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Version: 13.x (Current)


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.5.6] - 2024-07-12


  • added default export for web components package
  • enriched manifests


  • fixed validation error on array object fields in accordion
  • fixed date picker error on array object fields in accordion form
  • fixed flag allowNavigation to navigate array of objects

[1.5.5] - 2024-06-28


  • fixed bk-table fit parent on resize
  • fixed half hidden tooltip in editor
  • fixed error for required array of dates in forms

[1.5.4] - 2024-06-13


  • added custom events for bk-dynamic-form-modal and bk-dynamic-form-drawer

[1.5.3] - 2024-06-03


  • fixed logout redirect
  • fixed broken link in readonly file fields

[1.5.2] - 2024-05-16


  • fixed duplicated options in bk-export-modal
  • fixed undefined value in bk-card for boolean type

[1.5.1] - 2024-05-03


  • added the possibility to choose the date format and the time zone in bk-export-modal and bk-export can now be used with bk-export-modal
  • added fitParentContainer property to bk-table to make the table as height as the parent container


  • fixed link url generation with special characters

[1.5.0] - 2024-03-22


  • added the possibility to search between menu items in bk-layout and changed the collapse button.
  • added useEstimateCount property to bk-crud-client and usePagesCount property to bk-pagination


  • improved behavior of bk-crud-client and bk-pagination when keepPageCount is true.
  • fixed files preview in bk-file-client

[1.4.17] - 2024-03-08


  • added the new format html-editor in dataschema for type string. When html-editor format is set, the form components show an editor to write html and see a readonly preview of it.

[1.4.16] - 2024-02-15


  • bk-expanded-filters supports lookupDeps option

[1.4.15] - 2024-02-07


  • dynamic values may include new line characters
  • bk-expanded-filters allows to customize date picker locale

[1.4.14] - 2024-01-28


  • components allow to specify custom texts with customLocale property
  • bk-dynamic-iframe component is available
  • bk-footer has property loadingOnStart, controlling whether or not the component is initially in loading state


  • bk-dropdown correctly displays icon specified in iconId
  • Fixed lookup deps query in bk-crud-lookup-client: spaces inserted by the user in the input field are kept in query
  • Fixed text-areas borders

[1.4.13] - 2024-01-17


  • bk-export-modal component allows to specify whether to use field ids or field labels as column names in the exported file
  • bk-crud-client component allows to specify additional sorting property to be appended to _s search parameter
  • client components allow to specify rerouting rules for HTTP requests

[1.4.12] - 2024-01-10


  • bk-calendar allows to open appointments details in "week" and "day" views

[1.4.11] - 2023-12-22


  • geopointFormat option is available in data-schema formOptions to configure geopoint fields interpretation by Form components ([latitude, longitude] vs [longitude, latitude])

[1.4.10] - 2023-12-11


  • Form components provide specific field for plain string arrays and string arrays with enum
  • Label localization fallbacks to english if browser language is not supported
  • bk-table renders empty cell for undefined boolean fields
  • added userMenuTrigger property to bk-layout


  • bk-wizard-form correctly submits data that include file fields in nested objects
  • bk-form-wizard component correctly allows custom title inside stepper
  • Action buttons in Dynamic Form components correctly perform event actions
  • bk-layout component correctly allows to scroll through menu items in leftMenu mode
  • Form components correctly localizes read-only enum fields
  • bk-form-wizard component holds value updates after failing validation
  • bk-form-card and bk-dynamic-form-card components correctly process file fields in initial values
  • bk-form-card components correctly enables submit button on data update

[1.4.9] - 2023-11-23


  • Form components do not break on relative links

[1.4.8] - 2023-11-22


  • Form components correctly use monaco editor component to render object / array fields
  • bk-form-wizard component correctly handles consecutive steps with same fields
  • bk-form-wizard component correctly holds values of hidden fields

[1.4.7] - 2023-11-10


  • bk-crud-client emits count-data and display-data events separately, as soon as needed data is fetched from the backend

[1.4.6] - 2023-11-07


  • bk-pagination component handles case of element count being equal to 0

[1.4.5] - 2023-11-02


  • form components text editor allow raw HTML mode

[1.4.4] - 2023-10-20


  • Added table visualization for array properties in manifests


  • g flag is not included in lookup searches
  • styling fixes in bk-layout component leftMenu mode

