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Version: 13.x (Current)


The pharma-ecommerce-backend requires the configuration of some environment variables alongside the configuration of some support CRUD collections in the Mia-Platform Console.

Environment variables

The pharma-ecommerce-backend microservice can be configured using the following environment variables. Please note that such configuration applies to all current supported and possible supported providers.

ACTIVE_PROVIDERSYesComma separated values containing the pharma e-commerce supported providers, such as pharmaPrimenone
CRUD_SERVICENoThe name of the microservice dedicated to CRUDs operationscrud-service
MIA_USER_ID_HEADER_NAMENoThe name of the header containing the logged user id used to identify different users. It enables to perform operations on their resources such as adding or deleting items to their shopping cartsmiauserid
MIA_USERS_CRUD_ENDPOINTNoThe CRUD endpoint that stores the users' personal data required for processing the pharma e-commerce purchases/users
MIA_ORDERS_CRUD_ENDPOINTNoThe CRUD endpoint that stores the pharma e-commerce orders made by registered users/pharma-ecommerce-orders
ORDERS_MAX_COUNTERNoMax number of iterations allowed for the creation of a random order customOrderId saved alongside other order information in the MIA_ORDERS_CRUD_ENDPOINT CRUD100
PRESCRIPTION_MANAGERNoThe name of your project microservice that will be used to handle drug prescriptionsprescription-manager
DOWNLOAD_PRESCRIPTION_PDF_ENDPOINTNoThe endpoint of your prescription-manager-service that allows the download of a PDF of a prescription/prescriptions/download
PRESCRIPTION_ENDPOINTNoThe endpoint of your prescription-manager-service that allows the retrieval of a previously stored prescription that will be used to create a new shopping cart with the same items/prescriptions/items

Currently, the Pharma Ecommerce Backend supports only pharmaPrime as providers and thus must be included in the ACTIVE_PROVIDERS environment variable.


More details about the prescription-manager required interface are detailed in the following section. This microservice is completely optional and required only if the GET /cart endpoint is called with the prescriptionId query parameter and the POST /cart/products body contains the prescriptionId.

Further environment variables are required for specific providers.


PHARMAPRIME_BASE_PATHYesBase path of the pharmaPrime provider APIsnone
PHARMAPRIME_PARTNER_TOKENYesThe partner token released from Pharma Prime required for authenticated API calls to the provider endpointsnone
LANGUAGENoThe language code used by the pharma e-commerce provider to fetch items or single items in a specific languageit-IT
DEFAULT_LATITUDENoThe user default location latitude that is used to retrieve available products from the e-commerce45.464664
DEFAULT_LONGITUDENoThe user default location longitude that is used to retrieve available products from the e-commerce9.188540

To obtain a PHARMAPRIME_PARTNER_TOKEN and a PHARMAPRIME_BASE_PATH you can contact Pharma Prime support.


The DEFAULT_LATITUDE and DEFAULT_LONGITUDE points to Piazza della Repubblica, Rome.


The microservice requires the following CRUD collections to store user's information and placed order to a specific provider.

Users CRUD collection

The Pharma Ecommerce Backend requires a CRUD containing the users. The collection can have any name you want, as long as you specify the correct endpoint name in the MIA_USERS_CRUD_ENDPOINT environment variable.

The users' collection needs the following service-specific fields:

  • email (required) - string: the user's email;
  • authUserId - string: the auth service user id associated to a specific user;
  • firstName (required) - string: the user's first name;
  • lastName (required) - string: the user's last name;
  • phoneNumber (required) - string: the user's phone number;
  • fiscalCode (required) - string: the user's fiscal code.

The minimum required properties of this CRUD can be imported downloading this example json file.


If you want to use the Pharma Ecommerce Backend in conjunction with the User Manager Service, you will also need to add the service required specified in the service configuration.

Orders CRUD collection

The Pharma Ecommerce Backend requires a CRUD for storing the user's orders made to different providers. This collection can have any name you want, as long as you specify the correct endpoint name in the MIA_ORDERS_CRUD_ENDPOINT environment variable.

The orders' collection stores the information of an order placed to a pharma e-commerce provider and needs the following service-specific fields:

  • userId (required) - object id: the user id that is performing the order, it's the _id from the users' CRUD collection;
  • provider (required) - string: the order's provider identifier;
  • subtotal - number: the order cost (without shipping costs);
  • shippingCosts - number: the order's shipping costs;
  • status (required) - string: the order current status;
  • customOrderId (required) - string: an order that is different from the order id given by a pharma e-commerce provider during the creation of an order;
  • orderId (required) - string: this property stores the specific provider order id.

The required properties of this CRUD can be imported downloading this example json file.


Currently, the only supported provider is pharmaPrime.


An order total cost is computed adding the subtotal to the shippingCosts.

Prescription Manager

The Prescription Manager is an optional service that works alongside the Pharma Ecommerce Backend and allows the storage and management of medicine prescriptions. In particular, this service allows:

  • to re-create a user's shopping cart with the same items of a previously stored prescription;
  • to create an order for medicines that require a prescription using an already saved prescription PDF file.

This microservice should have the endpoints specified in the DOWNLOAD_PRESCRIPTION_PDF_ENDPOINT and PRESCRIPTION_ENDPOINT environment variables. We assume the previous default endpoints are used to describe the required endpoints of a prescription manager microservice.

GET /prescriptions/download/:id

This endpoint should return the PDF file of the prescription, specified by id, as a stream.

GET /prescriptions/items/:id

This endpoint should return a prescription by id as an array of prescription items ids.


Any other endpoint you need to implement in the prescription-manager for managing the prescriptions creation and other functionalities, such as prescriptions storage and retrieval, is up to you.


We advise to leverage the CRUD Service and the Files Service for storing prescription details and prescription PDF files.