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Version: 13.x (Current)

External Components

The Configurator layout/advanced sections provide tools to visualize composable pages which are made of Web Components. For instance, the Configurator main layout is a web page build with Web Components.

Components usually are provided by JavaScript libraries like:

and served using CDN services or other tools. Each composable page configuration chooses which libraries to use via the JSON field sources that can be edited in the advanced sections of the Configurator.

The sources field has its own JSON schema which states that sources can either be

  • a string containing a single URL (absolute, with or without domain)
  • an array of strings with multiple URLs (absolute, with or without domain)
  • an object with a key uris that is equivalent to either of the cases above

for further references, check out the micro-lc documentation on composable page sources.

The only limitation, left to the user to check, is not to define the same Web Component twice or more from different libraries. This might happen when different composable pages have different versions of the same library. The Configurator will not complain but errors might arise when the final website is deployed.

The default configuration of the Configurator section, once the application is added to your Console project, on the branch you're currently working on, is preset to use the components library @micro-lc/bk-web-components, which is well-suited to visualize data through tables, cards and galleries.

To improve your UX/UI experience, or even to just add some custom business logic, you can bring your own components to the table and use them in the Configurator section.


Components must be available through at least one of the following:

  1. public CDN (e.g., by publishing your package on npm and retrieving it via services like jsdelivr or unpkg)
  2. public endpoint supporting CORS headers
  3. API key authenticated endpoint supporting CORS headers and preflight headers

Public CDN

Any npm package is mirrored by free services such as jsdelivr or unpkg. For instance @micro-lc/layout source code is available on github, built via a github pipeline and then deployed on npm. Automatically this makes it eligible for cross origin resource sharing since CDN services expose such static assets including the CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin that browsers use to grant loading of external resources.

This strategy is also useful if you would like to keep your components source code private and the compiled, bundled, and eventually minified version of your code public. By using your pipeline strategy, publishing the final assets on npm allows the same CORS access described above.

In this case no further actions are needed in the Configurator section or anywhere else on Mia-Platform Console.

Public endpoint

This strategy is recommended when new components libraries are deployed in a production environment that cannot act as a CDN service. Most of the times, static assets are served through a webserver like nginx and reached via either an API gateway or a reverse proxy.

If any custom header is required to access this resource, follow the API key authenticated strategy.

The webserver serving the library assets must provide an extra access control header. On an nginx webserver this can be achieved via the rule add_header. For instance, an nginx snippet might look like

location / {
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
try_files $uri $uri/index.html /index.html =404;

This strategy is almost equivalent to deploy a public resource without authentication which might not be suitable to must production environments.

Also it is recommended to add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin as close as possible to the resource and as further away as possible from the API gateway in order to narrow down the access control header to the assets.

API key authenticated endpoint

This strategy is suitable when either the components library must be kept private and/or the production environment must not expose endpoints without authentication.

An API key authentication can be provided by:

  1. known headers, like Authorization
  2. custom headers, like Secret on Mia-Platform Console

The custom headers approach requires special handling since browser issue a preflight call to the requested endpoint to validate acceptance of custom headers and the HTTP method (which is GET to fetch a resource).

If authentication is provided by known headers no further actions are needed beside configuring your authorization service.

Otherwise, preflight must be enabled on the resource webserver. If resources are served by an nginx webserver configurations might look like

location / {
if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET';
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'secret';
add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain; charset=utf-8';
add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
return 204;

add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';

# 👇 for webserver => looks inside the root folder
try_files $uri $uri/index.html /index.html =404;

or maybe proxy-reversed to another service by applying the following configuration to your API gateway

location /web-components/ {
if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET';
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'secret';
add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain; charset=utf-8';
add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
return 204;

add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';

# 👇 notice the proxy pass statement
proxy_pass http://$proxy_name$proxy_url;

When a browser is instructed to fetch a resource (GET method) including a custom header Secret, according to the definition of a preflight request, the Configurator section preview would request a cross origin resource with a custom header by issuing an OPTIONS HTTP request including headers:

  1. Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Secret to ensure validity of header Secret
  2. Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET to ensure validity of method GET

such request must be unauthenticated. Then a successful 200 or 204 reply must be issued and your Configurator will perform the actual fetch including custom headers.

The authorization service must be instructed to serve resources by including an API key matching the Secret header.

Once the API key secret is set up, the Microfrontend Composer section of the Mia-Platform Console must be instructed with advanced options in the Source Maps section. A resource must thus include custom headers to perform the request:

  1. add a resource in the Source Map tab of the Configurator Settings modal
  2. edit the resource as a JSON file
  3. add a key headers with the required custom header (see the image below)

Configure Mia-Platform Console to support preflight requests

The following actions need to be addressed:

  1. from the design section or your project, issue an API key, by navigating to API keyAdd newGenerate Random API Key, create a specific ClientType for your resource like custom_components, then click on Active and then Create

  2. considering that static resources might be already available on an authenticated production endpoints as /my-library, create a new endpoint, like /external/my-library, and link it to the relevant resource. Once created, on Endpoint settingsSecurity, remove Authentication required and check API Key required, then on User Group Permission add the boolean rule clientType == "custom_components" matching the ClientType created previously.

