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Version: 12.x (Current)

Page layout

Although Back-Kit aims to be as agnostic as possible when it comes to custom configurations, a recommended layout might save lots of configuration-related headaches and comes in handy as both an example benchmark and best practice reference. The recommended (see a minimal configuration example) Back-Kit page layout shall thus have at least:

  1. a bootstrap manager, whenever some sort of initial state needs to be injected
  2. a data schema, whenever the page has a data source like a database collection/table
  3. a collection of web components, including the bootstrap manager

Back-Kit uses the crud-client component as bootstrap manager of choice. This is fairly standard on a web application that needs a data source and consequent data retrieval pretty much at the beginning of its state lifecycle.


Bootstrap shall be used by any web component taking initial state from the page URL.

Data schema is a JSON-schema, directly plugged into the configuration, describing how to fetch data, which projection use, whether sorting is needed, how to render data on CRUD operations (within forms, drawers, delete buttons and so on). Data Schema can be used by web components that support it as a tag property.

Bootstrap (a.k.a. initial state injection)

When a configuration is rendered, some initial state may be encoded into the page URL. Bootstrap refers thus to the process of reading the URL and distributing state to components that need it and then start the web application. This behavior allows landing on a page with a given customized setup on top of the configuration. Roughly, configuration overrides web components defaults while bootstrapping customizes a page instance.

Most common initial states provide initial pagination, components to be focused, text to be inserted on inputs. Some components might require bootstrap, but it is not a mandatory feature for components to have.

Bootstrapping a page entails three main phases:

  1. components read the URL parsing properties related to their initial state. Components then evolves without changing properties becoming React-alike controlled components
  2. components modify their internal state and, if needed, emit an event
  3. a single component, the bootstrap manager, typically the crud-client, is then tasked with awaiting events triggered by applying the initial state. Such component must have a debounce time after which it ends bootstrapping whether it received bootstrap events.

Bootstrapping from a client makes sense since most of the time the side effect first task of a frontend page is loading data from a source. Initial state may or may not refine such data retrieval applying filters or pagination. After initial state is shared data can be collected.

Data Schema

A web application that employs Back-Kit web components is very likely to model a data collection and/or enrich it with lookups from other collections. A fairly standard use case would be a page rendering a table whose content is given by a MongoDB collection.

Components must be aware of an existing data schema which instructs on what to show in the webpage and how to show it.


Back-Kit components pass the data schema to components via the tag property dataSchema.

A data schema is thus encoded as a JSON-schema with several extensions to keep track of what rendering components might need.

The outer structure requires a data schema to be an object, containing an object of properties that could in return be marked as required

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": {
"type": "string"
"__STATE__": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["PUBLIC", "DRAFT", "TRASH"]
"ingredients": {
"type": "array"
"required": ["_id", "__STATE__"]

This layout more or less matches a collection/table schema. The required property list only those entries/properties that must be defined whenever there is an attempt to create a new item on the collection represented by the schema.


Remind that CRUD services might implement automatic creation strategies on items properties, like unique ID automatic generation and non-null default values. It might be dangerous to let those values be set by a user. They instead can be marked hidden.


Since crud-service implements its own patch strategy for the __STATE__ param (i.e. posts on the collection row), data schema config must exclude unintended patches on that field. To do so a generic configuration might include in data schema __STATE__ property the option

"__STATE__": {
"formOptions": {
"hiddenOnSelect": true

A property needs specifications about formatting and viewing

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"email": {
"type": "string",
"format": "uri",
"order": 2
"__STATE__": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["PUBLIC", "DRAFT", "TRASH"],
"order": 0,
"label": {
"en": "Item State",
"it": "Stato dell'articolo",
"zh": "物品状态",
"formOptions": {
"visualizationOptions": {
"lookupOptions": {

A label is either a string or a LocalizedText and provides a label for a given property.

An order is number that allow to customize the order in which items are rendered by data visualization components.

