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Version: 13.x (Current)


The main purpose of the Pharma Ecommerce Backend is to provide an interface to different pharma e-commerce providers and to enable medicines purchase and order management feature to your end users.


GET /providers

Get all the active providers that serves the address given in input.

Query parameters

This request accepts the following query parameters:

  • latitude (required) - number: the latitude of the address to check;
  • longitude (required) - number: the longitude of the address to check.


With a 200 status code returns an array of providers that provide their services in a given location. The structure of the payload is the following:

"providers": [

If no pharma e-commerce provider offers its services in the provided location, the endpoint will return a 404 error.

User sign up

POST /signup

Sign up a user on all the providers declared in ACTIVE_PROVIDERS environment variable.


This request accepts the following body object:

  • name (required) - string: the user's name;
  • surname (required) - string: the user's surname;
  • birthdate (required) - date: the user's birthdate (expressed in format ISO 8601);
  • email (required) - string: the user's email;
  • phone (required) - string: the user's phone number (containing the + international prefix, for example +39).


The endpoint with a successful signup to all providers has a 204 status code and no return body.


GET /categories

Retrieve a list of product categories and subcategories available given a specific address and provider. The language of the returned items can be configured with the LANGUAGE environment variable.

Query parameters

This request accepts the following query parameters:

  • latitude (required) - number: the address latitude;
  • longitude (required) - number: the address longitude;
  • provider (required) - string: the provider identifier (such as pharmaPrime).


The endpoint returns a 200 status code and a payload containing an array of categories containing the related subcategories array.

A category has the following properties:

  • id (required) - number: the category id;
  • name (required) - string: the category name;
  • subcategories (required) - array of subcategory: the subcategories contained in a category.

A subcategory has the following properties:

  • id (required) - number: the subcategory id;
  • name (required) - string: the subcategory name.

A payload example the following structure:

"id": 1,
"name": "Category 1",
"subcategories": []
"id": 2,
"name": "Category 2",
"subcategories": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Subcategory 1"
"id": 3,
"name": "Category 3",
"subcategories": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Subcategory 1"
"id": 2,
"name": "Subcategory 2"


This section describes the endpoints dedicated to search and obtain information about the pharma e-commerce products.


All the items' prices are in euro (€).

GET /products/

Get a list of products related to a term, code, or subcategory id.

Query parameters

This request accepts the following query parameters:

  • provider (required) - string: the provider identifier (such as pharmaPrime);
  • latitude - number: the user's latitude, if not provided the DEFAULT_LATITUDE is used;
  • longitude - number: the user's longitude, if not provided the DEFAULT_LONGITUDE is used;
  • term - string: a search term used to filter the returned items;
  • scannedCode - string: the string representation of the product's bar code;
  • subCategoryId - string: a subcategory id to retrieve products of a specific subcategory;
  • onlyPrescriptionRequired - boolean: if true, the endpoint returns items that require a prescription to be purchased;
  • _sk - number: the number of elements to skip a paginated request;
  • _l - number: the number of elements returned from a single request.

In addition, at least one of the term, scannedCode, subCategoryId, onlyPrescriptionRequired query parameters is required in order to perform a search on the pharmaPrime e-commerce provider.


There is no default for _sk and _l and they are not required. Tough, they are both recommended for improving the microservice response time.


The endpoint returns a 200 status code and a payload containing an array of products.

A product has the following properties:

  • id (required) - number: the item id;
  • name (required) - string: the product name;
  • description (required) - string: the product description;
  • price (required) - string: the product max price;
  • imageUrl - string: the product image URL;
  • leaflet (required) - array of leaflet items: an array containing the product leaflet sections;
  • tags (required) - array of strings: the list of tags related to a product.

A leaflet item has the following properties:

  • label (required) - string: the name of the leaflet section;
  • text (required) - string: an HTML text containing the details of a leaflet section information.

A payload example is the following:

"id": 1,
"name": "Tachipirina*10cpr div 500mg",
"description": "Tachipirina*10 cpr div 500 mg",
"price": 2.75,
"imageUrl": "",
"leaflet": [
"label": "Indicazioni terapeutiche",
"text": "Come antipiretico: trattamento sintomatico di affezioni febbrili quali l'influenza, le malattie esantematiche, le affezioni acute del tratto respiratorio, ecc. Come analgesico: cefalee, nevralgie, mialgie ed altre manifestazioni dolorose di media entità, di varia origine."
"label": "Controindicazioni",
"text": "• Ipersensibilità al paracetamolo o ad uno qualsiasi degli eccipienti elencati al paragrafo 6.1. • Pazienti affetti da grave anemia emolitica (tale controindicazione non si riferisce alle formulazioni orali da 500mg). • Grave insufficienza epatocellulare (tale controindicazione non si riferisce alle formulazioni orali da 500mg)."
"label": "Conservazione",
"text": "<u>Compresse e granulato effervescente</u>: nessuna speciale precauzione per la conservazione. <u>Supposte:</u> conservare a temperatura non superiore a 25&deg;C."
"tags": [

GET /products/:id

Get product details info by id.

