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Version: 13.x (Current)




Displays a menu, analogous to the micro-lc (version 2.0.0+) menu, which allows to navigate amongst plugins.


The Layout component is not supported by micro-lc version <2.0.0. micro-lc version 2.0.0+ (or a custom rendering engine) should be used.


Since version 1.5.0, the collapse button is not inside the sidebar anymore but it is a floating button on the right bottom part of it as you can see from the images below.

How to configure

The Layout can be configured in a number of ways. To include items to the menu, menuItems property should be specified.

"tag": "bk-layout",
"properties": {
"menuItems": [
"id": "orders",
"label": {
"en": "Orders",
"it": "Ordini"
"type": "application"
"id": "riders",
"label": {
"en": "Riders",
"it": "Rider"
"type": "application"


Four modes are available, controlling how the menu is rendered. Generally, the Layout is composed of a top-bar and a side-bar

  • fixedSideBar
    • the top-bar includes components such as the logo and the user-menu
    • the side-bar includes the menu items. The side-bar can be collapsed, but is always visible
  • overlaySideBar
    • the top-bar includes components such as the logo and the user-menu
    • the side-bar includes the menu items. The side-bar becomes visible and is hidden through a CTA
  • leftMenu
    • the whole menu is included in the side-bar, the top-bar is not rendered
  • topBar
    • the whole menu is included in the top-bar, the side-bar is not rendered

Fixed side bar


Overlay side bar


Left menu


Top bar


It is possible to add a search bar within the side bar setting the showSearchBar to true and it is available for every mode except the topBar.

The search is made comparing the searched value with the localized label of the menu item and with the tags, if specified. The search does not consider the upper case letters.

An example is available

An image can be rendered as a logo using property logo, which is an object with keys:

  • altText: alt-text of the image
  • onClickHref: link to which to navigate when the logo is clicked
  • url:
    • if url is initialized to a string, represents the URL of the image to use as logo
    • if url is initialized to an object with keys path and (optionally) default, the logo source is retrieved by applying path (in JavaScript notation) to the current user's object-like representation. The user information is obtained during bootstrap using property userInfoUrl as endpoint. An example is available.

Help Menu

Property helpMenu accepts an object with key helpHref. The Layout uses it to render a button which redirects to a help page.

User Menu

The Layout fetches information about the currently logged user by calling the endpoint specified in property userInfoUrl.

A user-menu can be rendered inside Layout, by configuring property userMenu. The user menu allows to log-out and displays information about the logged user. The menu trigger can be configured using the property userMenuTrigger that accepts hover or click as value.

userMenu accepts keys:

  • logout: object with keys url, method, redirectUrl representing the call to execute to log-out
  • userPropertiesMapping: maps properties of the currently logged user to keys name and avatar, which are displayed within the user-menu

An example is available.


Property userInfoUrl is available inside userMenu but is deprecated. Instead, apply property userInfoUrl directly to the properties of Layout.

For instance, from:

"tag": "bk-layout",
"properties": {
"userMenu": {
"userInfoUrl": "/user-info"


"tag": "bk-layout",
"properties": {
"userInfoUrl": "/user-info"

The tab title and the fav icon can be specified with property head, which accepts an object with keys favIconUrl, title.

Items in the menu. These can be of two types, href or application:

  • href menu items behave like links, navigating to a configurable page upon click
  • application pages navigate to a plugin

Multiple menu items can be grouped into recursive structures, categories (collapsible) and groups (non-collapsible).

All types of menu item have internationalized labels LocalizedText.


interface HrefMenuItem {
/** Link's destination */
href: string

/** Icon of the menu item */
icon?: string

/** Unique identifier of the href */
id: string

/** Label of the menu item */
label?: LocalizedText

/** Specifies where to open the linked document */
target?: '_blank' | '_self' | '_parent' | '_top'

/** Type of the item: hyperlink to another page */
type: 'href'

/** Data to display next to the item label or http configuration to fetch it */
badge?: string | HttpConfig

/** Tags used for search */
tags?: string[]


interface ApplicationMenuItem {
/** Icon to visualize */
icon?: string

/** Unique identifier of the corresponding micro-lc application */
id: string

/** Label of the menu item */
label?: LocalizedText

/** Identifiers of micro-lc other applications that also correspond to the item */
selectedAlsoOn?: string[]

/** Type of the item: micro-lc application */
type: 'application'

/** Data to display next to the item label or http configuration to fetch it */
badge?: string | HttpConfig

/** Tags used for search */
tags?: string[]


interface CategoryMenuItem {
/** Menu items included in the category */
children?: MenuItem[]

/** Icon to visualize */
icon?: string

/** Unique identifier of the category */
id: string

/** Label of the menu item */
label?: LocalizedText

/** Type of the item: collapsible sub-menu */
type: 'category'

/** Data to display next to the item label or http configuration to fetch it */
badge?: string | HttpConfig

/** Tags used for search */
tags?: string[]


interface GroupMenuItem {
/** Menu items included in the group */
children?: MenuItem[]

/** Unique identifier of the group */
id: string

/** Label of the menu item */
label?: LocalizedText

/** Type of the item: non-collapsible group of items */
type: 'group'

/** Data to display next to the item label or http configuration to fetch it */
badge?: string | HttpConfig

/** Tags used for search */
tags?: string[]


The badge property can be used to specify an extra value to be displayed next to the label within the corresponding item menu.

