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Version: 13.x (Current)

User Manager Service configuration

The User Manager needs some configuration in order to be used effectively. More precisely, it requires two CRUD collections (one for the users, another one for configurations) and a set of environment variables.

User CRUD collection

The User Manager Service requires a CRUD collection to store users. The collection can have any name you want, as long as you specify the correct name in the USERS_CRUD_ENDPOINT environment variable.

The users collection needs the following service-specific fields.

  • userGroup (required) - string: group associated to the user (e.g. customer, doctor, backoffice_operator, etc.).
  • authUserId - string: authentication service user id associated to the user.
  • username - string: the user username in the authentication service.
  • email - string: the user email address (also used in the authentication service).
  • blocked - boolean: it corresponds to the 'blocked' property in the authentication service.
  • expirationDate - Date: the expiration date/time of the user account.
  • expirationId - string: the ID of the job scheduled on the Timer Service to block the user on the expiration date/time.

Since v1.4.0 the UMS relies on the Timer Service to automatically block the user on expiration, so you must set the TIMER_SERVICE env var to get the user automatically blocked.


On top of the aforementioned fields, you can add any field you want to this CRUD collection. Please remember that all the properties in every user schema must be included in the collection above.


To prevent the insertion of duplicated users in the database is necessary to define a [unique index][mongo-unique-index] on the email and username fields.

User Manager Configuration CRUD collection

The User Manager Service requires a CRUD collection to store user group schemas and other group properties. This collection can be managed directly from the Microfrontend Composer, allowing also users that do not have access to the console to configure the user Manager Service. The collection can have any name you want, as long as you specify the correct name in the UMS_CONFIG_CRUD_ENDPOINT environment variable.

The configuration collection needs the following service-specific fields.

  • userGroup (required) - string: unique group type for users (eg. admin, secretary, etc.).
  • crudSchema (required) - object: the JSON schema of the CRUD that stores the user data for the specific group.
  • label (required) - string: label displayed in the Microfrontend Composer lookup.
  • authUserCreationDisabled - boolean: if true, it disables the user creation in the authentication service for the given group (the user is only created in the CRUD).

Auth0 Users Imports Jobs CRUD collection

The User Manager Service automatically creates a MongoDB collection to store the jobs that handle the asynchronous bulk import of users in Auth0. The jobs collection is handled by a job scheduler, and can have any name you want, as long as you specify the correct name in the JOBS_COLLECTION_NAME environment variable.

The job collection has the following fields:

  • name - string: unique name of the job.
  • data - object: data passed to the job:
    • jobId - string: id of the job.
    • auth0JobId - string: id of the Auth0 job.
  • result - object: result of the job:
    • status - string: status of the Auth0 job.
    • summary - object: summary of the Auth0 job results, containing the number of inserted, updated users and failed operations.
    • failures - array: list of failures of the Auth0 job, with details about users and errors.

Rönd Integration

The User Manager Service requires that the Rönd Service is deployed and configured as a STANDALONE service. It is mandatory to specify the MONGODB_URL in order to create the Roles and Bindings collections and to add the array field roles when creating the crudSchema as specified in the previous paragraph. For more information on how to correctly setup Rönd visit the following page.


The integration with Rönd is not mandatory and can be enabled or disabled through the ROND_ENABLED environment variable.

Environment variables

The User Manager Service accepts the following environment variables.