  3. if your API gateway is nginx-based, on the Advanced section reach for and add the following section (where <COMPONENTS_ENDPOINT> is the newly created endpoint and <COMPONENTS_WEBSERVER> is the microservice destination of the endpoint)

    # Custom Components
    "~^(secreted|unsecreted)-(0|1)-OPTIONS-<COMPONENTS_ENDPOINT>([/\?].*|$)$" "<COMPONENTS_WEBSERVER>";
    "~^secreted-(0|1)-GET-<COMPONENTS_ENDPOINT>([/\?].*|$)$" "<COMPONENTS_WEBSERVER>";
    "~^unsecreted-(0|1)-GET-<COMPONENTS_ENDPOINT>([/\?].*|$)$" "unauthorized";
    "~^(secreted|unsecreted)-(0|1)-(PUT|POST|PATCH|DELETE)-<COMPONENTS_WEBSERVER>([/\?].*|$)$" "unauthorized";

No/Low-code Components Configuration


To view your external components, you may need to configure the correct reverse proxying in the Configurator Service Worker.

Any HTML tag (native or custom) is eligible to be configured in the low-code configuration section, which is label by the tab Advanced.

Any custom Web Component must be defined in at most one of the sources entries to be displayed in the preview otherwise it will not render anything beside an empty tag.

The absence of a custom Web Component definition does not break the preview of a compose page, but somewhat limits the user experience of the whole section.

Any low-code configuration can be performed in the Advanced section in the form of plain JSON editing. Such editing is guided by the basic schema of a compose page, and is embedded in the editing IDE of the Advanced section.

The no-code section, labelled by the tab Layout, is aware of any defined custom Web Component. To configure a Web Component using the no-code section, the component itself must provide a dynamically imported manifest which describe itself to the configurator and allows the spawning of forms and modals apt to the task of filling Web Component properties according to the proper type and schema validation.

There are different layers of integration for custom Web Components with the no-code Configurator section:

  1. editing properties using forms and modals
  2. open/show when selected on the left components list
  3. share properties with other components to avoid code/configuration replication

No-Code Properties Editing: __manifest

A Web Component must explain to the configurator how it can be configured. Roughly any Web Component scaffolding looks like:

class MyCustomComponent extends HTMLElement {
* business logic and lifecycle

A Web Component which exposes a static getter __manifest as per the following snippet:

import type { Manifest } from '@micro-lc/compose-toolkit'

class MyCustomComponent extends HTMLElement {
static get __manifest(): Promise<Manifest> {
// implementation
* business logic and lifecycle

To avoid loading unused code in production, we recommend dynamic loading of such manifest with the following implementation

static get __manifest(): Promise<Manifest> {
return import('./manifest').then(({default: manifest}) => manifest)

The manifest file, after JSON-stringify process, must validate an extension of a draft-07 JSON schema where the type is always object and the field properties is an object listing the configurable properties of the custom Web Component.

Any object property has also a special key __mia_configuration which allows to customize labels in the Configurator Layout section. The __mia_configuration key is not mandatory and does not affect the no-code configuration features on custom Web Components.

Check out the Web Component manifest for further details.

Open/Show On Select: __focus_handler, __unfocus_handler

When a custom Web Component has an open/close, hidden/shown behavior, like a modal or a collapsible drawer, the Configurator previews must be informed on how to make such item to appear and disappear. Considering the case of a modal, its initial state could be closed. A user interaction is often required to trigger its opening.

When clicking the Web Component label on the left menu list corresponding to the modal, the presence of a __focus_handler function allows to mock the user action needed to open the component real context.

Once left menu selection is over, an __unfocus_handler is called to perform cleanup operations.

The Web Component must implement the following interface:

import type { FocusableComponent } from '@micro-lc/compose-toolkit'

class MyCustomComponent extends HTMLElement implements FocusableComponent {
__focus_handler() => FocusCtx | Promise<FocusCtx> {
// impl
__unfocus_handler() => void {
// impl
* business logic and lifecycle

List custom components in Components Explorer

The Components Explorer section of the configurator is instructed to try and list all the Web Components libraries that appear in the Composer sources.

For a library to be visualized in the explorer, its entry point has to declare a default export with the following type:

type LibraryMeta = {
/** Name of the library */
libraryName: string

/** List of the library Web Component tags */
components: string[]

If you are bundling your library with Vite, make sure to set the property build.rollupOptions.preserveEntrySignatures to allow-extension in your Vite config file.

The explorer will list all the components in library meta and will show for each of them information taken from their manifests (if present).


As previously mentioned, Web Components are served to the Configurator via library bundles. The recommended way to proceed is:

  1. either an ESM bundle
  2. a side-effect IIFE

Due to the nature of manifests and their retrieval dynamic policy, the ESM option is more than recommended.

Web Components can be build with any library (lit, stencil, and so on...) or going fully native. Examples with lit are provided @micro-lc/layout library while micro-lc itself is an example of a native Web Component.

vite turned out to be very natural and comfortable tool to bundle and inspect Web Components by embedding them in a test html page. The bundler, which is rollup provides the capabilities to:

  1. select which sources to use as entry points. For instance, Web Components can be bundled separately or all together in a unique bundle. Your use case is the only reference on whether to go the former or the latter way;
  2. separate external sources, like manifests;
  3. add external assets like images, fonts and so on...

Check out the bundling section for further details.