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Version: 13.x (Current)

Form Modal


This component is deprecated. The Dynamic Form Modal or the Form Wizard should be used instead.



The Form Modal is used to display a modal containing a form to edit or create items described by the dataSchema.

How to configure

For a basic usage of the Form Modal, providing a data-schema to interpret the structure of the data to handle is sufficient. Several customizations can be applied to the provided data-schema that tune how the data is handled by the component. Particularly, but not limited to, every field supports a set of options specific for forms.

"tag": "bk-form-modal",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id_": {
"type": "string",
"formOptions": {
"hidden": true // no input is rendered for _id field, but the Form Modal still holds its value in the internal representation of the form values
"__STATE__": {
"type": "string",
"default": "PUBLIC",
"enum": [ // enum string fields are rendered as select fields
"name": {
"type": "string"
"price": {
"type": "number"

The Form Modal can be opened in three different modes:

  • insert: submitting the form signals the need for an item creation. This mode is activated upon listening to an add-new event
  • edit: submitting the form signals the need for an item creation. This mode is activated upon listening to an selected-data event
  • external: submitting the form triggers a POST request being performed to an endpoint specified with extraEndpoint property. This mode is activated upon listening to an add-new-external event



When the component reacts to the add-new event, the modal opens and the form initializes its fields with values specified in the payload of the event. In this mode, upon clicking on the submit button of the footer, the Form Modal signals the request to push a new item to a CRUD collection, emitting the event create-data with payload extracted from the state of the form, particularly its values. A component such as the CRUD Client could pick up on the create-data event. If the form contains files, the component emits a create-data-with-file event, which signals the need to upload files to a file storage service on top of pushing the item to a CRUD collection. A component like the File Manager could listen to this event.

A transactionId is added to the meta field of the emitted event to handle possible errors.


When the component reacts to the selected-data event, the modal opens and the form initializes its fields with the values specified in the payload of the event.

By clicking on the submit button, the Form Modal signals the request to update an item in the CRUD collection, emitting the event update-data with payload determined the state of the form, particularly its values The item to update is identified by its _id field, which is a predefined field of Mia Platform's CRUD Service collections. A component such as the CRUD Client could pick up on the update-data event. If the form contains files, the component emits a update-data-with-file event, which signals the need to upload files to a file storage service on top of updating the item in the CRUD collection. A component like the File Manager could listen to this event.

A transactionId is added to the meta field of the emitted event to handle possible errors.


When the component reacts to the add-new-external event AND the property extraEndpoint is specified, the modal opens and the form initializes its fields with the values specified in the payload of the event.

By clicking on the submit button, the Form Modal performs a HTTP POST to the endpoint specified in the extraEndpoint property, using its values as body.

The outcome of the HTTP request is notified to other components emitting either success or error event. Either way, a triggeredBy field is injected into the meta of the event with value bk-form-modal-extra-endpoint. Components such as the Notifications leverage triggeredBy for displaying push notifications.

If the form contains files, the POST is performed with a multipart body.

After submission

When done filling up the form, usually the Form Modal requests data update or creation (via an update-data or create-data event) according to the operating mode. Usually an http-like client takes care of these operations. It is often useful to perform other tasks upon successful creation or editing. The prop afterFinishEvents allows to append events or pushState navigation instructions. This feature can be configured by providing to afterFinishEvents

  1. a string, which will pipe an event using its value as label
  2. an array of strings, launching multiple events in the given order
  3. an event,
label: string
payload: Record<string, any>
meta?: Record<string, any>
  1. an array of events,
  2. a single pushState context, which is a generic object data and an optional URL to perform navigation
data: any
url?: string

if data is an object and current window.history.state is an object, they are merged with priority to data's keys

Form context can be used into the events/pushState sent after submission using handlebars notation. Each event payload and both pushState arguments are parsed with handlebars injecting the following context

values: Record<string, any>
response: Record<string, any>

where values is the form values and response contains an object representation of the content of the payload of the success event linked to the form submission request.

Confirmation dialog on save and on close

It is possible to require confirmation before submitting the form or closing the modal, using the requireConfirm property. requireConfirm accepts a boolean or an object value, and defaults to false.

It is furthermore possible to scope confirmation request configuration depending on the triggering action, either closing the modal or submitting the form:

"requireConfirm": {
"onSave": ..., // boolean or object configuration
"onClose": ... // boolean or object configuration

1. Boolean type

If requireConfirm is set to true, the Form Modal, upon submission or closing, signals that confirmation for an actions is needed with event require-confirm. A component such as the Confirmation Modal could react to the event.

