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Version: 13.x (Current)

Dynamic Form Card



The Dynamic Form Card is used to display a card containing a form to edit or create items described by the dataSchema. Custom behavior can also specified, allowing extra actions to be included in the card footer via buttons.

The Dynamic Form Card listens to the display-data event to initialize its form.

How to configure

For a basic usage of the Dynamic Form Card, providing a data-schema to interpret the structure of the data to handle is sufficient. Several customizations can be applied to the provided data-schema that tune how the data is handled by the component. Particularly, but not limited to, every field supports a set of options specific for forms.

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id_": {
"type": "string",
"formOptions": {
"hidden": true // no input is rendered for _id field, but the Dynamic Form Card still holds its value in the internal representation of the form values
"__STATE__": {
"type": "string",
"default": "PUBLIC",
"enum": [ // enum string fields are rendered as select fields
"name": {
"type": "string"
"price": {
"type": "number"

The components operates in two different modes:

  • insert: submitting the form signals the need for an item creation. Configurable by setting property submitBehavior to "add".
  • edit: submitting the form signals the need for an item creation. Configurable by setting property submitBehavior to "edit" (default).

If submitBehavior is not specified, the Dynamic Form Card operates in edit mode.

When newly fetched data becomes available through a display-data event, the Dynamic Form Card initiates its field. The component extracts values from one of the elements within the received data and interprets them based on its data-schema. The dataIndex property governs the selection of which data element to use for this purpose by specifying its index. By default, the card selects the first element (corresponding to dataIndex value 0) for this process



When the component reacts to the display-data event and property submitBehavior is set to "add", the form initializes its fields with values specified in the payload of the event.

In this mode, upon clicking on the submit button of the footer, the Dynamic Form Card signals the request to push a new item to a CRUD collection, emitting the event create-data with payload extracted from the object representation of the form values. A component such as the CRUD Client could pick up on the create-data event. If the form contains files, the component emits a create-data-with-file event, which signals the need to upload files to a file storage service on top of pushing the item to a CRUD collection. A component like the File Manager could listen to this event. Further details on how Back-Kit components can be composed to handle file fields are available in the specific section.

A transactionId is added to the meta field of the emitted event to handle possible errors.


When the component reacts to the display-data event and property submitBehavior is set to "add", the form initializes its fields with the values specified in the payload of the event.

By clicking on the submit button, the Dynamic Form Card signals the request to update an item in the CRUD collection, emitting the event update-data with payload providing the fields to change in the item. The item to update is identified by its _id field, which is a predefined field of Mia Platform's CRUD Service collections. A component such as the CRUD Client could pick up on the update-data event. If the form contains files, the component emits a update-data-with-file event, which signals the need to upload files to a file storage service on top of updating the item in the CRUD collection. A component like the File Manager could listen to this event. Further details on how Back-Kit components can be composed to handle file fields are available in the specific section.

A transactionId is added to the meta field of the emitted event to handle possible errors.

Dynamic Context

Several properties of the Dynamic Form Card allow dynamic configurations. By default, such properties are parsed with handlebars, injecting the current state of the form as context through key values, as well as other information.

values: Record<string, any>
currentUser: Record<string, any> // information on currently logged user, if available

After Submission

Upon submission, the Dynamic Form Card signals the need to push or update an item in the collection - depending on the mode it is operating under. Usually, an HTTP-like client takes care of these operations, like the CRUD Client. It is often useful to perform follow-up tasks after creation or editing of an item. Properties onSuccess and onFail allow to append extra tasks to be executed after the successful or unsuccessful submission of the form.

Properties onSuccess and onFail should be configured following the Back-kit Action infterface.

Form context can be used in onSuccess and onFail properties using handlebars notation, allowing dynamic configurations. Actions specified with onSuccess and onFail are parsed with handlebars, injecting the default context, as well as the response of the submission request:

currentUser: Record<string, any>
values: Record<string, any>
response: Record<string, any>

where values is the form values and response contains an object representation of the content of the payload of the success event linked to the form submission request.

An example is available showing how to configure a Dynamic Form Card to perform extra tasks upon submission.

By deafult, a submit button and a cancel button are included in the card footer.

The first one notifies the request for adding or editing an item in CRUD collection, depending on the operating mode, while the cancel button resets the form to its initial values.

Extra buttons

Other than the default ones, extra buttons can be specified to be included in the card footer. These can be configured with property actions, as shows in an example below.

Property actions is an array of objects, each configuring a button. In particular, each entry of actions supports all properties of the Button component.

Actions support dynamic configurations and are injected with the default context of the component, which includes the current form values through values keyword.