[1.4.3] - 2023-10-12


  • Crud lookup client component provides access to url-mask facilities

[1.4.2] - 2023-10-06


  • Added boolean type to filters.value in bk-tabs manifest
  • Added oneOfGuard to child elements of categories and groups in bk-layout manifest
  • Added schema for default property of dataSchema manifest
  • Calendar component sets style correctly on first render


  • Form components allow to edit fields of format geopoint

[1.4.1] - 2023-09-22


  • Component bk-calendar supports dynamic configuration in additionalCreatePayload
  • Component bk-calendar has urlMask property to retrieve data from URL
  • Component bk-layout supports new layout modality leftMenu
  • Form components support month/year navigation and selection in date fields


  • Title of footer buttons in bk-gallery are localized
  • File upload action propagates returned object in hooks
  • Copy action supports dynamic configurations via handlebars
  • Component bk-form-wizard does not reset in accordion mode on fields changes

[1.4.0] - 2023-08-28


  • bk-layout shows the user menu when user context is defined (when fetch request to api is successful). This fix will show an empty user name if not provided
  • bk-layout manifest userInfoUrl was missing the mock fetch implementation
  • bk-layout manifest userInfoUrl.userPropertiesMapping fixed key overwrite


  • Support for CRUD Service import functionality is available through components bk-import-modal and bk-crud-client
  • Support for CRUD Service writable views is available in components. Standard lookup fields handling is now deprecated.
  • New components bk-dynamic-form-modal, bk-dynamic-form-drawer, bk-dynamic-form-card, bk-form-wizard are available. These extend the functionalities of bk-form-modal, bk-form-drawer, bk-form-card, which are now deprecated.

[1.3.18] - 2023-07-24


[1.3.17] - 2023-07-14


  • bk-layout icon style back to micro-lc v1 look and feel
  • bk-layout supports phosphor icons via @micro-lc/iconic@1.3.0

[1.3.16] - 2023-06-30


  • bk-file-picker-modal allows to visualize and select files that have already been uploaded (requires Files Service version 2.7.0 or higher)


  • bk-button callback context is responsive to url updates
  • bk-expanded-filters with filters parsed from URL correctly perform reset

[1.3.15] - 2023-06-19


  • Manifest of component bk-expanded-filters includes property readFromUrl
  • Manifest of component bk-file-picker-modal is available

[1.3.14] - 2023-06-15


  • bk-expanded-filters optionally performs bootstrap, applying filters read from URL
  • new component bk-file-picker-modal is available, analogous to bk-file-picker-drawer
  • file fields support dataSchema and items properties, allowing to specify meta-data. Form components interact with bk-file-picker-drawer and bk-file-picker-modal to edit files with metadata.


  • nginx:1.24.0-alpine vulnerability fixes in .docker/Dockerfile
  • Nested objects/arrays are correctly updated when editing form is spawned through customActions property of bk-table
  • disbaleOnAction property of bk-button correctly interacts with bk-file-client

[1.3.13] - 2023-06-01


  • fixed bug on selectedParents property of bk-button when used inside bk-layout-container
  • fixed bug on selectedParents property of bk-button not correctly updating
  • bk-table, form components, bk-breadcrumbs support items keyword in data-schema for arrays of objects fields


  • query parameters of http calls are url-encoded
  • new event http-delete is listened to by bk-crud-client, allowing to send DELETE requests to CRUD Service
  • bk-table allows to highlight rows that match mongo-like queries through property highlightedRows

[1.3.12] - 2023-05-19


  • bk-layout sets logo when userInfoUrl is not specified

[1.3.11] - 2023-05-18


  • error events carry response in payload, if present
  • item menu in bk-layout can display extra data next to labels using property badge
  • enum property of data-schema support array of objects with id, label keys, enabling to specify a i18n label for enum values
  • actions fo type file-upload support accept attribute, restricting accepted files
  • bk-card allows to place footer buttons horizontally through key buttonsLayout in cardSchema.footer
  • bk-layout supports logo source being retrieved from user information
  • bk-antd-theme-manager supports retrieving theming information from endpoint


