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Version: 13.x (Current)




The Tabs component offers a fixed set of filters, presented as tabs. Each tab is associated to a list of filters. By default, selecting a tab triggers a request to replace the filters associated with the previously selected tab and apply the filters of the newly selected tab during data retrieval. To achieve this behavior, the Tabs component injects the chosen filters into the payload of a change-query event, utilizing the characteristic key.

How to configure

The Tabs component requires property tabs to be configured with an array of objects, where each entry is mapped to a tab.

"tag": "bk-tabs",
"properties": {
"tabs": [
"key": "pending",
"title": "Pending",
"filters": [
"property": "status",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "Pending"
"key": "preparing",
"title": "Preparing",
"filters": [
"property": "status",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "Preparing"

Each entry of tabs property is an object which supports keys:

  • key: the id of the tab
  • title: the localized label associated to the tab
  • order: the tab order number
  • filters: array of filters that will be applied when the tab is opened
  • event: event launched when the tab is opened


The Tabs component allows to assign filters to each rendered tab using the filters key in the entries of the tabs property.

Each filter is composed of an object with keys

  • property: id of the field to use for the filter
  • operator: filter operator to use for the filter
  • value: input value to be compared in each data element against the value of the specified property, using to the specified operator

The value key supports dynamic configurations, allowing both access to information about the currently logged user and to perform basic time arithmetic.

Dynamic Filters: accessing Current User

The Tabs component allows dynamic configurations through handlebar notation. The provided dynamic context is the information of the current user using key currentUser.

For instance:

"properties": {
"tabs": [
"key": "currentuser",
"title": "Current User",
"filters": [
"property": "name",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "{{}}"

Dynamic Filters: time-based filters

When filtering by a date field, it is possible to set the value of the filter to the keyword $today, which represents the current date. Furthermore, it is also possible to perform basic arithmetic operations on date values by setting value to an object with keys:

  • value: the base value ($today keyword is supported)
  • offset: number representing how much to add / subtract from the value
  • operation: whether to add or subtract the offest to the value
  • unit: unit of measure of the offset. Accepted values are: 'year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond'

Emitting custom Events

It is possible to associate the opening of a tab to the emission of a configurable event. When entries of tabs property have their key event populated, selecting the tab triggers the emission of such event instead of the default request to update the data filtering query.


Example: Basic Usage

Assuming the Tabs component to be configured like:

"tag": "bk-tabs",
"properties": {
"tabs": [
"key": "pending",
"title": {
"en": "Pending",
"it": "In attesa"
"filters": [
"property": "status",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "Pending"
"key": "preparing",
"title": {
"en": "Preparing",
"it": "In preparazione"
"filters": [
"property": "status",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "Preparing"

upon connection to the page, the first tab is automatically selected, resulting in the emission of a change-query event with payload

"characteristic": {
"property": "status",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "Pending"

Upon selecting the second tab, a change-query event with the following payload is emitted:

"characteristic": {
"property": "status",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "Pending"

A component like the CRUD Client could listen to such events.

Example: Dynamic access to user information

The Tabs component allows dynamic configurations through handlebar notation.

For instance, given the following configuration:

"tag": "bk-tabs",
"properties": {
"tabs": [
"key": "currentuser",
"title": "Current User",
"filters": [
"property": "nickname",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "{{currentUser.username}}"

assuming the currently logged user to be representable with the following object:

"name": "Sara",
"surname": "Smith",
"username": "sara_smith_123"

selecting the tab in the example triggers the emission of a change-query event with payload:

"characteristic": [
"property": "nickname",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "sara_smith_123"

Example: Time based filters

When filtering by a date, it is possible to use the special keyword in the value key $today, which represents the current date. For example:

"tag": "bk-tabs",
"properties": {
"tabs": [
"key": "ordered",
"title": "Ordered",
"filters": [
"property": "orderedAt",
"operator": "less",
"value": "$today"

It is also possible to perform basic arithmetic operations on date values. For example, a Tab component configured like the following:

"tag": "bk-tabs",
"properties": {
"tabs": [
"key": "old",
"title": "Old Orders",
"filters": [
"property": "orderedAt",
"operator": "less",
"value": {
"value": "$today",
"offset": 1,
"unit": "month",
"operation": "subtract"

emits the request to fetch data for which the date of the "orderedAt" field is previous to one month before the current date.

Time based operations are also available in case of filters with operator between, in which the value should be an array. For instance:

"tag": "bk-tabs",
"properties": {
"tabs": [
"key": "recent",
"title": "Recently Ordered",
"filters": [
"property": "orderedAt",
"operator": "between",
"value": [
"value": "$today",
"offset": 1,
"unit": "week",
"operation": "subtract"

emits a request to fetch data for which the value of "orderedAt" field is a date included between one week ago and the current date.

Example: Custom Event

The Tabs component can be used to emit custom events instead of the default change-query event. For instance, assuming the Tabs component to be configured like:

"tag": "bk-tabs",
"properties": {
"tabs": [
"key": "orders",
"title": {
"en": "Orders",
"it": "Ordini"
"event": {
"label": "change-layou",
"payload": {
"layout": "riders-layout"
"key": "customers",
"title": {
"en": "Customers",
"it": "Clienti"
"filters": [
"label": "change-layout",
"payload": {
"layout": "customers-layout"

upon connection to the page, the first tab is automatically selected, resulting in the emission of a change-layout event with payload

"layout": "riders-layout"

Upon selecting the second tab, a change-layout event with the following payload is emitted:

"layout": "customers-layout"


Properties & Attributes

tabs-Tab[]-array with tabs configuration


type Tab = {
title: LocalizedText
filters?: ConfigurableTabFilter[]
event?: Partial<Event>
order?: number
key: string

type ConfigurableTabFilter = {
operator: FilterOperator
property: string
value: string | number | boolean | any[] | DateOptions

type DateOptions = {
value: string
offset: number
operation: 'add' | 'subtract'
unit: 'day' | 'week' | 'month' | 'year' | 'hour' | 'minute' | 'second' | 'millisecond'


  • LocalizedText is either a string or an object that maps languages acronyms to strings
  • FilterOperator is one of the supported filter operators
  • Event is the object representation of an event, thus an object with keys label, payload, meta

Listens to

nested-navigation-state/pushupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by adding one step
nested-navigation-state/backupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by removing the specified number of steps


configurable eventcustom events can be emitted on tabs opening
change-queryrequests filtering on dataset