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Version: 13.x (Current)


The ck-chart web component is a web-component able to display a chart. The component at its core uses the Highcharts library.



The ck-chart web-component is a web-component able to display Highcharts charts.

Highcharts, along side the default type chart, offers different type of charts:

It is possible to select the type of chart through the constructorType property. The accepted values are chart, stockChart, mapChart, and ganttChart where chart is the default value.

Through the options property, it is possible to customize the chart. As options you can use any valid highcharts options.

To handle the language of the chart, use the labelOptions property, where each language is identified by its unique ID (detected by the browser), and within each language, provide the translated labels. For example:

"labelOptions": {
"it": {
"title": {
"text": "Tasso di cambio USD-EUR nel tempo",
"align": "left"
"subtitle": {
"text": "Fare clic e trascinare nell'area del grafico per eseguire lo zoom",
"align": "left"
// Add more languages as needed

When a language is explicitly setted through the options parameter, it works as a fallback. For example:

"options": {
"title": {
"text": "USD to EUR exchange rate over time",
"align": "left"
"subtitle": {
"text": "Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in",
"align": "left"

The data of the chart are retrieved from the endpoint set in the dataEndpoint property.


The response of the endpoint is used to populate the series property of the highcharts options. So this field can be omitted in options property.

It is possible to filter the data shown in the chart, since the ck-chart web-component listens to the change-query event. The filters property of every change-query event and chart-filters event is stringified and attached to the data endpoint as the filters query parameter. It is up to the backend service to parse the filters and return the filtered data.

Properties urlMask and idKeys are used to retrieve paramters from the URL. idKeys is the array of dynamic value keys mapped in the urlMask. For example, if the URL is /dashboard/14alGw/example/JJ09nr where 14alGw and JJ09nr are the paramters to be extracted for the URL, the urlMask will be /dashboard/:<key1>/example/:<key2> and idKeys will be [<key1>, <key2>]. The parameters extracted from the URL are added to the query parameters with the associated key.


If the URL as multiple dynamic parameters, but only a subset is needed inside the query parameters, you have to associate to each URL dynamic part a key in the urlMask and put inside the idKeys array only the useful one.

An example configuration follows:

"type": "element",
"tag": "ck-chart",
"properties": {
"dataEndpoint": "api/v1/chartdata",
"urlMask": "/dashboard/:userId/",
"idKeys" : ["userId"],
"options": {
"chart": {
"type": "line"

Properties & Attributes

dataEndpointstringtrue'/'Endpoint used to retrieve the data displayed on the chart.
optionsobjecttrue{}Object that contains the Highchart chart options.
labelOptionsobjecttrue{}Object that contains the labels translations.
constructorTypestringfalse'chart'String for chart constructor method. Valid values are chart, stockChart, mapChart, ganttChart
urlMaskstringfalse/:idurl mask to apply to the current path to extract id dynamically.
idKeysstring[]false['id']id keys in urlMask.
interactiveTooltipbooleanfalseif set to true a point tooltip is shown upon click, insted of the standard hover

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
change-queryTriggers the fetching of the data with filters applied.--
chart-filtersTriggers the fetching of the data with filters applied.--


This component emits no event.