  • bk-confirmation-modal injects headers and credentials into dynamically mounted buttons
  • bk-buttons with action of type http correctly implement loadingOnAction and disableOnAction logic
  • actions of type copy stop event propagation by default

[1.3.10] - 2023-05-04


  • added property selectedParents to bk-button to access the history of previous navigated parents


  • form components correctly localize default values of date fields

[1.3.9] - 2023-04-26


  • reflectToUrl property allows to control whether bk-crud-client reflects its state to the URL with a window.history.pushState
  • bk-layout-swap performs a layout change listening to layout/change event. The payload of the event is the layout rendered by the component (bundled separately)


  • form components correctly resolve lookups in initial values from add-new event payload

[1.3.8] - 2023-04-07


  • bk-card component applies visualizationOptions to nested objects
  • bk-search-bar and bk-breadcrumb correctly update their nesting state on layout change inside bk-layout-container


  • new component bk-file-picker-modal. bk-file-picker-modal and bk-file-picker-drawer components allows to attach meta-data to files.
  • form components allows upload files using to open bk-file-picker-modal / bk-file-picker-drawer component

[1.3.7] - 2023-03-23


  • added component bk-antd-theme-manager and its manifest
  • added component bk-loading-animation and its manifest (optional)
  • added manifest to bk-layout
  • bk-loading-animation moved to its own bundle at /dist/bk-loading-animation.esm.js
  • http components (eg, bk-crud-client) has property credentials, which specifies credentials of http calls


  • files are downloaded with correct name

[1.3.6] - 2023-03-09


  • urlMask properties of bk-button and bk-url-parameters allow separate masks for pathname and search fields of current URL
  • actions of type http support methods PATCH and PUT


  • headers property is forwarded from bk-layout-container into its content
  • bk-layout adds injected headers in http-calls
  • locales are correctly loaded on first plugin render
  • actions of type file-upload call error event if http-call fails
  • actions of type href correctly resolve dynamic configurations
  • using bk-layout-container does not trigger extra http calls
  • fields are correctly put on focus on bk-form-modal wizard mode
  • form components do not discard "__STATE__" field on data creation
  • bk-search-bar keeps state on layout change

[1.3.5] - 2023-02-23


  • new component bk-dropdown is available
  • bk-form-modal with extraEndpoint property injects a triggeredBy key equal to bk-form-modal-extra-endpoint into success/error events
  • bk-simple-list supports height property, setting max-height of the list body
  • new Handlebars helper nFormat allows to format fields of type number and format currency, specifying number of decimal places, decimal separator, group separator
  • new component bk-notification-center is available
  • bk-filters-manager component allows persistent filters


  • bk-expanded-filters supports internationalized labels
  • output of fields with format editor do not use custom quill classes in form components. Refer to this issue for further details

[1.3.4] - 2023-02-09


  • fields in form can have a description in a tooltip
  • new web component for auto refresh: bk-auto-refresh
  • bk-url-parameters support wildcards in urlMask, which can be ignored with property excludeWildcards
  • new component bk-atlas-dashboard is available
  • bk-card component supports dynamic footer and buttons using template-configMap pair
  • bk-card uses visualizationOptions in dataschema
  • bk-button supports Action-sdk thorugh property action. clickConfig is now deprecated and will be removed in future releases, please refer to documentation for migration instructions


  • bk-form-card resolves lookups in initial values
  • lookups are correctly resolved bk-filter-drawer initial values
  • Form components correctly support editorHeight property in readonly mode
  • Tables inside form components render date fields correctly accordingly to dateOptions.displayFormat in nested data-schema
  • bk-gallery component does not render menu icon if empty
  • bk-simple-list header style is aligned with bk-card and bk-form-card

[1.3.3] - 2023-01-26


  • bk-export component emits success / error events
  • date / date-time / time fields are formatted in filter names accordingly to dateOptions.displayFormat in data-schema
  • table column minWidth is more fitted to the column title
  • fields of format "editor" can be edited
  • lookups are correctly resolved in filter names

[1.3.2] - 2023-01-18


  • bk-filter-manager has a new filter operator for dates: notBetween
  • components support array of dates
  • filters on fields having filtersOptions.hidden set to true can be edited through events - bk-calendar works after setting filtersOptions.hidden to true for startDate, endDate fields