A type is a JSON-schema version 7 type.


On top of types, extra information can be passed to better understand how a property needs to be shown, i.e. a string could be a password or a date, an object could be a plain JavaScript object or maybe a file. To achieve that, components refer to the format key which is not mandatory and when absent triggers defaulting behavior on the type specified by type.

stringdate, date-time, time, email, uri, regex, password, text-area, lookup (deprecated), editor, html-editor
numberdate, date-time, time , currency
objectfile, localized-text, geopoint, lookup
arrayfile, multilookup (deprecated), geopoint, lookup
form-addonlink, title, subtitle

The format may be picked by components to provide better UI rendering choices on a given type. Components such as the Table or the Dynamic Form Modal make extensive use of formats.

When type is set to string, the extra key enum is available to specify available text entries. enum key accepts either an array of strings or an array of objects with keys id, label. id is the actual datum (thus should be a string), while label is its i18n representation, supported by most components (such as the Table or the Dynamic Form Modal).

For instance:

"weekDay": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
{"id": "mon", "label": {"en": "Monday", "it": "Lunedì"}},
{"id": "tue", "label": {"en": "Tuesday", "it": "Martedì"}},
{"id": "wed", "label": {"en": "Wednesday", "it": "Merdoledì"}},
{"id": "thu", "label": {"en": "Thursday", "it": "Giovedì"}},
{"id": "fri", "label": {"en": "Friday", "it": "Venerdì"}}

When type is set to string or number and the format is set to one of date, date-time, time, the extra key dateOptions is available and holds a displayFormat property which allows customization of date visualization format. Back-Kit components handles dates and timestamps using dayjs library and its parsing/formatting syntax. If type is number the datum is expected to be a long epoch time, and will be converted onto the client/browser according to the timezone specified in dateOptions.timeZone (as a TZ database name, for instance "Europe/Rome"), or else as the client/browser timezone. Array of dates are also supported. In this case, the datum can be configured using the items key. For instance:

"availabilities": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"dateOptions": {
"displayFormat": "DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm",

Please note that the date fields are saved in ISO 8601 format, so it's up to the user to convert them in UTC from its local time before using them in the Appointment Manager.

When type is set to object and format is localized-text, table expects a localized object and will render the closest language key, i.e. on language en-US it will render either en-US if available or en as a fallback.

Format geopoint for fields having type set to array or object allows to visualize geographical coordinates inside a map in forms. With this format, array fields must contain exactly two numeric values, indicating longitude and latitude; similarly, object fields must contain a field "coordinates" with the longitude and latitude values.


Geopoint fields within Form components, such as the Dynamic Form Modal or the Dynamic Form Drawer, are rendered using the leaflet library. To ensure correct visualization of these fields, it is necessary to update the Content Security Policy (CSP) for HTTP calls, allowing the needed retrieval of CSS files and images.ù The following CSP rules should be appended:

img-src data:

For example, if the plugin orchestration is managed by micro-lc (version 2 or higher), additional CSP rules can be configured in its backend thorugh property publicHeadersMap. For instance:

"publicHeadersMap": {
"/public/index.html": {
"content-security-policy": [
"script-src 'nonce-**CSP_NONCE**' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-eval'",
"style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'",
"img-src 'self' https: data:",
"object-src 'none'",
"font-src 'self'",
"worker-src 'self' blob:",
"base-uri 'self'"

Fields of format currency automatically display numeric values according to the specified template inside visualizationOptions and formatOptions. By default the value is formatted according to the browser locale (eg the value 1000 will be displayed as 1,000 with english locale), but handlebars helper nFormat is also available.

For instance:

"amount": {
"type": "number",
"format": "currency",
"formOptions": {
"template": {
"en": "$ {{value}}",
"it": "{{value}} $"
"visualizationOptions": {
"template": {
"en": "$ {{args.[0]}}",
"it": "{{args.[0]}} $"

In some components, such as the Table, {{args.[0]}} corresponds to the value of the current datum.