AUTH_MODULENoauth0ClientThe module used for the authentication (at this time only Auth0 is available, so it defaults to auth0Client if not set).
AUTH_SERVICEYes-The name of the authentication microservice (the name of the Auth0 Client microservice if auth0Client is used as authentication module).
AUTH_CONNECTIONYes-Name of the auth service database (e.g. for Auth0 can be Username-Password-Authentication).
AUTH0_BULK_CHANGE_PASSWORD_RATE_LIMIT_PER_SECONDNo10The maximum number of requests sent in one second by the bulk change password job to Auth0. An high value reduce the job execution time, but it also increases the resources consumption on the UMS and Authentication services.
AUTH0_JOB_POLLING_INTERVALNo2 minutesThe interval used to check the status of Auth0 jobs to bulk import users. It can be expressed via cron or human readable syntax.
AUTH0_BULK_CHANGE_PASSWORD_RATE_LIMIT_PER_SECONDNo2The maximum number of HTTP requests per seconds to trigger change-password events that can be sent to Auth0.
CRUD_SERVICENocrud-serviceName of the CRUD service.
UMS_CONFIG_CRUD_ENDPOINTYes-The endpoint of the CRUD containing the UMS configuration, e.g. /ums/config.
USERS_CRUD_ENDPOINTYes-The endpoint of CRUD containing the users, e.g. /users.
JOBS_COLLECTION_NAMEYesuserManagerJobsMongoDB collection name to persist asynchronous jobs.
MONGODB_URLYes-The connection string to connect to MongoDB database.
USER_IMPORT_BATCH_SIZENo250The size of the batch to process the csv when importing users
RANDOM_PWD_GENNotrueEnable the random password generation if set to true.
RANDOM_PWD_LENGTHNo8Length of the random generated password
AUTH_HARD_DELETENotruePerform user delete on auth service if true, blocks the user otherwise.
CUSTOM_USER_ID_KEYNosubThe user id key that identifies the user and is returned as one of the /userinfo properties
CONFIG_PATHNo-The path to the config file (not required, the service starts also without the config file).
USERINFO_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIESNo-A comma-separated string, representing the CRUD user properties that must be returned with the /userinfo endpoint.
ROND_ENABLEDNofalseIf true allows the UMS to integrate with Rönd.
ROND_SERVICENorond-serviceThe name of the Rönd service.
ROLES_CRUD_ENDPOINTNo-The CRUD endpoint that stores the roles that can be assigned to users in the roles string array.
TIMER_SERVICENo-The name of the Timer Service. Required if you want to block users automatically on expiration.
TIMER_SERVICE_HEADERSNo-A comma-separated list of headers from the incoming request that the Timer Service will send when blocking the user on expiration.
CONFIGURATION_PATHNo-The path of a configuration file used by the service to add properties to the users, getting the information from Auth0.

When the ROLES_CRUD_ENDPOINT environment variable is set and the permissions property is added to the USERINFO_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES env var, the /userinfo endpoint will return also the user's permissions.


The roles CRUD should have the minimum required properties of the role object described in the RBAC Data model of the Rönd documentation. This is required because the user's permissions are resolved using the roleIds in the roles array. Roles with matching roleId are retrieved and user's permissions are merged in a single array.


Be careful: with AUTH_HARD_DELETE set to false and Auth0 as authentication service, it is not possible to create again a user with the same email, since the user still exists on Auth0 (and for Auth0 the email is unique for a user).

The User Manager Service also inherits the custom-plugin-library standard environment variables. The ADDITIONAL_HEADERS_TO_PROXY environment variable must contain cookie in order to make the /userinfo endpoint forward the cookie when calling the Auth Client.

Configuration File

Information related to the users and present on auth0 can be added to the users properties when calling GET /users/ endpoint. In order to do so, a configuration file must be added and its path configured through the CONFIGURATION_PATH variable. The configuration file will be validated through the following schema:

"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"user_id": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": false

When no file is provided, no additional properties will be added.

Console Endpoint

In order to use the User Manager Service with Microfrontend Composer, you must configure the API Gateway and create an endpoint to expose the service routes.

Job Scheduler

The User Manager Service leverages the Agenda job scheduling library to handle asyncrhonous job processes. In order to use the job scheduler the MONGODB_URL configuration variable must be set.

Auth0 users bulk import job

The bulk import of users in Auth0 is handled as shown in this sequence diagram.

sequenceDiagram participant UI box User Manager Service participant UMS participant JOB_SCHEDULER end participant AUTH0 participant CRUD UI->>+UMS: POST /jobs/bulk-activation UMS->>+CRUD: GET /users CRUD-->>-UMS: users UMS->>+AUTH0: POST /jobs/bulk-activation AUTH0-->>-UMS: auth0JobId AUTH0->>AUTH0: executing import job UMS->>+JOB_SCHEDULER: create polling job JOB_SCHEDULER-->>-UMS: pending job id UMS-->>-UI: pending job id loop polling every n seconds JOB_SCHEDULER->>+AUTH0: GET /jobs/id end AUTH0-->>-JOB_SCHEDULER: Job completed JOB_SCHEDULER->>+CRUD: PATCH /users {set: authId} CRUD-->>-JOB_SCHEDULER: number of patches loop polling every n seconds UI->>+UMS: GET /jobs/bulk-activation/id end UMS-->>-UI: completed job results