  • $today keyword in filters works correctly with every operator
  • hour in date filters works correctly
  • improved style of bk-gallery component

[1.3.1] - 2023-01-10


  • bk-simple-list resolves lookups
  • bk-form-card can have a custom card header

[1.3.0] - 2022-23-12


  • new component bk-gallery is available

[1.2.3] - 2022-22-12


  • bk-crud-client can be configured to stay on current page after successful CRUD operation
  • bk-calendar allows to specify the name of default date filters


  • Form components support internationalized strings for file picker fields

[1.2.2] - 2022-21-12


  • Form and Calendar components support internationalized labels

[1.2.1] - 2022-16-12


  • new component bk-layout is available, allowing plugins layout customization


  • bk-tabs support between operator with complex date filters
  • lookups in forms are correctly resolved with long running queries
  • default values integrate with initial values in add-new payload
  • buttons in bk-confirmation-modal do not hold state from previous re-renders

[1.2.0] - 2022-11-17


  • file download with POST requests
  • configurable height of object/array editor in bk-filter-drawer, bk-form-drawer, bk-form-modal and bk-form-card
  • bk-table custom actions can be configured on a per-nested-level basis
  • bk-file-client forwards useOriginalName query parameter to files-service (needs files-service 2.6.4+)
  • number fields support date-time, date, time formats
  • sortOption is supported in lookupOptions, controlling _s parameter when fetching lookups


  • bk-card with default role doesn't show border
  • nested objects are shown in bk-table component without need to include bk-pagination in page
  • when the same date is used in a between filter in bk-expanded-filters component, the correct filter is created
  • fixed infinite loading caused by non-existing file in download-file event
  • bk-table correctly performs pushState and replaceState when browseOnRowSelect property has navigationType set to "push" or "replace"

[1.1.2] - 2022-11-02


  • bk-table correctly indexes rows if primaryKey property is not defined (fixes rendering errors with nested objects)
  • drawers follow Ant standard styling


  • bk-button enables bulk actions
  • new component bk-expanded-filter
  • bk-table accepts nested object path as data source

[1.1.1] - 2022-10-19


  • bk-form-drawer and bk-form-modal show readOnly dates with correct format, specified in dateOptions
  • components keep loading until lookups aren't solved
  • skip parameter (_sk) is reset when fetching data (unless query was triggered by pagination update)
  • bk-filter-drawer filters of type date work correctly
  • bk-layout-container supports disabling its render root as shadow dom. Useful to embed bk-calendar.


  • enable urlMask in bk-table customActions.

[1.1.0] - 2022-10-05


  • bk-form-drawer sends events created by dataCustomActions with the correct payload
  • regex operators are escaped in search queries
  • bk-form-drawer fields don't enable save button when lookupDeps prop is used
  • file fields are correctly updated inside nested fields
  • bk-form-modal with set extraEndpoint correctly opens wizard mode
  • search queries are correctly performed for number fields
  • fixed filter drawer bugs: exists operator, monaco editor


  • added the possibility to block a column in bk-form-table
  • ignoreCase field is available in filtersOptions, controlling whether equality filters should be evaluated ignoring case
  • custom button icon in nested tables
  • complex date manipulation on bk-tabs filters


  • docker image serving back-kit components moved to:{{BACK-KIT-VERSION}}. How to fix:

    • retrieve back-kit component from
  • component bk-calendar uses addFilter event to handle data filtering. How to fix:

    • make sure bk-filters-manager is included in the page:
    "type": "element",
    "tag": "bk-filters-manager"
  • bk-modal is now bk-old-modal. How to fix:

    • replace bk-modal with bk-old-modal in configurations
  • bk-drawer is now bk-old-drawer. How to fix:

    • replace bk-drawer with bk-old-drawer in configurations

[1.0.11] - 2022-10-05


  • bk-form-drawer sends events created by dataCustomActions with the correct payload
  • bk-form-modal with set extraEndpoint correctly opens wizard mode


  • ignoreCase field is available in filtersOptions, controlling whether equality filters should be evaluated ignoring case

[1.0.10] - 2022-09-21


  • fixed bug format currency
  • readonly object and array fields are correctly displayed in forms