Fields of type array may specify an items key, carrying information about its items. Some Back-kit components use the items key to provide dedicated ways to interact with the field.

For instance, the Dynamic Form Modal, Drawer, Card provide ways to interact with arrays of strings or arrays of enumerations.

"names": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"ids": {
"type": "array",
"uniqueItems": true, // -> invalidates entering the same item twice
"items": {
"type": "string"

Setting key uniqueItems to true validates that no item of the array is entered more than once.

"cities": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
{"label": "Rome", "id": "rm"},
{"label": "Paris", "id": "prs"},
{"label": "London", "id": "lnd"},

Interaction with array fields having items of type object or array that include a data-schema themselves is supported by Back-kit components. More details can be found in the dedicated section.

"people": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"}
"person": {
"type": "object",
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {"type": "string"}

In order to avoid replication of settings within the same configuration, data schema also carries some component-specific visualization options and/or might require extra data to be fetched.

Visualization Options

Visualization options concern any web component that is going to render a given dataset represented by the current data schema.

"__STATE__": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["PUBLIC", "DRAFT"],
"visualizationOptions": {
"hidden": false,
"iconMap": {
"shape": "roundedSquare",
"color": "#52C41A"
"DRAFT": {
"shape": "roundedSquare",
"color": "#CDCDCE"
visualizationOptions optiontypedescription
hiddenbooleanwhether the property is shown within the form component
hiddenLabelbooleanwhether the label of the property is shown within the header of the table component
sortablebooleanwhether the property can be sorted within the header of the table component
iconMapobjectdefines a map of basic shaped icons to be shown with the item and where the key is the item value
templateLocalizedTexttemplate of how to visualize the value in the cell
joinDelimiterstringdelimiter to visualize array items as a single string
tagstringtag to use when embedding a custom component
properties{ [x: string]: any }properties for the embedded custom component
iconMap optionvaluesdescription
shapesquare, roundedSquareshape of the icon
colorhex coloricon color

Example - template

Example of rendering object and array cells as a string:

"name": {
"type": "object",
"visualizationOptions": {
"template": "{{name}} {{lastName}}"
"dishes": {
"type": "array",
"visualizationOptions": {
"template": "{{[0]}}, {{[1]}}, ..."

Dynamic values can be specified using handlebars.

Example - custom component

Example of mounting a custom component in the table using tag, properties keys in visualizationOptions:

"name": {
"type": "string",
"visualizationOptions": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "{{args.[0]}}",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/endpoint",
"body": {
"riderId": "{{args.[1]._id}}",
"data": "{{rawObject args.[1]}}"

Dynamic values can be specified using handlebars. args.[1] is the object representation of the table row, while {{args.[0]}} the value of the cell. If the value of the field should be considered as object, the handlebars helper 'rawObject' can be specified. In the example, key "data" holds an object representation of the whole raw of the table.


In the example, {{args.[0]}} is equivalent to {{args.[1].name}}.

For non-nested properties, it is possible to provide a (template, configMap) pair instead of a value. In such cases, the value of the property is taken from the configMap using template as key (or $default, if the template does not match any configMap key). For instance,

"name": {
"type": "string",
"visualizationOptions": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "{{args.[0]}}",
"disabled": {
"template": "{{args.[1].status}}",
"configMap": {
"Removed": true,
"$default": false

the property disabled resolves to true in the table rows having field status equal to "Removed", false otherwise.

