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Version: 13.x (Current)


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Added ck-book-slot-modal
  • Added reset-password-modal and Added reset-password-button doc
  • Added reset-password-modal and Added reset-password-button component
  • Added import-users-modal doc
  • Added import-users-modal component
  • Fix bug on filtering the resources in am-calendar
  • Added additional info to the dragable modal am-calendar
  • ck-chart now supports label translation


  • Added permissions handling to am-calendar
  • Added new web-component ck-notification-card
  • Data retrival from NM
  • Send the personal setting to the CRUD
  • Fix bug when editing a therapy/monitorings with ck-add-plan-modal
  • Restyled slot detail modal
  • Added participants status switch and logics


  • Added property interactiveTooltip to ck-chart
  • Removed from ck-chart accessibility module due to conflicts in the chart print


  • Added exporting module to ck-chart component
  • Fixed ck-chart filter handlin
  • Fixed am-calendar event visualization changes to 'month'


  • Updated ck-therapy-select label information


  • am-calendar listens to change-query events in appointment mode and applays filters to events and resources on the properties specified in the configuration.


  • Added possibility to filter events by current user in am-calendar
  • Added possibility to indicate the Highcharts constructore type in the ck-chart proper


  • Fix problem that prevented ck-chart to resize correctly


  • Added new web-component ck-layout-select
  • Added chart-filters event. The event is emitted by ck-therapy-select and listen by the ck-chart web-component


  • Added properties urlMask and idKey to web-component ck-chart that allow to fetch data by id


  • Added new web-component ck-chart
  • ck-add-plan-modalnow listens to select-data events, allowing to edit a selected plan


  • Added property compatibleWithExcel to ck-export-form that allow to specify if the downladed file should be compatible with Microsoft Excel
  • Added new web-component ck-add-plan-modal
  • Added new web-component ck-threshold-modal
  • Added new web-component ck-therapy-modal
  • Added new web-component ck-therapy-select


  • Added property modalFooterVisible to am-calendar that allows to hide appointment modal footer
  • Added to property resourceConfig of am-calendar field singleResource that allows to use the calendar in appointment mode with only one resource
  • Added new web-component ck-export-form


  • Fixed am-calendar bug that made resourceId not work with value different form "resourceId"
  • Added property reminderMilliseconds to am-calendar that allows to set how much time before a booked appointment the reminders are sent