[1.0.9] - 2022-09-14


  • fixed export-modal bug on columns selection
  • fixed ampersand visualization bug on table cells
  • equal and not equal filters of properties with format "date" will not take in consideration the whole day


  • new React component BulkActions
  • new components bk-bulk-delete and bk-bulk-actions
  • added support to exists operator in filters

[1.0.8] - 2022-09-07


  • bk-pdf-viewer opens under bk-form-modal
  • when a time/date/date-time field is marked as readOnly, it doesn't display the correct date format in the form
  • bk-button does not emit events after plugin is changed


  • confirmation dialog on form submit: bk-form-drawer, bk-form-modal
  • property showArrayPopover in bk-table allows displaying a popover on hovering array cells containing the elements of the array

[1.0.7] - 2022-08-03


  • bk-filters-manager does not display filters with properties having filtersOptions.hidden equals to true
  • Fixed trailing comma bug in bk-crud-client while adding MongoDB query filters in "$and" clauses


  • danger colors can be controlled by global CSS variables
  • bk-table allows resizable columns using property resizableColumns
  • title and content of confirmation modals of bk-table row actions can now use the content of the row via Handlebars
  • bk-file-picker can be used to update fields of type array and format file
  • new components bk-export-client and bk-export-modal
  • Added Export Service frontend client to perform collection exports
  • fields with type number support currency format

[1.0.6] - 2022-07-20


  • fixed border-radius issue on select component in multiselect mode
  • fixed support to filters added at bootstrap time


  • box-shadow color can be controlled by global CSS variables
  • new React component MultipleFileCell
  • bk-table has custom visualization for array of files
  • bk-table allows to specify download or view mode in prop navigationRowActions
  • added appendTrailingSlash property on bk-crud-client
  • Update Files Service interface on bk-file-client allowing for download with actual filename in Content-Disposition header field
  • bk-form and bk-file-manager support file array

[1.0.5] - 2022-07-06


  • bk-table does not render empty action column
  • bk-form-modal correctly solves lookups in wizard mode


  • bk-card display main content in a css grid structure
  • bk-modal reduced top css rule to center the container
  • actions are evenly spaced in actions column in bk-table
  • http client supports PUT method
  • bk-filter-drawer and bk-filters-manager migrated to lit components.
  • bk-crud-lookup-client solves nested lookups
  • bk-pagination resets pageNumber when count and current page are inconsistent
  • bk-crud-client patch response can also be a 204 no-content
  • bk-filters-manager supports hidden static filters

[1.0.4] - 2022-06-23


  • bk-crud-client fixed support to projections in GET / and GET /count methods


  • new react hook useDynamicElement for creating components dynamically
  • new react components Stepper and Accordion
  • react components Form supports accordion visualization
  • bk-table supports danger in rowActions and navigationRowActions
  • bk-button/bk-generic-button supports http delete as clickConfig
  • bk-notifications api fix
  • bk-crud-lookup-client supports recursive lookup resolution when properly hinted by the DataSchema
  • bk-form-modal supports wizard visualization

[1.0.3] - 2022-06-08


  • bk-card supports date with configurable formatting
  • bk-form supports map visualization for object/array fields having format "geopoint"
  • bk-file-client is implemented in lit
  • bk-file-manager is implemented in lit
  • bk-file-picker-drawer is implemented in lit
  • bk-form-card is implemented in lit
  • bk-button bk-generic-button support file-download type
  • bk-card supports EventBus in sub-components props + bk-button style fixes on type link
  • bk-button supports danger prop

[1.0.2] - 2022-05-25


  • navigationType can be specified in bk-table in prop browseOnRowSelect, specifying the desired navigation method.

