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Version: 13.x (Current)


The ck-notification-card web component is used to select desirable notification between the available channel. The selection of a option will trigger the emission of notification-config event.



Properties clusterLabel and clusterIcon will be shown in the card header. clusterIcon is contained the name of the card icon it should be the name of one of the fontawesome icons like FaChartLine. Property topics will be the list of available events inside each card, it is contained

eventName: 'name',
labels: {
en: 'Name',
it: 'Nome'

Available Topics

The list of available topics for each cluster is listed bellow:

clusterName: Monitoring

"topics": [
"eventName": "TMM/MonitoringCreated/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Monitoring Created",
"it": "Monitoraggio Creato"
"eventName": "TMM/MonitoringDeleted/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Monitoring Deleted",
"it": "Monitoraggio Eliminato"
"eventName": "TMM/MonitoringReminder/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Monitoring Reminder",
"it": "Promemoria Appuntamento"
"eventName": "TMM/MonitoringUpdated/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Monitoring Updated",
"it": "Monitoraggio Aggiornato"
"eventName": "TMM/ThresholdExceeded/v1",
labels: {
"en": "Threshold Exceeded",
"it": "Soglia Superata"


clusterName: Therapy

"topics": [
"eventName": "TMM/TherapyCreated/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Therapy Created",
"it": "Terapia Creata"
"eventName": "TMM/TherapyDeleted/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Therapy Deleted",
"it": "Terapia Eliminata"
"eventName": "TMM/TherapyUpdated/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Therapy Updated",
"it": "Terapia Aggiornata"
"eventName": "TMM/TherapyReminder/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Therapy Reminder",
"it": "Promemoria terapia"

clusterName: Appointments

topics": [
"eventName": "AM/AppointmentCreated/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Appointment Created",
"it": "Appuntamento Creato"
"eventName": "AM/AppointmentDeleted/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Appointment Deleted",
"it": "Appuntamento Eliminato"
"eventName": "AM/AppointmentReminder/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Appointment Reminder",
"it": "Promemoria Appuntamento"
"eventName": "AM/AppointmentUpdated/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Appointment Updated",
"it": "Appuntamento Monitoraggio"

clusterName: Administrations

topics": [
"eventName": "IC/ResourceForbiddenEvent/v1",
"labels": {
"en": "Resource Forbidden Event",
"it": "Violazione Integrità Risorsa"

For additional information about the behavior of the events, take a look at the Event section.

Based on the available topics that you provide to the component, the cards contents will be rendered.

After the clusters have been retrieved, the available and enabled channels will be displayed on each category upon initialization. Every time a channel is selected a request contained the new enabled channels for the user will be sent to the /user-notification-settings/ endpoint, and the list will updated based on the new list.

Properties & Attributes

NotificationBasePathstringtrue/Path the expose the Notification Manager service. The path must not have the trailing slash.
clusterLabelstringtrueThe label of the Card
clusterIconstringtrueThe name of the icon in the card header
topicsarraytrue[]Array of available Event topics in each card

Listens to

eventactionemitson error