Form Options

Data visualization and CRUD operations might also need a UI component to simplify user interactions with the fetched dataset. This component is often in charge of editing, creating, duplicating, deleting collection items or perform any subset of these actions. Extra options to be specified for user interaction with the dataset should be configured in formOptions

"__STATE__": {
"type": "string",
"formOptions": {
"disabled": false,
"hidden": false,
"placeholder": "Editable state",
"readOnly": false
disabledbooleanwhether the property is disabled within the form component
hiddenbooleanwhether the property is shown within the form component
placeholderLocalizedTextplaceholder for the component
readOnlybooleanwhether the property can be edited
hiddenOnUpdatebooleanwhether the property is shown within the form component on update
hiddenOnInsertbooleanwhether the property is shown within the form component on insert
readOnlyOnUpdatebooleanwhether the property can be edited on update
readOnlyOnInsertbooleanwhether the property can be edited on insert
disabledOnUpdatebooleanwhether the property is disabled within the form component on update
disabledOnInsertbooleanwhether the property is disabled within the form component on update
showFileInViewerbooleanwhether clicking the file property requests to open the file in browser
templateLocalizedTexttemplate of how to visualize the value in the field
geopointFormat["lat", "lon"] | ["lon", "lat"]how to interpret the value of geopoint fields

Filters Options

Extra options to be specified for querying the dataset should be configured in filtersOptions

"__STATE__": {
"type": "string",
"filtersOptions": {
"hidden": false,
"availableOperators": ["equal"]
hiddenbooleanwhether the property is shown within the filter-drawer and filters-manager components
availableOperatorsstring[]list of available operators for the field within the the Filter Drawer component
ignoreCasebooleancontrols whether or not equality should be evaluated ignore case. Only applies to string fields

Filters with property equal to a field with filtersOptions.hidden set to true can still be added (for instance, via an add-filter event) and effectively query the dataset, but the user will not be able to see or interact with the filter.



Starting from version 1.4.0 of Back-Kit components, the content of this paragraph is deprecated. Support to lookup fields has been integrated within the support for Views.

In order to aggregate data from multiple collections into one, CRUD Service Views should be used.

Often a dataset has external references. A list of dishes might refer to ingredients picked from its own collection or to a single recipe from a list of recipes. When looking up to other collection a lookup refer to a single value that is used instead of the placeholder in the main collection. Whenever a property looks up for an array of values, like dishes with ingredients, it is referred to as multilookup.

According to the principle that a web component does one thing, a web application willing to resolve lookups must include a client that takes care of that. Back-Kit provides a Crud Lookup Client which will set up fetching routes according to data schema lookupOptions. So, you need to add the following configuration:

"content": [
"tag": "bk-crud-lookup-client",
"properties": {
"basePath": "/v2",
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"recipe": {
"type": "string",
"format": "lookup",
"lookupOptions": {
"lookupDataSource": "recipes",
"lookupFields": ["name"],
"lookupValue": "_id"

Moreover, a specific set of options must be included into the data schema.

For instance, if you have a recipe field in the main collection, which is an id that refers to an external collection recipes and you want to lookup the name field, you should use the following configuration:

"recipe": {
"type": "string",
"format": "lookup",
"lookupOptions": {
"lookupDataSource": "recipes",
"lookupFields": ["name"],
"lookupValue": "_id"

You can also look for more than one field and concatenate the values in a single string with a lookupDelimiter:

"recipe": {
"type": "string",
"format": "lookup",
"lookupOptions": {
"lookupDataSource": "recipes",
"lookupFields": ["name", "author"],
"lookupDelimiter": " - ",
"lookupValue": "_id"

Concerning multilookups, you can rather use the configuration below. This will lookup, in the ingredients table, the array of ingredients that belong to the recipe.