  • bk-form-modal and bk-form-drawer are implemented in lit

  • bk-card footer accepts dynamic configurations with handlebars notation

  • it is allowed to search numbers

  • nested objects visualization supports file upload/download

  • bk-table has custom visualization for array of files

  • bk-table allows to specify download or view mode in prop navigationRowActions

[1.0.1] - 2022-05-12


  • Table accepts (template, configMap) pairs in custom components properties.
  • Table accepts onCellClickBuilder, building onClick callback for cells.
  • property customActions in bk-table accepts (template, configMap) pairs for values depending on table row.
  • bk-table accepts openFileInViewerRegex, determining which file cells are clickable, opening the file inside the native viewer of the browser.
  • support to subsets of operators in bk-filter-drawer + support to string enum fields.
  • new bk-layout-container component allows to render multiple configurations within the same plugin.
  • bk-tabs migrated to lit components.
  • bk-tabs can pipe custom events to the EventBus.
  • date filters now support key $today as value, indicating the current date

[1.0.0] - 2022-04-22


  • added new component Chip
  • building custom component inside Table handles undefined context in handlebars
  • Pagination supports buttonsOnly modality, only displaying previous button, next button and page size menu
  • property allowNavigation in bk-form-card, bk-form-drawer and bk-form-modal accepts values true, false, 'show-editor'
  • bk-button accepts property navigationStrategy which allows to disable/hide the button in navigation
  • key showInViewer in formOptions inside the data-schema and key showInViewer in downloadFile's meta allow to display supported files (PDFs) inside the browser, while property showPdfInBrowser in bk-file-client is no longer needed
  • added new component bk-chip
  • bk-crud-client can retrieve http responses and append the content to the success event payload
  • bk-state-adapter allows carrying some state to another plugin + new documentation on plugin navigation
  • if a negative page total count is received, bk-pagination only displays previous button, next button and page-size menu, omitting current page, page total and skip all buttons

[0.10.7] - 2022-04-08


  • lookupQueries require a new key propertyType that specifies the type of the property field that is queried if this is not string. How to fix: add a new key propertyType in each filter inside lookupQueries, with the type of the queried property.


  • added new property computeOptionKey to Form and Table that allows to compute the key to use when retrieving options for lookups and multilookups
  • Table supports custom components in the actions column
  • lookups and multi-lookups fields are resolved when navigating nested objects/arrays in bk-table, bk-form-drawer and bk-form-modal
  • bk-table supports custom components in the actions column via the prop customActions
  • lookupQueries now support queries based on fields that are not included as properties in the data-schema. Key propertyType added to lookupQueries, indicating the type of the property being filtered
  • bk-tabs supports handlebars in filters with array value
  • bk-crud-lookup-client supports extraLookupKeys, which specifies extra fields to retrieve data from CRUD collections
  • bk-pagination is now a lit component

[0.10.6] - 2022-04-01


  • crud-client interacts with window.history using replaceState instead of pushState allowing plugin navigation. (very low impact)


  • It is now possible to specify the hiddenLabel visualization option in dataschema properties to hide the table column name.
  • It is now possible to specify the sortable visualization option in dataschema properties to enable/disable the table column sort.
  • Moved search-bar logic to web components
  • object visualization template
  • bk-crud-lookup-client now supports searchLookups event, searching lookups against a text value
  • bk-crud-client now supports search queries on lookups
  • removed bk-search-bar component
  • bk-file-client can be configured to request in-browser PDF visualization instead of requesting download
  • bk-pdf-viewer component allows to visualize PDF files in-browser
  • added new bk-search-bar component that allows text search
  • Add new web component bk-dynamic-title
  • Add new web component bk-list
  • Add new web component bk-url-parameters

[0.10.5] - 2022-03-17


  • Added new component Generic Button
  • Added between filter
  • Dynamic href are resolved for link add-ons.
  • Added new components NavigationBackArrow and Breadcrumbs
  • It is now possible to specify dynamic links for href in link addons.
  • It is now possible to navigate and edit nested objects.
  • dataSchema supports type object format localized-text and renders the object according with the browser language
  • It is now possible to specify a between operator for date fields in filters.
  • Form card component bk-form-card
  • Subtitle for form-modal and form-drawer
  • nativeDownload on bk-export enables native browser file download aliasing the export service
  • Add new web component bk-generic-button - it handles configurable onCLick action.
  • bk-dynamic-title component
  • Add new web component bk-navigation-nack-arrow and bk-breadcrumbs to handle nested objects navigation.