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": { "type": "string" }
"actions": [
"content": "Book",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/new-book",
"method": "POST",
"body": {
"_id": "{{values._id}}"

Omitting default buttons

It is possible to omit the default submission and cancel buttons by setting properties omitSubmit and omitCancel to true.

Confirmation dialog on save

It is possible to require confirmation before submitting the form, using the requireConfirm property. requireConfirm accepts a boolean or an object value, and defaults to false.

An example is available shows how to configure the Dynamic Form Card to require confirmation before saving.

1. Boolean type

If requireConfirm is set to true, the Dynamic Form Card, upon submission, signals that confirmation for an actions is needed with event require-confirm. A component such as the Confirmation Modal could react to the event.

2. Object type

An object such as:

cancelText?: LocalizedText // cancel button text
okText?: LocalizedText // ok button text
content?: LocalizedText // the content text
title?: LocalizedText // the title text

can be provided as value to requireConfirm. LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.

"content": {
"it": "Verrà creato un nuovo elemento, procedere?",
"en": "A new element will be created, continue?"

This allows to request customized labels in the confirmation dialog-box. When structure in this way, the value for property requireConfirm is appended to the require-confirm event. If this request is picked up by a component such as the Confirmation Modal, this prompts the user for confirmation via a pop-up dialog-box having the specified labels.

Integrate custom labels

Custom labels can be specified as localized text, controlling card title, submit and reset buttons labels. Such labels can be scoped based on whether the form is in edit or create mode. The provided value for customLocale property is merged with the component default labels.

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": { "type": "string" }
"customLocale": {
"insert": {
"title": {
"en": "Add new order",
"it": "Aggiungi nuovo ordine"
"ctaLabel": {
"en": "Submit Order",
"it": "Salva ordine"
"cancelButton": {
"en": "Cancel",
"it": "Cancella"

An example is available showing how to configure a Dynamic Form Card to show custom labels.

File fields with meta-data

Fields described in the data-schema as having the type object or array and format file are rendered in the form as drag-and-drop fields. These fields enable interaction with uploaded files and allow uploading new files.

However, when such fields include a dataSchema or items property, they are presented within the form as a link along with a button.

The link enables the downloading of the files present in the initial values of the form. Clicking the button triggers the appearance of components such as File Picker Modal or File Picker Drawer, provided they are included in the plugin configuration. Both the File Picker Modal and File Picker Card offer interaction with the uploaded files and the option to set metadata for newly uploaded files. In this context, the dataSchema and items properties define the structure of the associated file metadata.

Upon submission, the form initiates a request to push or update data within a CRUD collection and upload new files to a file storage service. This is accomplished by emitting either a create-data-with-file or an update-data-with-file event, which can be intercepted by components like the File Manager.

Working with Views

The Dynamic Form Card can be used with data from Mia-Platform CRUD Service views.



More in detail information is available with respect to lookup fields from writable views in the dedicated section.

Fields described inside the data-schema as having type object or array and format lookup are rendered respectively as select and multi-select fields in the form.

Options for such fields will be dynamically fetched from the endpoint specified in basePath property, using the /lookup route provided by the CRUD service (version 6.9.0 or higher), which returns a list of objects. Each option fetched like this should have at least a label field, which is used as display value inside the form, and a value field which is used as unique identifier for such option.

The form stores selected values for lookup fields in their whole (not just label and value fields). Extra fields are thus available in submit payload, as well as in form context.

Extra queries can be specified to be applied when fetching options using property lookupQueries, which maps ids of lookup fields to ;MongoDB-like queries. Dynamic values are also available in property lookupQueries, being provided with form context. An example is available.

Conditional Fields

Conditionally hide/disable fields

Property conditionalOptions allows to specify dynamic conditions for specific extra form-options to be applied. This allows to dynamically hide, set to readonly, or disable fields based on the value of the fields within the form.

Property conditionalOptions expects an array of objects with fields:

  • property: id of the target field to which extra form-options might be applied
  • query: the MongoDB-like query to be used against the current form values in order to establish whether or not to apply the extra form-options to the target field. If the query condition is satisfied by the current form values, form-options are applied. Note that dynamic values can be used to compare values of two entries of the form, via the context injected by the form.
  • option: the form-options value to be dynamically injected to the target field

Updating form fields triggers new evaluation of the conditional options, thus updating the form fields accordingly when necessary.

An example is available.

Conditionally reset fields value

For each field it is possible to specify dynamic validity conditions which depend on other fields of the form using the property conditionalValues. Fields that do not meet specified conditions have their value reset.

