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Version: 13.x (Current)

Notification Center



The Notification Center allows to handle notifications. It works by dealing with a backend source with a simple REST API interface.

The Notification Center expects to be linked to a dataset of notifications like:

type Notification = {
_id: string
creatorId: string
createdAt: string
title: string
readState?: boolean
content?: string
onClickCallback?: CallbackHref

type CallbackHref = {
content: content: string | {url: string, data: any};

onClickCallback field in retrieved notifications allows to controls the navigation destination upon clicking the notification.

How to configure

The base endpoint form which to retrieve notifications should be provided using property endpoint. Property endpoint defaults to "/api/v1/bk-notification-center".

"tag": "bk-notification-center",
"property": {
"endpoint": "/notifications"

Backend communication

The Notification Center needs a backend service to retrieve and interact with notifications. Backend base endpoint can be configured using the endpoint property, defaults to "/api/v1/bk-notification-center".

Following is a description of the endpoints called by the component that should be exposed by the service.

GET - /own

This endpoint should return the list of paged notifications that the currently logged-in user should visualize. The notifications should be ordered by creation date descending.

Query Parameters

Query parameters skip and limit help querying the notification pagination. These can be configured using properties limitQueryParam, skipQueryParam, limit.

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"limit": {
"description": "Limits the number of documents, max 200 elements, minimum 1",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1
"skip": {
"description": "Skip the specified number of documents",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0
"required": ["skip", "limit"]
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"title": {
"anyOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "object"}
"content": {
"anyOf": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "object"}
"readState": {
"type": "boolean"
"createdAt": {
"type": "string"
"onClickCallback": {
"kind": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"content": {
"type": "string"
"required": [

PATCH - /read-state/:notificationId

This endpoint should change the read state of a specific notification given its id.

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"readState": {
"type": "boolean"

PATCH - /read-state/own

This endpoint should change the read state of all the notifications that the currently logged-in user can retrieve.

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"readState": {
"type": "boolean"

Click strategies

Clicking on a notification within the Notification Center may trigger a navigation event.

The property clickStrategy controls what navigation method should be executed (href, replace, push). The specified navigation method uses as input arguments the value of the field onClickCallback of the clicked notification.

An on-click-strategy correspond to what happens when a notification is clicked.

The value of onClickCallback field in a clicked notification is used as input arguments for the triggered navigation method.

Consequently, for any value of clickStrategy, the type of onClickCallback can be a string.

Additionally, if clickStrategy is push, onClickCallback may also be an object with keys url and data, corresponding to the main arguments of the window.history.pushState method. The value of data is injected into the state of the destination page through a key set by property pushStateKey. An associated example is shown below.

Further control over the navigation behavior is provided by property allowExternalHrefs, controlling whether or not browsing to external external web pages and href is allwed when clickStrategy is default, href or replace.

Custom labels

Property locales enables the user to apply custom localized labels within the webcomponent. Availabe keys are:

  • title
  • loadingButton
  • dateFormat
  • errorMessage
  • noNotification
  • readAll
  • reload
  • backOnTop

Not all keys need to be specified. An example is available.

To each key, it is possible to attach either a string value (which overrides any browser language settings) or a localized string given by a key/value map such as

en: "English Translation",
'en-AU': "English Translation",
zh: "中文翻译",

Resource fetching mode

The Notification Center can be configured to automatically fetch new notifications using property mode. Available values are:

  • polling
  • default
  • none

If set to default or none, data is not fetched automatically.

If polling, the Notification Center attempts fetches new data every 10 seconds. The property pollingFrequency can be used to tune the fetching frequency (in milliseconds).


The texts of the Notification Center can be customized through the property customLocale, which accepts an object shaped like the following:

type Locale = {
title: LocalizedText
loadingButton: LocalizedText
dateFormat: LocalizedText
noNotification: LocalizedText
errorMessage: LocalizedText
readAll: LocalizedText
reload: LocalizedText
backOnTop: LocalizedText

where LocalizedText is either a string or an object mapping language acronyms to strings.


Example: navigate to a page on notification click

A Notification Center instance configured like:

"tag": "bk-notification-center",
"properties": {
"clickConfig": "href"

upon clicking on a notification like:

"_id": "notificaiton-112",
"title": "New Order",
"onClickCallback": "/orders"

navigates to url "/orders"

Example: navigate to a page and emit an event (interaction with State Adapter)

When clickConfig is set to push, the Notification Center may be used in conjunction with a component such as the State Adapter, which consumes the page state to emit custom events.

For instance, given two plugins located at "/plugin-1" and "/plugin-2" where:

  • "/plugin-1" includes an instance of the Notification Center like:

    "tag": "bk-notification-center",
    "properties": {
    "endpoint": "/notifications",
    "clickConfig": "push",
    "pushStateKey": "notification-center-state"
  • "/plugin-2" includes an instance of the State Adapter like:

    "tag": "bk-state-adapter",
    "properties": {
    "configMap": {
    "notification-center-state": "add-filter"

clicking on a notification in "/plugin-1" like:

"onClickCallback": {
"url": "/plugin-2",
"data": {
"property": "lastname",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "Smith"

triggers navigation to "/plugin-2". Once there an event with label add-filter and payload

"property": "lastname",
"operator": "equal",
"value": "Smith"

is emitted by the State Adapter.

Example: Custom labels

The following is a valid configuration, in which the default title of the Notification Center is overwritten.

"tag": "bk-notification-center",
"properties": {
"locales": {
"title": {
"en": "Notification center title",
"it": "Titolo centro notifiche"

The other component labels are set to their default values.


Properties & Attributes

endpointendpointstring"/api/v1/bk-notification-center"API endpoint for HTTP calls
headers-{ [x: string]: string; }{}headers included in any HTTP request
limitlimitnumber10controls pagination limit while fetching notifications
locales-PartialTranslations{}key-value list to customize components default labels
clickStrategyclick-strategyClickStrategies"default"strategy to implement upon clicking a notification
limitQueryParamlimit-query-paramstring"limit"the query parameter which controls notification pagination page size while fetching data
skipQueryParamskip-query-paramstring"skip"the query parameter which controls notification pagination skip while fetching data
pushStateKeypush-state-keystring"bk-notification-center"the key used to scope the content callback context in window.history.state when clickStrategy is "push"
allowExternalHrefsallow-external-hrefsstringfalsewhen true, notification links can browse to external web pages and href are not checked to ensure they are relative to self-website
modemodeResourceFetchingMode"default"strategy to implement for automatically fetching notifications
pollingFrequencypollingFrequencynumber10000frequency of notifications automatic fetching (in milliseconds), if mode is set to polling


enum ClickStrategies =
'default' |
'href' |
'replace' |


type PartialTranslations = {
title?: LocalizedText
loadingButton?: LocalizedText
dateFormat?: LocalizedText
errorMessage?: LocalizedText
noNotification?: LocalizedText
readAll?: LocalizedText
reload?: LocalizedText
backOnTop?: LocalizedText


enum ResourceFetchingMode =
'polling' |
'default' |

Listens to


