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Version: 13.x (Current)




The Notifications displays toast notifications about events happening on the EventBus according to the maps provided as properties.

Whenever a notification is received of a successful or failed HTTP request, the Notifications looks for the triggering event of the request within the keys of its successEventMap map or its errorEventMap map. If the keys is found, the corresponding value is used to populate the state of a toast notification which is then rendered.

It is also possible to show notifications whenever a specified request is received - that is, whenever an event with a certain label is listened.

How to configure

The Notifications should have at least one property between successEventMap, errorEventMap and customEventMap.

"tag": "bk-notifications",
"properties": {
"successEventMap": {
"create-data": {
"title": {
"en": "Data was created correctly!",
"it": "Dato creato correttamente!"
"content": {
"en": "The data has been created correctly",
"it": "I dati sono stati creati correttamente"
"type": "success"

Whenever a component notifies of a successful or failed HTTP request, the Notifications looks for the triggering event of the request within the keys of its successEventMap map or its errorEventMap map. If the keys is found, the corresponding value is used to populate the state of a toast notification which is then rendered.

Technically, properties successEventMap and errorEventMap map the triggeredBy field from the meta of success and error events to notification properties. Field triggeredBy includes the label of the event that triggered the HTTP request to which the success / error event is associated.

When a success or error event is received with triggeredBy field included in one of these two maps, a toast notification is rendered with state set to the corresponding notification properties. An example is available.

It is also possible to show notifications whenever an event with a certain label is listened. To achieve this, property customEventMap can be utilized. This works analogously to successEventMap and errorEventMap, but notification properties are mapped to event labels instead of the triggeredBy fields. An example is available.

Each notification can be configured with the following properties:

titleLocalizedTextlocalized text to be used as notification title
contentLocalizedTextlocalized text to be used as notification content
type"success" | "error" | "info" | "warning"enum of possible notification styling (i.e. icons, color...)



The texts of the Notifications can be customized through the property customLocale, which accepts an object shaped like the following:

type Locale = {
infoTitle: LocalizedText
successTitle: LocalizedText
warningTitle: LocalizedText
errorTitle: LocalizedText

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.


Example: notifications for CRUD operations

Some components automatically emit success and error events to notify the result of a generic action. For instance, the CRUD Client reacts to events like create-data and update-data by performing REST calls against a configurable endpoint. Depending on the outcome of such a call, the CRUD Client then emits a success or error event, holding in its meta the name of the triggering event, inside field triggeredBy.

With a configuration like the following,

"tag": "bk-notifications",
"properties": {
"successEventMap": {
"create-data": {
"title": "Data correctly created!",
"content": "The data has been created correctly",
"type": "success"
"errorEventMap": {
"create-data": {
"title": "Data not created",
"content": "An error occurred while creating data",
"type": "error"
"tag": "bk-crud-client",
"properties": {
"basePath": "/base-path",
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": {"type": "string"}

when a create-data event is emitted:

1) the CRUD Client performs a POST call to "/base-path" 2) assuming the call to be successful, the CRUD Client emits a success event with meta:

"triggeredBy": "create-data"

3) the Notifications component reacts listens to the event, comparing the value of triggeredBy to the keys of its successEventMap. A notification is displayed with state specified in the value of the first matching key:

"title": "Data correctly created!",
"content": "The data has been created correctly",
"type": "success"

Example: notifications for specific events

The Notifications can be configured to listen to specific events and display notifications when received, through the property customEventMap.

The following configurations displays a notification everytime a display-data event is received.

"tag": "bk-notifications",
"properties": {
"customEventMap": {
"display-data": {
"title": "Data updated",
"content": "The dataset has been updated",
"type": "info"

Example: notifications for Back-kit Actions

Components that allow to configure Back-kit Actions, such as Button or Gallery, may integrate with the Notifications.

Some actions trigger a success or error event based on their result (for instance, actions of type http). In such cases, it is possible to specify the triggeredBy key in the action configuration, which is injected into the meta field of such events. This value is then matched by the Notifications with its properties successEventMap and errorEventMap.

On the other hand, actions that emit events can be mapped to notifications leveraging property customEventMap.

In the following configuration, a Button component is configured to perform an HTTP call, and the Notifications to alert on the request outcome.

"tag": "bk-notifications",
"properties": {
"successEventMap": {
"data-fetch": {
"title": "Data correctly fetched!",
"content": "The data has been fetch correctly",
"type": "success"
"errorEventMap": {
"data-fetch": {
"title": "Data not fetched",
"content": "An error occurred while fetching data",
"type": "error"
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Get Orders",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/orders",
"method": "GET",
"triggeredBy": "data-fetch" // <---- field `triggeredBy` is injected into success/error event

The triggeredBy field of the action configuration is injected by actions into the success / error event that is emitted to notify the outcome of the HTTP request.


Properties & Attributes

customEventMap-NotificationsMap-map containing the labels of any event that should be notified to the related notification properties
durationdurationnumber-lingering time for the notification in seconds
errorEventMap-NotificationsMap-map containing the labels of any event that triggered an error that should be notified to the related notification properties
location-"topRight" | "topLeft" | "bottomRight" | "bottomLeft""topRight"corner location where the notification should be displayed
rootElementSelectorsroot-element-selectorsstring-selector to specify where the notification should be appended
successEventMap-NotificationsMap-map containing the labels of any event that triggered a success that should be notified to the related notification properties


type NotificationsMap {
[key: string]: {
title?: LocalizedText
content?: LocalizedText
type?: 'success' | 'info' | 'error' | 'warning'

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.

Listens to

successdisplays a notification if the triggeredBy field contained in the meta of the event has been mapped in the successEventMap property
errordisplays a notification if the triggeredBy field contained in the meta of the event has been mapped in the errorEventMap property
configurable eventdisplays a notification on any event mapped in the customEventMap property