"ingredients": {
"type": "array",
"format": "multilookup",
"lookupOptions": {
"lookupDataSource": "ingredients",
"lookupFields": ["_id", "name"],
"lookupValue": "_id"

Lookup options

Here is the full list of lookup options.

lookupOptions propertiesdescription
lookupDataSourcethe endpoint for performing the lookup in the destination collection (without leading and trailing /) . This will be concatenated to the basePath of the crud-client-lookup configuration
lookupValuethe item used to resolve the lookup onto the destination collection and held on the main collection
lookupFieldsfields to be retrieved on the destination collection
lookupDelimiterstring with a delimiter to join values when multiple lookupFields are specified
lookupQueriesan array of filters on lookup data + propertyType specifying the type of the filtered property
lookupAddTrailingSlashwhether or not to add a trailing / to lookupDataSource to generate the url for querying data (true if not specified)
lookupDepsarray of dependencies, used to specify dependencies from other fields of the form
sortOptionstring corresponding to _s parameter in call for fetching lookup values

multilookup must be of type array whereas lookup of type string

Lookup queries
"ingredients": {
"type": "array",
"format": "multilookup",
"lookupOptions": {
"lookupDataSource": "ingredients",
"lookupFields": ["_id", "name"],
"lookupValue": "_id",
"lookupQueries": [
"property": "allergenes",
"operator": "hasLengthLessEqual",
"value": 2,
"propertyType": "array"

lookupQueries allows to specify an array of filters that are applied to the queries for lookup data. Each element of lookupQueries is composed as a filter plus the key propertyType, specifying the type of the property that is being filtered (defaults to "string").

lookupQueries propertiesdescription
propertythe unique identifier of the property they filter
operatorthe operator used to filter
valuethe value or the regex pattern (where it applies) to filter for
propertyTypethe type property ("string", "array", ...)
Dependent lookups

It is furthermore possible to have the available options of a lookup/multilookup field dependending on other fields in the form.

"minPopulation": {
"type": "number"
"provId": {
"type": "string",
"format": "lookup",
"lookupOptions": {
"lookupDataSource": "provinces",
"lookupFields": ["name"],
"lookupValue": "_id",
"lookupDeps": [
"dependency": "minPopulation",
"template": "{\"population\": {\"$gt\": {{current.minPopulation}}}}"
"cityIds": {
"type": "array",
"format": "multilookup",
"lookupOptions": {
"lookupDataSource": "cities",
"lookupFields": ["name"],
"lookupValue": "_id",
"lookupDeps": [
"dependency": "provId",
"currentCollectionProperty": "provinceId"

The options of dependent lookup/multilookup fields are fetched with a query parametric to other fields in the form. To set out such query, lookupDeps should include at least one object with a dependency key, specifying which field, upon update, triggers the query, as well as either a template of the query itself - in template, or a field of the lookup collection in currentCollectionProperty. If the latter, a default template will be automatically created, corresponding to a query filtering entries so that currentCollectionProperty is equal or included in the value of the dependency field.

For instance,

"dependency": "provId",
"currentCollectionProperty": "provinceId"

is equivalent to:

"dependency": "provId",
"template": "{\"{{currentCollectionProperty}}\": {\"$in\": {{current.provId}}}}"

in case provId is an array field, or

"dependency": "provId",
"template": "{\"{{currentCollectionProperty}}\": {\"$in\": [{{current.provId}}]}}"



In template, it is necessary to use the key-word current before the name of the referenced field, as in: current.fieldName.


It is not possible to have a field be dependent on a Form Addon.


In case both currentCollectionProperty and template are specified, currentCollectionProperty is ignored.


If multiple dependencies are specified for the same lookup field, these are considered to be in a OR-clause when filtering the selectable values.

In the example above, both lookups provId and and cityIds are dependent from other fields in the form. Namely:

  • provId has a dependency towards the property minPopulation. The options for provId are all filtered by the query specified in the template property: all listed provinces will have a greater population than the one specified in minPopulation.

  • cityIds depends on the field provId. In particular, only cities with the field provinceId equal to the value of the field provId from the form will be available.

Updating a field specified in the dependency option of a lookup/multilookup triggers:

1) queries are performed as specified in lookupDeps to fetch new options 2) current values of dependent fields that are not compatible with the new state of the form according to their lookupDeps are removed 3) options of dependent fields are updated 4) if step 2 caused the value to change, these operations are propagated to all fields that depend on the updated lookup/multilookup. In the example above, if updating minPopulation causes provId's value to change, these 4 steps will also be performed for cityId.