Property conditionalValues expects an array of objects with fields:

  • property: id of the target field of which to check the value
  • query: the MongoDB-like query to be used against current form values in order to establish whether or not to reset the value of the target field. As long as the query condition is satisfied by the current form values, the field value is considered valid. Once this is no longer the case, the field value is reset. Note that dynamic values can be used to compare values of two entries of the form, via the context injected by the form.

Updating form fields triggers new evaluation of the conditional values, thus updating the form fields accordingly when necessary.

An example is available.


Each entry of an array field is singularly matched against the query. Only invalid entries are removed from the array value.


The texts of the Dynamic Form Card can be customized through the property customLocale, which accepts an object shaped like the following:

type Locale = {
create: {
title: LocalizedText
ctaLabel: LocalizedText
unsavedChangesContent: LocalizedText
saveChangesContent: LocalizedText
cancelLabel: LocalizedText
update: {
title: LocalizedText
ctaLabel: LocalizedText
unsavedChangesContent: LocalizedText
saveChangesContent: LocalizedText
cancelLabel: LocalizedText
form: {
default: LocalizedText,
required: LocalizedText,
enum: LocalizedText,
whitespace: LocalizedText,
format: LocalizedText,
parse: LocalizedText,
invalid: LocalizedText
string: LocalizedText,
method: LocalizedText,
array: LocalizedText,
object: LocalizedText,
number: LocalizedText,
date: LocalizedText,
boolean: LocalizedText,
integer: LocalizedText,
float: LocalizedText,
regexp: LocalizedText,
email: LocalizedText,
url: LocalizedText,
hex: LocalizedText,
file: LocalizedText
len: LocalizedText,
min: LocalizedText,
max: LocalizedText,
range: LocalizedText
len: LocalizedText,
min: LocalizedText,
max: LocalizedText,
range: LocalizedText
len: LocalizedText,
min: LocalizedText,
max: LocalizedText,
range: LocalizedText,
unique: LocalizedText
mismatch: LocalizedText
datePicker: {
lang: {
locale: LocalizedText,
placeholder: LocalizedText,
rangePlaceholder: {
start: LocalizedText,
stop: LocalizedText
today: LocalizedText,
now: LocalizedText,
backToToday: LocalizedText,
ok: LocalizedText,
clear: LocalizedText,
month: LocalizedText,
year: LocalizedText,
timeSelect: LocalizedText,
dateSelect: LocalizedText,
monthSelect: LocalizedText,
yearSelect: LocalizedText,
decadeSelect: LocalizedText,
monthBeforeYear: 'true' | 'false',
previousMonth: LocalizedText,
nextMonth: LocalizedText,
previousYear: LocalizedText,
nextYear: LocalizedText,
previousDecade: LocalizedText,
nextDecade: LocalizedText,
previousCentury: LocalizedText,
nextCentury: LocalizedText
placeholder: LocalizedText
drawerTitle: LocalizedText,
filePickerTitle: LocalizedText,
dragAndDropCaption: LocalizedText,
ctaLabel: LocalizedText
editorView: LocalizedText,
tableView: LocalizedText
editorView: LocalizedText,
rawView: LocalizedText
htmlEditor: {
preview: LocalizedText,
html: LocalizedText
latitude: LocalizedText,
longitude: LocalizedText,
phLatitude: LocalizedText,
phLongitude: LocalizedText
element: LocalizedText,
elements: LocalizedText,
true: LocalizedText,
false: LocalizedText

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.


Example: Chaining tasks after submission

Properties onFail and onSubmit allow to specify tasks to be executed after the Dynamic Form Card is submitted.

A Dynamic Form Card instance configured like:

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": { "type": "string" }
"onSuccess": {
"type": "file-download",
"config": {
"url": "/latest-report"
"onFail": {
"insert": {
"type": "push",
"config": {
"url": "/error-faq"

downloads a file form "/latest-report" path on successful form submission, and navigates to "/error-faq" path in case of error.

onFail and onSuccess support dynamic configurations:

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": { "type": "string" }
"onSuccess": {
"type": "push",
"config": {
"url": "/orders-details/{{response._id}}"

The example is a Dynamic Form Card that, after successful submission, navigates to a path that depends on the response of the linked operation (data update or create).

A Dynamic Form Card that were provided with an actions property like:

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": { "type": "string" }
"actions": [
"content": "Get Orders",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/orders",
"method": "GET"
"content": "Add Order",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/orders/new",
"method": "POST",
"body": "{{rawObject values}}"

adds two buttons to the footer of the card, other than the default buttons:

  • a button with label Get Orders which performs a GET request to specified endpoint
  • a button with label Add Order which performs a POST request to specified endpoint with an object representation of current form values as payload

rawObject is a helper keyword that prevents "values" from being stringified in the body of the request.

