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Version: 13.x (Current)


In order to configure the Form Service with the Console you need to deploy two services, Form Service Backend and the the Form Service Frontend. Both are available in the Marketplace.

Configure the Form Service Backend following this guide before using the Form Service Frontend.

Form Service Frontend Configuration

  1. Create the Form Service Frontend to display the Form Builder and Visualizer UI. To create the Form Service Frontend you can search for it in the Console Marketplace. Choose a name for the new service (e.g. form-service-frontend).

  2. Create the endpoint for the newly created microservice, for example /form-service.

  3. The Form Builder will call the route GET /builder/config exposed by the Form Service Backend to retrieve its configuration.

Integration with micro-lc and Headless CMS

Once configured the endpoints of the Form Service, you can use it as a micro-lc plugin following this guide or as a CMS custom frontend following this guide.

Knowing the frontend endpoints described in the overview can be useful during the configuration process.

Integration with micro-lc

In order to use the Form Service Frontend integrated with micro-lc, the core configuration plugin parameters documentation should also be consulted. As an example, with a frontend service endpoint equal to /form-service and a qiankun plugin integration qiankun, developers can add a Form Builder plugin using this example micro-lc plugins configuration:

"plugins": [
"id": "form-builder",
"label": "Form Builder",
"icon": "fas fa-file-alt",
"order": 0,
"integrationMode": "qiankun",
"pluginRoute": "/builder",
"pluginUrl": "/form-service/",
"props": {}

formio.js use Font Awesome which loads related css using relative urls. In order to display all the formio.js icons in the Form Service Frontend integrated as a micro-lc plugin, you need to create an endpoint to your Form Service Frontend microservice (with base path equal to MICRO_LC_ENDPOINT/static/media) with the following base path rewrite /static/media to expose the required resources. This endpoint (from version 1.1.0) must be MICRO_LC_ENDPOINT/form-service-frontend-fonts, remember to use "Base Path Rewrite" /form-service-frontend-fonts in the console.

Note also that with / as micro-lc endpoint, the required endpoint must be /static/media and from version 1.1.0 must be /form-service-frontend-fonts.

Headless CMS

To use the Form Builder and the Form Visualizer in the Headless CMS the cmsmenu CRUD entries for the two frontend must have specific link values. Considering the usual example of the /form-service endpoint for the Form Service Frontend, the link for the Form Builder must be /form-service/#/builder and the link for the Form Visualizer must be /form-service/#/visualizer/fill-form.

In addition, the form_schemas CRUD and submit urls CRUDs must be added as CMS pages in order to access the configured form templates and submitted forms data.

Finally, to edit a form template, visualize the resulting form and access the submitted forms data, links to the previously integrated frontends must me added.

With a Form Builder frontend added with a cmsmenu entry named Form Builder and a CMS page hooked to the form_schemas CRUD, the required links can be added editing the cmsProperties.json file in the Advanced design sections of the console adding the following property:

"form-schemas": {
"properties": {
"_id": {
"cmsLinks": [
"serviceIdTarget": "FormBuilder",
"serviceIdTarget": "FormVisualizer",

For a Form Visualizer frontend integrated in the Headless CMS with a cmsmenu entry with name Form Visualizer and a CMS page hooked to the forms CRUD that stores submitted forms data, the required link visualize a submitted form by ID is:

"forms": {
"properties": {
"_id": {
"cmsLinks": [
"serviceIdTarget": "FormVisualizer",

The queryStringKeys in the previous examples must match exactly the Form Service Frontend query parameters accepted for specific routes. The /builder route accepts the form template ID as id query parameter, the /visualizer/fill-form routes accepts the form template ID as formSchemaId query parameter and the /visualizer route accepts the submitted form ID as formDataId.

Advanced Configuration

Depending on the Form Service chosen integration (micro-lc or CMS) further configurations are needed in the Advanced section of the console. The config files to edit are in the api-gateway section. The following examples assumes that microservices names and endpoints are the one used in the previous sections of this document.

A standalone use of the Form Service requires editing the following files to ensure correct API calls from the frontend to the backend service:


    "~^(GET|POST|PUT)-/form-service/api/v1/forms(?<path>/.*|$)$" "$path";

    "~^(secreted|unsecreted)-(0|1)-(GET|POST|PUT)-/form-service/api/v1/forms/" "form-service-backend";

A micro-lc use of the Form Service requires editing the following files to ensure correct API calls from the frontend to the backend service:


    "~^(GET|POST|PUT)-/builder/api/v1/forms(?<path>/.*|$)$" "$path";
    "~^(GET|POST|PUT)-/visualizer/fill-form/api/v1/forms(?<path>/.*|$)$" "$path";
    "~^(GET|POST|PUT)-/visualizer/api/v1/forms(?<path>/.*|$)$" "$path";

    "~^(secreted|unsecreted)-(0|1)-(GET|POST|PUT)-/builder/api/v1/forms/" "form-service-backend";
    "~^(secreted|unsecreted)-(0|1)-(GET|POST|PUT)-/visualizer/fill-form/api/v1/forms/" "form-service-backend";
    "~^(secreted|unsecreted)-(0|1)-(GET|POST|PUT)-/visualizer/api/v1/forms/" "form-service-backend";

The previous example refers to / micro-lc endpoint, a different endpoint requires adjustments.

A CMS integration of the Form Service require editing the following files to allow correct API calls from the frontend to the backend service (first line) and to allow correct visualization of the frontend from the CMS (second line):


    "~^(GET|POST|PUT)-/form-service/api/v1/forms(?<path>/.*|$)$" "$path";
    "~^(GET)-/form-service(?<path>.*|$)$" "$path";

    "~^(secreted|unsecreted)-(0|1)-(GET|POST|PUT)-/form-service/api/v1/forms" "form-service-backend";
    "~^(secreted|unsecreted)-(0|1)-GET-/form-service" "form-service-frontend";

Further details about the API Gateway and how can be further configured based on your needs can be found here