[0.10.4] - 2022-02-21


  • Avoid FontAwesome's CSS collision


  • fetchOptions for dependent fields is run on on-blur event

[0.10.3] - 2022-01-28


  • when null object reaches a table it is correctly printed as an italic placeholder string


  • Table and Form now receive already resolved lookup data
  • Form receives options and fetchOptions properties for dependent lookup and multilookup fields
  • Options for lookup fields are now fetched live as the user is typing, instead of being retrieved all at once
  • If key is turned on --> duplicate keeps the state. If state is passed as not undefined, creating drags it along as well
  • Unresolved lookups can be set to display a custom error message on bk-table, bk-form-drawer and bk-form-modal
  • It is now possible to specify dependencies between lookup and multilookup fields specifying lookupDeps inside lookupOptions in the dataSchema.
  • It is now possible to specify lookupAddTrailingSlash in lookupOptions which controls whether or not a trailing / is added to the url when the lookup data is queried. Defaults to true.

[0.10.2] - 2022-01-14


  • It is now possible to paste content in Editor without scrolling back to the top


  • Form allows to visualize objects and arrays either as table or MonacoEditor, when attached to modal viewer
  • allowObjectAsTable property/attribute added to bk-form-modal
  • bk-add-new-button now accepts an initialValues prop that gets forwarded to the add-new event.

[0.10.1] - 2021-12-17


  • Issue-38 definitive delete sends __STATE__ to CRUD jointly with delete by id request

[0.10.0] - 2021-12-10


  • filterForm now correctly supports live search in lookup fields
  • readonly form drawer doesn't overwrite configurations/data-schema
  • Query builder now starts off from a fresh query every time and creates it with the current query object, any other query parameter will be removed
  • bk-tabs now expects every tab to have also a key property in tab objects, objects with no key property are deprecated, this is to keep consistency with links exchanged between users with different ACL rules
  • bk-form-drawer now correctly passes language to its inner components
  • bk-filter-form now correctly supports live search in lookup fields


  • Tabs props now expect defaultActiveKey as string instead of defaultActiveIndex, tabs has to be provided as a Record<string, Tab> instead of an array of tabs
  • using-drawer event is now using-form-container


  • Created new Editor component
  • Created new format editor for the form
  • Created modal as form container
  • save is enabled on form drawer if entries are not touched and relative config is enabled
  • readOnly and disabled properties can be configured separately on form-drawer insert or update opening mode
  • Created bk-form-modal component

[0.9.0] - 2021-11-08


  • form now correctly validates fileInput required prop
  • date, lookup, file, and form addon properties are now automatically excluded from queries generated by free-text search
  • drawer confirmation modal before close is configurable from prop requireConfirm
  • drawer actions is configurable for each action from prop closeOnClick


  • Table maxLines has no default value


  • Table fill parent size if no maxLines has been specified

[0.8.1] - 2021-10-26


  • bk-file-manager now correctly sends create-data event after uploading following a create-data-with-file


  • table now supports defaultSortedProp and defaultSortOrder props to mark a column as already sorted when generating headers
  • bk-table now supports initialSortProperty and initialSortDirection props to provide a bootstrap sorting order to table

[0.8.0] - 2021-10-22


  • bk-form-drawer should not overwrite default locales when merging user config


  • Data are now refreshed after an HTTP POST triggered by a table row action


  • Form now supports file input fields
  • bk-form-drawer can now accept a readonlyOnView prop, when true, will use a readonly form to represent the selected data
  • bk-form-drawer now communicates with file manager to handle multiple file upload linked to a record while creating/updating a record

[0.7.0] - 2021-10-07


  • bk-file-picker-drawer, bk-form-drawer, and bk-filter-drawer locale labels are now lowercase


  • When creating a new event, bk-calendar can now pass a configurable payload alongside with startDate and endDate
  • When creating a new event, bk-calendar can now pass a configurable payload alongside with startDate and endDate

[0.6.0] - 2021-09-29


  • Changed calendar component props interfaces


  • Components use headers custom prop to inject headers on http clients

[0.5.0] - 2021-09-23


  • Lookup queries must involve only fields declared within the dataSchama
  • Href links are limited to current page domain. no external ref allowed
  • email text field validation did occur twice


  • Drawer component now can render custom data actions in the header
  • Confirmation ConfirmationModal component
  • bk-form-drawer awaits a success/error on their transaction before to close. On error it stays open
  • Custom actions are available on bk-form-drawer component
  • Added bk-confirm-modal Confirmation ConfirmationModal component
  • Custom actions now can trigger the bk-confirm-modal by specifying requireConfirm and customize the messages in the modal if provided in the object
  • bk-form-drawer uses bk-confirm-modal to ask confirmation before closing if fields are touched

