck-reset-password-button. A job will sequently be created the user-manager-service, and the modal will show until the job is not finished.



In order to open the ck-import-users-modal in a Microfrontend Composer, a ck-reset-password-button needs to be used on the same page and the minimum configuration of the component must be provided. An example configuration follows:

"type": "element",
"url": "/mia-care-web-components/mia-care-web-components.esm.js",
"tag": "reset-password-button",
"type": "element",
"url": "/mia-care-web-components/mia-care-web-components.esm.js",
"tag": "ck-import-users-modal"

When open, the

When the operation completes. A feedback message will be shown indicating the result of the operation, or an error if the procedure failed.

Properties & Attributes

userManagerServiceUrlstringfalse/umsPath the expose the UserManager Service. The path must not have the trailing slash.
widthstringfalse600pxThe width of the modal. It must a valid CSS value
heightstringfalseautoThe minimum height of the modal. It must a valid CSS value.
pollMaxRetriesnumberfalse5The maximum amount of retries the component will do while waiting for the job completion
pollIntervalPeriodnumberfalse1000The period that will occur between two subsequents api call while polling the status of the job

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
reset-password-modalTriggers the opening or the closing of the modal.--


reset-password-modalCustom event, the payload equals the current state of the modal (open and loading state, percentage completion, the operation result or error).