2. Object type

An object such as:

cancelText?: LocalizedText // cancel button text
okText?: LocalizedText // ok button text
content?: LocalizedText // the content text
title?: LocalizedText // the title text

can be provided as value to requireConfirm. LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.

"content": {
"it": "Verrà creato un nuovo elemento, procedere?",
"en": "A new element will be created, continue?"

This allows to request customized labels in the confirmation dialog-box. When structure in this way, the value for property requireConfirm is appended to the require-confirm event. If this request is picked up by a component such as the Confirmation Modal, this prompts the user for confirmation via a pop-up dialog-box having the specified labels.

Integrate custom labels

Custom labels can be specified as LocalizedText as modal title, CTA button label, require confirm message. Such labels can be scoped based on whether the form is in edit or create mode.

"tag": "bk-form-modal",
"properties": {
"customLabels": {
"create": {
"title": {
"en": "Add new order",
"it": "Aggiungi nuovo ordine"
"ctaLabel": {
"en": "Submit",
"it": "Submit Order"
"unsavedChangesContent": {
"it": "Chiudendo ora si perderà l'ordine non salvate, procedere?",
"en": "Closing now will discard new order, do you want to continue?"
"saveChangesContent": {
"it": "Verrà creato un nuovo ordine, procedere?",
"en": "A new order will be created, continue?"
"update": {
"title": {
"en": "Order detail",
"it": "Dettaglio ordine"
"ctaLabel": {
"en": "Update Order",
"it": "Salva Ordine"
"unsavedChangesContent": {
"it": "Chiudendo ora si perderanno tutte le modifiche non salvate all'ordine, procedere?",
"en": "Closing now will discard changes to the order, do you want to continue?"
"saveChangesContent": {
"it": "Verrà creato un nuovo ordine, procedere?",
"en": "A new order will be created, continue?"

Not all keys need to be specified, as customLabels is merged with default labels. For instance, the following is a valid configuration of customLabels:

"tag": "bk-form-modal",
"properties": {
"customLabels": {
"create": {
"title": {
"en": "Add new order",
"it": "Aggiungi nuovo ordine"
"update": {
"title": {
"en": "Order detail",
"it": "Dettaglio ordine"

Nested objects

By default, objects and arrays are displayed in the Form Modal as JSONs inside an editor. This is not true for objects and arrays of specific formats such as file or multilookup, and for objects / arrays for which a data-schema is defined.

In particular, properties allowObjectAsTable and allowNavigation control how object and array fields with a provided data-schema (and no specific format) are rendered inside the modal.

  • allowObjectAsTable controls whether or not the nested fields should be rendered as an editor, a read-only table, or both.
  • allowNavigation allows to emit a nested-navigation-state/push event by clicking on the nested field label

By default, setting allowNavigation to true disables editor visualization for nested fields. The following table explains how the two properties interact:

allowObjectAsTableallowNavigationend result
truetrueTable visualization only, label can be clicked
true"show-editor"Table + editor, label can be clicked
truefalseTable + editor, label cannot be clicked
falsetrueNo table nor editor, label can be clicked (default configuration)
false"show-editor"Editor visualization only, label can be clicked
falsefalseEditor visualization only, label cannot be clicked

By default, allowObjectAsTable is false, allowNavigation is true.


When allowObjectAsTable is true, the resulting table supports a subset of the features supported by the Table component. Some of the limitations with respect to the Table include:

  • lookups are not resolved
  • row selection is disabled
  • row click is disabled

File fields with meta-data

Fields described in the data-schema as having the type object or array and format file are rendered in the form as drag-and-drop fields. These fields enable interaction with uploaded files and allow uploading new files.

However, when such fields include a dataSchema or items property, they are presented within the form as a link along with a button.

The link enables the downloading of the files present in the initial values of the form. Clicking the button triggers the appearance of components such as File Picker Modal or File Picker Drawer, provided they are included in the plugin configuration. Both the File Picker Modal and File Picker Drawer offer interaction with the uploaded files and the option to set metadata for newly uploaded files. In this context, the dataSchema and items properties define the structure of the associated file metadata.