If badge is of type HttpConfig, it specifies the parameters of a REST call that is used by the Layout at bootstrap time to fetch the data to display.

Type HttpConfig is a subset of the supported configuration for Http Actions, accpeting keys

  • url: url to call
  • method: REST method to use
  • body: body to attach to the call
  • config: extra configurations, such as headers


The texts of the Layout can be customized through the property customLocale, which accepts an object shaped like the following:

type Locale = {
collapse: LocalizedText
logout: LocalizedText

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.


Example: Display a menu

The following configuration for the Layout component

"tag": "bk-layout",
"properties": {
"mode": "fixedSideBar",
"menuItems": [
"icon": {
"library": "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons",
"selector": "faChartBar"
"id": "dashboards-analytics",
"label": "Analytics",
"type": "application"
"icon": {
"library": "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons",
"selector": "faPaperPlane"
"id": "ordersList",
"label": {
"en": "Orders",
"it": "Ordini"
"type": "application",
"badge": {
"url": "/v2/orders/count?_st=PUBLIC,DRAFT",
"method": "GET"
"icon": {
"library": "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons",
"selector": "faUsers"
"id": "usersCategory",
"label": "Users",
"type": "category",
"badge": "3",
"children": [
"icon": {
"library": "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons",
"selector": "faBiking"
"id": "ridersList",
"label": "Riders",
"type": "application",
"badge": {}
"icon": {
"library": "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons",
"selector": "faUserTag"
"id": "customersList",
"label": "Customers",
"type": "application"
"icon": {
"library": "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons",
"selector": "faAppleAlt"
"id": "food-collections",
"label": "Food Collections",
"type": "application"
"head": {
"favIconUrl": "",
"title": "Frontend"

renders a menu with items structured as follows (assuming english as browser language):

- Analytics
- Orders
- Users
- Riders
- Customers

With the following configuration a search bar is visualized at the top of the side bar.

  • The riders menu item will be matched to any string that contains a part or all of fattorini (from tags prop) and riders.
  • The ordersList menu item will be matched to any string that contains a part or all of ordinazioni (from tags prop) and orders.
  • The category menu item will be matched to any string that contains a part or all of category.
"tag": "bk-layout",
"properties": {
"mode": "fixedSideBar",
"showSearchBar": "true",
"menuItems": [
"icon": {
"library": "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons",
"selector": "faPaperPlane"
"id": "ordersList",
"label": {
"en": "Orders",
"it": "Ordini"
"type": "application",
"badge": {
"url": "/v2/orders/count?_st=PUBLIC,DRAFT",
"method": "GET"
"tags": ["ordinazioni"]
"icon": {
"library": "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons",
"selector": "faUsers"
"id": "usersCategory",
"label": "Users",
"type": "category",
"badge": "3",
"children": [
"icon": {
"library": "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons",
"selector": "faBiking"
"id": "ridersList",
"label": "Riders",
"type": "application",
"badge": {},
"tags": ["fattorini"]

With the following configuration

"tag": "bk-layout",
"properties": {
"userInfoUrl": "/user-info",
"logo": {
"altText": "Logo",
"url": {
"path": "companyImg",
"default": "./default-logo.png"

and assuming the data fetched from /user-info is

"name": "Sarah Cyprus",
"companyImg": "https://logos.test/img/logo-1.png",
"role": "admin"

a Layout is rendered with a logo image having source "https://logos.test/img/logo-1.png".

While with data fetched from /user-info having no "companyImg" key, like

"name": "Sarah Cyprus",
"role": "admin"

a Layout is rendered with a logo image having source "./default-logo.png", specified as default inside the logo property.

Example: User information

Assuming an instance of a Layout component to be configured like

"tag": "bk-layout",
"properties": {
"userInfoUrl": "/user-info",
"userMenu": {
"logout": {
"method": "POST",
"url": "/logout"
"userPropertiesMapping": {
"image": "avatar"

and assuming the data fetched from /user-info is

"name": "Sarah Cyprus",
"image": "https://logos.test/img/avatar-1.png",
"role": "admin"

then the user menu rendered by the Layout is composed of the label "Sara Cyprus" and the avatar image with source "https://logos.test/img/avatar-1.png".