Query parameters

This request accepts the following query parameters:

  • provider (required) - string: the provider identifier (such as pharmaPrime).


The endpoint returns a 200 status code and a payload containing a product described in the previous section.

Shopping cart

This section describes the operations that a logged user can perform to create and manage its current shopping cart.

POST /cart/products

Add an item to the cart, if a prescription is required then it uploads it to the provider.

#### Body

This endpoint accepts the following multipart/form-data:

  • provider (required) - string: the provider id, such as pharmaPrime;
  • latitude (required) - string: the user's address latitude;
  • longitude (required) - string: the user's address longitude;
  • address (required) - string: the user's complete address;
  • productId (required) - string: the id of the product to add to the shopping cart;
  • quantity (required) - number: the number of items specified by the productId that needs to be added to the shopping cart;
  • recipeExemptionCode - string: an eventual exemption code of the prescription;
  • recipeFile: the prescription file to upload to the pharma e-commerce provider;
  • prescriptionId - string: the id of the prescription previously stored using the optionally implemented prescription-manager microservice.

Medicines requiring prescriptions needs only one of recipeFile and prescriptionId to be defined.


When prescriptionId is defined and the item to be added to the shopping cart requires a prescription, the prescription file will be retrieved from the DOWNLOAD_PRESCRIPTION_PDF_ENDPOINT of the PRESCRIPTION_MANAGER. Not having this microservice and the specified endpoint in your project will cause an error. More details are available in the prescription-manager microservice configuration.


The endpoint returns a 200 status code and a payload containing a created shopping cart or an updated existing one. The payload of a shopping cart is described in the GET /cart response section.

PATCH /cart/products/:id

Updates a product quantity (identified by its product id) in the logged user's shopping cart.


This request accepts the following body object:

  • provider (required) - string: the provider id, such as pharmaPrime;
  • latitude (required) - string: the user's address latitude;
  • longitude (required) - string: the user's address longitude;
  • address (required) - string: the user's complete address;
  • quantity (required) - number: the new number of items to set in the shopping cart for a product.

Setting the quantity of an item to zero will remove the item completely from the shopping cart.


A successful patch of the quantity of an item will return a 204 status code.

DELETE /cart/products/:id

Delete a product from the logged user's shopping cart.

Query parameters

This request accepts the following query parameter:

  • provider - string: the provider id, such as pharmaPrime.


A successful item delete will return a 204 status code.

GET /cart

Retrieve the logged user's shopping cart.

Query parameters

This request accepts the following query parameters:

  • provider (required) - string: the provider id, such as pharmaPrime;
  • latitude (required) - string: the user's address latitude;
  • longitude (required) - string: the user's address longitude;
  • address (required) - string: the user's complete address;
  • prescriptionId - string: the id of the prescription previously stored using the optionally implemented prescription-manager microservice.

When prescriptionId is defined, the shopping cart will be re-created from a previously stored prescription. Thus, the implementation of the PRESCRIPTION_ENDPOINT of the PRESCRIPTION_MANAGER is required. Otherwise, the service will throw an error. More details are available in the optional prescription-manager microservice configuration.


With a 200 status code returns, a shopping cart object with the following properties:

  • notAvailableItems - array of items: an array of not available items given a provider and a location;
  • items (required) - array of items: an array of available items given a provider and a location;
  • price (required) - object: an object always containing the subtotal and shippingCosts properties as numbers;
  • address (required) - string: the user's complete address.

A shopping cart item has the following properties:

  • id (required) - string: the product id;
  • name - string: the product name;
  • description - string: the product description;
  • imageUrl - string: the optional product image URL;
  • quantity (required) - number: the number of items that will be ordered for a specific product;
  • price (required) - number: the unit price of a product item;
  • recipeRequired - boolean: whether a product requires a prescription or not.

An example of a response payload is the following:

"notAvailableItems": [],
"items": [
"id": "114",
"name": "Tachipirina*10cpr div 500mg",
"description": "Tachipirina*10 cpr div 500 mg",
"imageUrl": "",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 2.75,
"recipeRequired": false
"address": "Piazza Navona, 00186 Roma RM, Italy",
"price": {
"subtotal": 2.75,
"shippingCosts": 3

All the prices of the shopping cart, such as the subtotal and the shippingCosts and also the price of an item, are in euro (€).