[0.4.0] - 2021-09-16


  • Filters on array properties that are not multilookup are now supported
  • bk-filter-drawer will now wait for lookup data if there is at least one lookup property in the data schema


  • bk-notification component props were modified. Three props are now available: successEventMap, errorEventMap and customEventMap event maps crud-client and crud-lookup-client changed prop name from schema to dataSchema
  • Naming convention moved to bk-component-name even for clients and file-picker-drawer


  • Documentation automation
  • Filters marked as hidden are not written in the URL

[0.3.0] - 2021-09-09


  • Form links now have to be declared in the properties property of the data schema. Property formLinks is no longer supported.
  • Form titles and subtitles now have to be declared in the properties property of the data schema. Properties title, subtitle and subtitlePosition of data-schema's FormOptions are no longer supported.


  • Properties can be hidden from FiltersForm with property filtersOptions.hidden in data schema.
  • Table rowActions support download-file event when a file is available in row
  • Table browseOnSelectRow supports browsing away by clicking the row
  • Add-new-button browseOnButtonClick supports browsing away by clicking the button
  • Form web-components now support custom localized labels

[0.2.0] - 2021-09-03

[0.2.0-alpha.6] - 2021-09-02


  • Tabs now support values with | in them
  • Patch now works on $set $unset

[0.2.0-alpha.5] - 2021-09-02


  • __STATE__ property has been removed from query parameters _q and moved to _st. Conflicting __STATE__ changes are defaulted in favour of the selected tab __STATE__ filter
  • Fixed filters on lookup-client


  • Tabs support currentUser on queries

[0.2.0-alpha.4] - 2021-08-30


  • Table lookup and multilookup resolve
  • Monaco now correctly load in prod build
  • Required complex objects now properly validate


  • The only supported format both in input and output is now only ISO8601 in every component using dates
  • Only changed values are sent to patch
  • Edited form output formatting for Dates


  • File picker now handle the download of a previously uploaded file
  • On update data, null fields are used for the $unset
  • From file drawer is now possible to download the previously uploaded file
  • From file drawer is now possible to delete the previously uploaded file

[0.2.0-alpha.3] - 2021-08-23


  • Fixed date input formatting when format was date-time, time
  • Live search in form lookup and multilookup field is now applied to label instead of value
  • Fixed multiple lookup on same datasource
  • Fixed scroll on top of the drawer when is visible
  • Fixed filter duplication reload when there was a filter configured in DataSchema
  • Fixed date input formatting when format was date-time, time
  • Fixed multiple lookup on same datasource
  • Standardized locale for drawer web components
  • Aligned test general behavior for eventBus and subscription


  • Dependencies upgrade
  • Removed matchMedia mock
  • Jest default testEnvironment = 'jsdom'
  • Font awesome icons as peer dependency
  • Removed peerDependencies from devDependencies
  • Reordered scripts
  • Now form accept a React.Ref object
  • Dependencies upgrade
  • Removed testSetup
  • At boot, the table loading spinner is activated


  • The entry point for bk-web-components is now exposed under /{DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION}/bk-web-components.esm.js path


  • React Table component supports cell visualization on type: object and format: file
  • Added filter support to array types
  • Added support to includeSome/includeAll/includeExactly operators in array filters
  • Form localization
  • Form links target property is now configurable
  • Support for readonly properties in form
  • File picker component
  • Inserted lookupQueries in lookupOptions
  • More efficient components behavior thanks to useMemo and useCallback
  • CrudQueryConverter now supports includeSome/includeAll/includeExactly array operators in filter queries
  • Added delete support on file-client
  • Added file-manger web-component - it handles transactions between file-client and crud-client on collections having a property with format file
  • Support for multiple queries in and in Tabs component.
  • File picker with drawer component
  • Inserted filters prop in crud-lookup-client
  • The sort property in the url are managed by the table

[0.2.0-alpha.2] - 2021-08-05


  • Fix read only in date inputs.
  • Aligned CRUD client format (string) with Calendar events format (date).


  • Support to string formats date-time and time in form.