Example: Require confirmation on save

The Dynamic Form Card can request confirmation before submitting the form or.

  • With the following configuration:
    "tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
    "properties": {
    "dataSchema": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "_id": { "type": "string" }
    "requireConfirm": true
    submitting the form triggers the Dynamic Form Card to signal the need for user confirmation about an action with a require-confirm event.
  • With the following configuration:
    "tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
    "properties": {
    "dataSchema": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "_id": { "type": "string" }
    "requireConfirm": {
    "title": {
    "it": "Richiesta conferma",
    "en": "Confirmation Reqired"
    "okText": "OK"
    submitting the form triggers the Dynamic Form Card to signal the need for user confirmation about an action with a require-confirm event, and appends to the this request the specified internationalized labels.

Example: Customizing labels

The Dynamic Form Card allows to customize its title, CTA and reset buttons labels. For instance:

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": { "type": "string" }
"customLabels": {
"title": {
"en": "Add new order",
"it": "Aggiungi nuovo ordine"
"ctaLabel": {
"en": "Submit",
"it": "Submit Order"
"cancelButton": {
"en": "Cancel",
"it": "Cancel"

Note that not all labels need to be specified when configuring property customLabels, as this is merged with default labels. For instance:

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": { "type": "string" }
"customLabels": {
"title": {
"en": "Add new order",
"it": "Aggiungi nuovo ordine"

Example: Working with views

The Dynamic Form Modal should be provided with a value for the basePath property when it should interact with data coming form writable views.

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
"rider": {"type": "object", "format": "lookup"}
"basePath": "/orders-view"
  • being "rider" an object field with lookup format, is rendered as a select field
  • options for "rider" select field are dynamically fetched from /orders-view/lookup/rider

Example: Lookup Queries

A Dynamic Form Card configured like the following

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": { "type": "string" },
"dishes": { "type": "array", "format": "lookup" },
"maxCalories": { "type": "number" }
"basePath": "/orders",
"lookupQueries": {
"dishes": {
"calories": {
"$lt": 300

fetches options for field "dishes" from orders/lookup/dishes with the additional condition that "calories" field of dishes collection should be lower than 300, expressed in the query parameters of the request.

Dynamic queries are also available, being provided with form context:

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": { "type": "string" },
"dishes": { "type": "array", "format": "lookup" },
"maxCalories": { "type": "number" }
"basePath": "/orders",
"lookupQueries": {
"dishes": {
"calories": {
"$lt": "{{rawObject maxCalories}}" // rawObject can be used to prevent numeric values from being stringified

in this case, form field "maxCalories" is used to dynamically compute the additional query to use when fetching options for "dishes" lookup field.

Example: Conditionally disable a field

Let us assume a Dynamic Form Card to be configured like the following:

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"items": {"type": "array"},
"budget": {"type": "number"},
"totalPrice": {"type": "number"},
"isGift": {"type": "boolean"},
"status": {"type": "string", "enum": ["Available", "OutOfStock"]}
"conditionalOptions": [
"property": "items",
"query": {
"budget": {
"$lt": "{{rawObject values.totalPrice}}"
"option": {
"disable": true
"property": "isGift",
"query": {
"$or": [
{"status": {"$eq": "OutOfStock"}},
{"budget": {"$lt": "{{rawObject values.totalPrice}}"}}
"option": {
"hidden": true

In this instance, helper rawObject is used to avoid numeric values from being stringified

Notice how dynamic configurations can be used in defining queries, which allow to compare values of two entries of the form. In this case, the budget field is compared to the totalPrice one.

Using such configuration, field "items" is disabled once field "budget" is lower than field "totalPrice":

"items": ["fork", "spoon", "napkins"],
"totalPrice": 15,
"budget": 7

Once "budget" field is updated to "20", field "items" is no longer disabled.

Example: Conditionally reset a field

Let us assume a Dynamic Form Card to be configured like the following:

"tag": "bk-dynamic-form-card",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"city": {
"type": "object",
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
"countryName": {"type": "string"}
"country": {"type": "string"},
"dishes": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"},
"calories": {"type": "number"}
"maxCalories": {"type": "number"}
"conditionalValues": [
"property": "city",
"query": {
"city.countryName": {
"$eq": "country"
"property": "dishes",
"query": {
"calories": {
"$lt": "{{rawObject context.maxCalories}}"

conditionalValues sets the following conditions:

  • city is an object field with a countryName key. If city.countryName is not equal to the value of country form field, city field is reset
  • dishes is an array of object field. Each entry of dishes is singularly matched against the specified query. Entries of dishes that have a field calories grater than the current value of the form field maxCalories are automatically removed from the dishes array.