The prop allowAutoDisableDeps in the Form Drawer and the Form Modal allows to control whether or not a dependent lookup/multilookup with no options should be automatically disabled. The field is automatically re-enabled as soon as updating a controlling field causes options to be availbale.


The prop allowLiveSearchCache in the Crud Lookup Client allows to cache queries performed for fetching new options.


If a controlling field is on focus, new options for dependent fields are not fetched until the corresponding on-blur event happens. This is particularly useful in case of cyclic dependencies with multilookup fields, as it prevents available options to be removed while the user is still operating on the field.

LookupDeps propertiesdescription
dependencyproperty name of the controlling field from the form
currentCollectionPropertyitem from the lookup destination collection to utilize when retrieving the selectable options
templatequery to utilize when retrieving the selectable options
Multilookup styling

Due to the length of its content, a multilookup cell is often shown as a placeholder. However, if internal content is meant to be shown in-place, it is possible to join its values array and print it as a string.

Single values are .toString()-ed while a join delimiter must be specified. In your dataSchema, add to the multilookup column the props:

"visualizationOptions": {
"joinDelimiter": "<delimiter>"

where <delimiter> is the string to use for join. An empty string is allowed.

Altogether with type and properties, at the highest level of the data schema, there is an extra key that allow listing external references or href.

"type": "object",
"properties": { ... },
"required": [ ... ],
"formLinks": [
"href": "/hrefPage",
"formOptions": {
"hiddenOnUpdate": true
"href": "",
"target": "_blank",
"label": {
"it": "Cerca su Google",
"en": "Search on Google"
"icon": "fas fa-link",
"query": {
"user": "{{name}}-{{surname}}"
"formOptions": {
"hiddenOnInsert": true

The formLinks key takes an array of objects that represents a Link. The handlebar parser would interpret properties as data schema properties. Referring to the example above, either name or surname are properties of the schema or the parser interprets them as empty strings.

Instructions can be specified as formOptions on to whether showing such links into forms components via the hidden key. The form components, like Dynamic Form Modal has also different opening-states, namely insert and update, hence specific hidden properties hiddenOnInsert and hiddenOnUpdate can be specified to properly tune link visualization when Back-Kit default form is used.

Properties in data schema can be excluded from regex queries generated by free-text search setting the first-level property excludeFromSearch to true.

Note that some properties are automatically excluded, namely:

  • _id, updatedAt, createdAt, and __STATE__ CRUD properties
  • properties of type form-addon
  • properties of format date, time, date-time, lookup, multilookup, file

Plugin Configuration

Once the data schema is set and the components to use are chosen, a full plugin can be written. Such configuration contains two parts

  1. $ref: referenced objects. To avoid repeating the same prop, like dataSchema, on multiple elements.
  2. content: the intended web page content in terms of HTML tags, either standard HTML5 or custom web components

A minimal configuration that undergoes bootstrap procedure can be achieved, being /v2/customers the endpoint of a valid Mia-Platform CRUD Service, with the following configuration:

"$ref": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": {
"type": "string"
"content": {
"tag": "crud-client",
"config": {
"basePath": "/v2/customers",
"schema": {
"$ref": "dataSchema"

After a standard bootstrap time, the page will send a GET requests for _id's on the customers collection, a GET requests for dataset count, and will emit a display-data event. This ends the page bootstrap.


In addiction to the color theme, it is possible to customize the following colors:

  • --back-kit-box-shadow-color : box shadow color of form fields such as input or select fields
  • --back-kit-danger-color : danger/error main color
  • --back-kit-danger-color-hover : danger/error hover color,
  • --back-kit-danger-color-box-shadow : box shadow color of form fields such as input or select fields, when they are in danger/error mode

They are configurable in the css :root pseudo class