Upon submission, the form initiates a request to push or update data within a CRUD collection and upload new files to a file storage service. This is accomplished by emitting either a create-data-with-file or an update-data-with-file event, which can be intercepted by components like the File Manager.



It is possible to split data insertion into multiple steps via the wizard property.


Wizard representation is currently only availabe when inserting new data, not in case of update.

wizard allows values like the following:

  • true
  • false
  • an array of objects like:
keys: string[],
labels: {
wizardNext?: LocalizedText
wizardPrevious?: LocalizedText
wizardAddNew?: LocalizedText
wizardSubmit?: LocalizedText
stepperTitle?: LocalizedText
stepperSubtitle?: LocalizedText
accordionHeader?: LocalizedText
accordionEmptyComponent?: LocalizedText
asForm?: boolean

Each such element maps to a step of the wizard as follows:

keysfields to display in the step
labelslocalized labels with the text to show
asFormwhether to visualize a single nested object as a form / nested array accordion of forms. Ignored if the step includes more than one field

If a step meets the following requirements:

  • only includes one field
  • the field is of type object or array and has a property dataSchema
  • asForm is set to true

Then the field will be displayed as a form in case of an object field, or as an accordion of forms in case of an array field.


labels are mapped to displayed text as follows:

wizardNextButton for going to next step
wizardPreviousButton for going back to previous step
wizardAddNewButton for adding a new element to an array, when displayed as an accordion
wizardSubmitButton for submitting the form in the final step
stepperTitleTitle of the stepper component
stepperSubtitleSubtitle of the stepper component
accordionHeaderTitle of the accordion panel. An incremental is automatically added as panels are added to the accordion
accordionEmptyComponentText to display when the accordion is empty

By default, wizard property is false.

When set to true:

  • the fields are automatically split so that:
    • the first group contains all fields that are not nested objects or nested arrays
    • each of the following steps contains one of the remaining fields, with asForm set to true
  • default labels are applied.


The texts of the Form Modale can be customized through the property customLocale, which accepts an object shaped like the following:

type Locale = {
create: {
title: LocalizedText
ctaLabel: LocalizedText
unsavedChangesContent: LocalizedText
saveChangesContent: LocalizedText
subtitle: LocalizedText
wizard: {
wizardNext: LocalizedText
wizardPrevious: LocalizedText
wizardAddNew: LocalizedText
wizardSubmit: LocalizedText
stepperTitle: LocalizedText
stepperSubtitle: LocalizedText
accordionHeader: LocalizedText
accordionEmptyComponent: LocalizedText
update: {
title: LocalizedText
ctaLabel: LocalizedText
unsavedChangesContent: LocalizedText
saveChangesContent: LocalizedText
subtitle: LocalizedText
form: {
default: LocalizedText,
required: LocalizedText,
enum: LocalizedText,
whitespace: LocalizedText,
format: LocalizedText,
parse: LocalizedText,
invalid: LocalizedText
string: LocalizedText,
method: LocalizedText,
array: LocalizedText,
object: LocalizedText,
number: LocalizedText,
date: LocalizedText,
boolean: LocalizedText,
integer: LocalizedText,
float: LocalizedText,
regexp: LocalizedText,
email: LocalizedText,
url: LocalizedText,
hex: LocalizedText,
file: LocalizedText
len: LocalizedText,
min: LocalizedText,
max: LocalizedText,
range: LocalizedText
len: LocalizedText,
min: LocalizedText,
max: LocalizedText,
range: LocalizedText
len: LocalizedText,
min: LocalizedText,
max: LocalizedText,
range: LocalizedText,
unique: LocalizedText
mismatch: LocalizedText
datePicker: {
lang: {
locale: LocalizedText,
placeholder: LocalizedText,
rangePlaceholder: {
start: LocalizedText,
stop: LocalizedText
today: LocalizedText,
now: LocalizedText,
backToToday: LocalizedText,
ok: LocalizedText,
clear: LocalizedText,
month: LocalizedText,
year: LocalizedText,
timeSelect: LocalizedText,
dateSelect: LocalizedText,
monthSelect: LocalizedText,
yearSelect: LocalizedText,
decadeSelect: LocalizedText,
monthBeforeYear: 'true' | 'false',
previousMonth: LocalizedText,
nextMonth: LocalizedText,
previousYear: LocalizedText,
nextYear: LocalizedText,
previousDecade: LocalizedText,
nextDecade: LocalizedText,
previousCentury: LocalizedText,
nextCentury: LocalizedText
placeholder: LocalizedText
drawerTitle: LocalizedText,
filePickerTitle: LocalizedText,
dragAndDropCaption: LocalizedText,
ctaLabel: LocalizedText
editorView: LocalizedText,
tableView: LocalizedText
editorView: LocalizedText,
rawView: LocalizedText
htmlEditor: {
preview: LocalizedText,
html: LocalizedText
latitude: LocalizedText,
longitude: LocalizedText,
phLatitude: LocalizedText,
phLongitude: LocalizedText
element: LocalizedText,
elements: LocalizedText,
true: LocalizedText,
false: LocalizedText