In this instance, helper rawObject is used to avoid numeric values from being stringified

The following form values are valid according to the above configuration:

"country": "Italy",
"city": {
"name": "Milano",
"countryName": "Italy"
"dishes": [
{"name": "Tomato", "calories": 30},
{"name": "Pudding", "calories": 300},
"maxCalories": 400,

If the value of field "country" were to be updated to "France", the value of "city" field would be reset, since the first entry of conditionalValues would be no longer met:

"country": "France",
// "city" field is now undefined
"dishes": [
{"name": "Tomato", "calories": 30},
{"name": "Pudding", "calories": 300},
"maxCalories": 400,

If, furthermore, the value of field "maxCalories" were to be updated to "200", the value of "dishes" field would be updated, resulting in one entry being reset:

"country": "France",
"dishes": [
{"name": "Tomato", "calories": 30}
"maxCalories": 200,

Note how each entry of array fields is singularly matched against the query. Only invalid entries are removed from the array value.


Properties & Attributes

dataSchema-ExtendedJSONSchema7Definition-Data schema describing the structure of the data to handle
readonlyOnViewread-only-on-viewbooleanfalseif true the form will be displayed as readonly in edit mode
editorHeighteditor-heightstring | number-Height of the object/array editor field
omitSubmitomit-submitbooleanfalseWhether or not to include the default submit button
omitCancelomit-cancelbooleanfalseWhether or not to include the default cancel button
actions-ButtonWithClose[]-Extra buttons added to the footer
liveSearchItemsLimitlive-search-items-limitnumber10Max items to fetch on regex live search
customLocale-CustomLabels | {insert: CustomLabels, update: CustomLabels}-Custom localized texts shown as title and button labels
requireConfirm-boolean | RequireConfirmOptsfalseWhether or not the component should request confirmation on submission
onSuccess-Action[]-Action executed after successful submit
onFail-Action[]-Action executed after failing submit
lookupQueries-LookupQueries-Extra queries when fetching options for lookup fields in views
conditionalOptions-ConditionalOption[]-Allows specifying dynamic conditions for form-options (hidden / disabled / readonly) to be applied
conditionalValues-Condition[]-Allows specifying dynamic conditions for resetting fields
fileFieldsPreviewfile-fields-previewboolean-Enables preview of uploaded files in drag-n-drop file fields
enableSubmitOnFormUntouchedenable-submit-on-form-untouchedboolean-Allows submitting an unedited form
basePath-string-The URL base path to which to send HTTP requests, used when fetching options for lookup field in views
dataIndexdata-indexnumber0When newly fetched data are received, this controls the index from which to take values to initialize the form (0 is the first element)
submitBehaviorsubmit-behavior"add" | "edit""edit"Data management strategy when submitting
header-CardSchema.header-Card header


type ButtonWithClose = Partial<BkButton>

where BkButton references the properties of the Button component.


type RequireConfirmOpts = boolean | {
cancelText?: LocalizedText
okText?: LocalizedText
content?: LocalizedText
title?: LocalizedText

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.


type CustomLabels = {
title?: LocalizedText
ctaLabel?: LocalizedText
saveChangesContent?: LocalizedText
unsavedChangesContent?: LocalizedText
cancelLabel?: LocalizedText

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.


type LookupQueries = {
[property: string]: Record<string, unknown> | Record<string, unknown>[]


type ConditionalOption = {
property: string
query: Record<string, unknown>
option: RHDOptions

type RHDOptions = {
hidden?: boolean;
hiddenOnUpdate?: boolean;
hiddenOnInsert?: boolean;
} & {
readOnly?: boolean;
readOnlyOnUpdate?: boolean;
readOnlyOnInsert?: boolean;
} & {
disabled?: boolean;
disabledOnUpdate?: boolean;
disabledOnInsert?: boolean;


type Condition = {
property: string
query: Record<string, unknown>

Listens to

display-datainitializes the form to create or update an item, potentially applying default fields from data schema or data provided in the payload of the event
successnotifies correct data update as a result of form submission. Payload holds the response of the associated HTTP call and is accessible by action in onSuccess property via response keyword.
errornotifies that something went wrong during form submission. Payload holds the response of the associated HTTP call and is accessible by action in onFail property via response keyword.


configurable eventproperties such as onFail, onSuccess or actions allow to emit custom events
require-confirmtriggered when trying to close the modal with unsaved data. requireConfirm property allows to customize this behavior
create-datarequests data creation
update-datarequests data update
create-data-with-filerequests data creation and file upload
update-data-with-filerequests data update and file upload