The value to use for the avatar is mapped to the "image" key of the user information through userPropertiesMapping field of userMenu property.

Loggin out can be performed from the user-menu, which performs a POST call to endpoint "/logout".


Properties & Attributes

userInfoUrluser-info-urlstring-URL called in GET to retrieve user data
modemodeMode"overlaySideBar"controls how the menu is visualized
logo-Logo-logo to be visualized in the menu
menuItems-MenuItem[]-describes the items in the menu
helpMenu-HelpMenu-controls the help button on the menu
userMenu-UserMenu-controls the user information section of the menu
userMenuTrigger-hover | click"hover"controls the user menu trigger
head-Head-controls tab visualization options
sideBarWidthside-bar-widthnumber200Width of the sidebar in pixels, if applicable
collapsedWidthcollapsed-widthnumber80Width of collapsed sidebar in pixels, if applicable
showSearchBar-booleanfalseWhether to show search bar


type Mode = 'fixedSideBar' | 'overlaySideBar' | 'leftMenu' | 'topBar'


type Logo {
/** Alternative text to display if the logo is not found */
altText?: string

/** Link to navigate to when the logo is clicked */
onClickHref?: string

/** URL of the logo image, or path to get it from user-info */
url?: string | {
path: string
default?: string
type MenuItem = HrefMenuItem | ApplicationMenuItem | CategoryMenuItem | GroupMenuItem

interface HrefMenuItem {
/** Link's destination */
href: string

/** Icon of the menu item */
icon?: string

/** Unique identifier of the href */
id: string

/** Label of the menu item */
label?: LocalizedText

/** Specifies where to open the linked document */
target?: '_blank' | '_self' | '_parent' | '_top'

/** Type of the item: hyperlink to another page */
type: 'href'

/** Data to display next to the item label or http configuration to fetch it */
badge?: string | HttpConfig

interface ApplicationMenuItem {
/** Icon to visualize */
icon?: string

/** Unique identifier of the corresponding micro-lc application */
id: string

/** Label of the menu item */
label?: LocalizedText

/** Identifiers of micro-lc other applications that also correspond to the item */
selectedAlsoOn?: string[]

/** Type of the item: micro-lc application */
type: 'application'

/** Data to display next to the item label or http configuration to fetch it */
badge?: string | HttpConfig

interface CategoryMenuItem {
/** Menu items included in the category */
children?: MenuItem[]

/** Icon to visualize */
icon?: string

/** Unique identifier of the category */
id: string

/** Label of the menu item */
label?: LocalizedText

/** Type of the item: collapsible sub-menu */
type: 'category'

/** Data to display next to the item label or http configuration to fetch it */
badge?: string | HttpConfig

interface GroupMenuItem {
/** Menu items included in the group */
children?: MenuItem[]

/** Unique identifier of the group */
id: string

/** Label of the menu item */
label?: LocalizedText

/** Type of the item: non-collapsible group of items */
type: 'group'

/** Data to display next to the item label or http configuration to fetch it */
badge?: string | HttpConfig

interface GroupMenuItem {
/** Url to call */
url: string

/** Rest method to use */
method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE'

/** Body to attach to the call */
body?: Record<string, any> | string | null

/** Extra configuration, such as headers */
config?: Omit<HttpClientConfig, 'body'>

type HttpConfig = {
/** URL to call */
url: string
/** REST method to call */
method: HttpMethods
/** body of the REST call */
body?: Record<string, any> | string | null
/** further configuration */
config?: Omit<HttpClientConfig, 'body'>

type HttpClientConfig = Omit<RequestInit, 'method'> & {
/* search params to apply to the call */
params?: string | Record<string, string> | string[][] | URLSearchParams
/* wether or not the result should be sent back without any transformation (by default, response is either sent back as text or an object). If true, `downloadAsFile` is ignored. */
raw?: boolean
/* whether the result should be downloaded as file. Only supported for POST and GET calls. */
downloadAsFile?: boolean


  • LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings
  • RequestInit refers to the standard Typescript interface


type HelpMenu {
/** Link to the help page */
helpHref: string


type UserMenu {
/** Configuration needed to perform user logout */
logout?: {
/** Method used to perform the call to the URL specified in the 'url' property */
method?: 'GET' | 'POST'

/** URL to be redirected to after the logout. When missing, if the logout call replies with a redirect, then it will be followed */
redirectUrl?: string

/** URL called to log out the user. The method used is the one specified in the 'method' property */
url?: string

/** @deprecated URL called in GET to retrieve user data */
userInfoUrl: string

/** Mapping between the properties returned from the user info URL call and the ones expected by the component */
userPropertiesMapping?: Record<string, 'name' | 'avatar' | string>


type Head {
/** Url of the fav icon */
favIconUrl?: string

/** Title of the tab */
title?: string

Listens to