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.


Properties & Attributes

afterFinishEvents-ConfigurableEvents-events or state push to concatenate after successful finish action has been performed
allowAutoDisableDepsallow-auto-disable-depsbooleanfalseif true, dependent lookup and multilookup select fields are automatically disabled in case of no options
customMessageOnAbsentLookup-LocalizedText-override lookup value in case lookup is not resolved due to lack of data
liveSearchTimeoutlive-search-timeoutnumber5000live-search timeout
rootElementSelectorroot-element-selectorstring-Selector to specify where the container should be appended
dataSchema-ExtendedJSONSchema7Definition-Data schema describing the fields of the collection to filter
readonlyOnViewread-only-on-viewbooleanfalseUpon marking this prop as true, on selecting a record, the form will be displayed as readonly, with no possibility to edit
editorHeighteditor-heightstring | number-Height of the object/array editor field
allowNavigationallow-navigationboolean | 'show-editor'trueWhen true, objects and arrays are displayed as a clickable label which allows navigating to nested objects and arrays if a dataSchema is specified. When 'show-editor', the navigation is allowed, and the object/array fields are displayed in a JSON editor. When false, the navigation is not allowed, and the object/array fields are displayed in a JSON editor
width-string | number-Width of the modal
liveSearchItemsLimitlive-search-items-limitnumber10Max items to fetch on regex live search
customLabels-CustomLabels | {insert: CustomLabels, update: CustomLabels}-Custom localized texts shown as title and CTA button label
requireConfirm-boolean | RequireConfirmOpts | {onSave: RequireConfirmOpts, onSave: RequireConfirmOpts}falseWhether or not the component should request confirmation before closing and/or before saving
allowObjectAsTableallow-object-as-tablebooleanfalseallows to visualize objects and arrays without specific format and a dataschema in both a editor and read-only table
extraEndpointextra-endpointstring-when specified, it is possible to perform a POST request to an external collection specified by the endpoint
heightheightstring'60vh'height of the modal
wizard-boolean | WizardStepSchema[]-array of options for setting up a wizard. If true, a default wizard is utilized.


type RequireConfirmOpts = boolean | {
cancelText?: LocalizedText
okText?: LocalizedText
content?: LocalizedText
title?: LocalizedText

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.


type CustomLabels = {
title?: LocalizedText
ctaLabel?: LocalizedText
saveChangesContent?: LocalizedText
unsavedChangesContent?: LocalizedText

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.


type WizardStepSchema = {
keys: string[],
labels: {
wizardNext?: LocalizedText
wizardPrevious?: LocalizedText
wizardAddNew?: LocalizedText
wizardSubmit?: LocalizedText
stepperTitle?: LocalizedText
stepperSubtitle?: LocalizedText
accordionHeader?: LocalizedText
accordionEmptyComponent?: LocalizedText
asForm?: boolean

Listens to

add-newopens the modal to create a new item, potentially applying default fields from data schema or data provided in the payload of the event
add-new-externalopens the modal to perform a POST request, filling in its fields from the data provided in the payload of the event
selected-dataopens the modal to edit a selected item, filling in its fields from the data provided in the payload of the event
nested-navigation-state/pushupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by adding one step
nested-navigation-state/backupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by removing the specified number of steps
nested-navigation-state/displayupdates internal representation of the current navigation and closes the modal
successnotifies correct data update as a result of form submission
errornotifies that something went wrong during form submission


configurable eventproperty afterFinishEvents allows to emit custom events
require-confirmtriggered when trying to close the modal with unsaved data. requireConfirm property allows to customize this behavior
create-datarequests data creation
update-datarequests data update
create-data-with-filerequests data creation and file upload
update-data-with-filerequests data update and file upload