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Version: 13.x (Current)


The ck-export-form web component is able to export in CSV format the data of the forms created through the Form Service Frontend and Form Service Backend.



The web component consist in a form inside a modal. The form is composed of two fields, Form Schema and Time Range, both of which required. The Form Schema field is a select whose options are populated through a GET request to the endpoint specified in the formSchemasEndpoint property in the configuration. The Time Range field allows the user to select a period of time between two dates. The values of the form's fields are used to filter the forms that will be exported in the CSV file.

In the form is also present a switch field with title 'File compatible with Excel'. If the user wants to use the CSV file in Microsoft Excel the filed must be checked, if not must be unchecked. it is possible to set the deafault state of this filed with the configuration property compatibleWithExcel.

The submission of the form will trigger the download of the CSV file containing the export of the form schemas' data.

In order to open the ck-export-form in a Microfrontend Composer, a configuration is needed to configure a button to emit the custom event export-form. An example configuration follows:

"$ref": {},
"content": {
"attributes": {
"style": "height: calc(100vh - 64px);"
"type": "row",
"content": [
"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Export",
"clickConfig": {
"type": "event",
"actionConfig": {
"label": "export-form",
"payload": {}
"type": "element",
"tag": "ck-export-form",
"properties": {
"formSchemasEndpoint": "/v2/form-schemas/",
"formDataEnpoint": "/v2/forms-data/",
"compatibleWithExcel": true

Properties & Attributes

formSchemasEndpointstringtrue''Path to the CRUD endpoint that stores the form schemas' data. It is used to populate the Form Schema options in the form.
formDataEndpointstringtrue''Path to the CRUD that stores the forms' data.
compatibleWithExcelbooleanfalsefalseDefault value of the compatible with Excel switch

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
export-formTriggers the opening or the closing of the modal.--


export-formCustom event, triggers the opening or the closing of the modal.