A user signed up to a pharma e-commerce provider with a shopping cart can place an order and access the orders already placed to monitor their status.

Order states

The status that an order can have can be summarized in the following table.

Ready for shipment2
In delivery5

The previous order status codes are the one supported by the only supported provider pharmaPrime.

POST /order

Create an order from logged user cart.

#### Body

This endpoint accepts the following json object:

  • provider (required) - string: the provider id, such as pharmaPrime;
  • latitude (required) - string: the user's delivery address latitude;
  • longitude (required) - string: the user's delivery address longitude;
  • address (required) - string: the user's delivery complete address.


When an order is successfully placed to a provider, the order will be saved in the MIA_ORDERS_CRUD_ENDPOINT CRUD and returned.

The order object has the following properties:

  • id (required) - string: the created order id;
  • items (required) - array of order items: the user's address latitude;
  • address (required) - string: the delivery order address;
  • status (required) - object: the newly created order status object containing a numerical code and a label describing the order status;
  • deliveryDate (required) - date: the order estimated delivery date (expressed in format ISO 8601);
  • paymentLink - string: the optional link for processing the order payment;
  • price (required) - object: an object always containing the subtotal and shippingCosts properties as numbers.

An order item has the following properties:

  • name (required) - string: the product name;
  • imageUrl - string: the optional product image URL;
  • quantity (required) - number: the number of items ordered for a specific product;
  • productPrice (required) - number: the unit price of a product.

Here is an example of a created order:

"id": "0001",
"items": [
"name": "Tachipirina*10cpr div 500mg",
"imageUrl": "",
"quantity": 1,
"productPrice": 2.75
"address": " della Repubblica, 00185 Roma RM, Italy",
"status": {
"code": 1,
"label": "Creato"
"deliveryDate": "2022-12-01T17:29:28.5521942",
"paymentLink": "",
"price": {
"subtotal": 2.75,
"shippingCosts": 3

GET /orders

Get a list of orders for the current logged-in user.

Query parameters

This request accepts the following query parameters:

  • _sk - number: the number of elements to skip a paginated request (defaults to 0);
  • _l - number: the number of elements returned from a single request (defaults to 200).


Returns an array of orders. An order object has the following properties:

  • customOrderId (required) - string: the order id stored in the MIA_ORDERS_CRUD_ENDPOINT CRUD;
  • status (required) - number: the current order status, one of the described order states;
  • subtotal (required) - number: the total cost of an order without the shipping costs;
  • shippingCosts - number: the shipping costs of an order;
  • items (required) - array of placed order items: the items contained in the order.

A placed order item has the following properties:

  • product (required) - object: a specific product in the order placed by the customer;
  • quantity (required) - number: the number of items ordered for a specific product;
  • unitPrice (required) - number: the price of a single item;
  • delivery - date: the order estimated or actual delivery date (expressed in format ISO 8601);
  • paymentLink - string: the optional link for processing the order payment;
  • deliverySteps - array of delivery steps: an optional array of items containing the order tracking information.

The product object the following properties:

  • id (required) - number: the item id;
  • name (required) - string: the product name;
  • description (required) - string: the product description;
  • price (required) - string: the product price;
  • image - string: the product image URL.

A delivery step object has the following properties:

  • date - date: the estimated or actual date of completion of a delivery step of an order (expressed in format ISO 8601);
  • isDone - boolend: a boolean indicating whether the delivery step has taken place or not;
  • label (required) - string: a label that describes the current delivery step, such as the order status or the current location of the order.

An example of a complete endpoint response is the following:

"customOrderId": "6dfrkr",
"status": 1,
"subtotal": 2.75,
"shippingCosts": 3,
"items": [
"product": {
"id": 114,
"name": "TACHIPIRINA*10CPR DIV 500MG",
"description": "TACHIPIRINA*10 cpr div 500 mg",
"image": ""
"quantity": 1,
"unitPrice": 2.75
"delivery": "2022-12-01T17:29:28",
"paymentLink": "",
"deliverySteps": [
"date": "2022-12-01T15:49:30.088Z",
"label": "created"
"date": "2022-12-01T17:29:28",
"isDone": false,
"label": "delivery"
"customOrderId": "tuq7o9",
"status": 15,
"subtotal": 10.7,
"shippingCosts": 3,
"items": [
"product": {
"id": 3761,
"name": "MOMENT*24CPR RIV 200MG",
"description": "MOMENT*24 cpr riv 200 mg",
"image": "",
"quantity": 1,
"unitPrice": 10.7
"delivery": "2022-10-05T13:29:40",
"deliverySteps": [
"date": "2022-10-05T09:33:37.041Z",
"label": "created"
"date": "2022-10-05T13:29:40",
"isDone": false,
"label": "delivery"

As in the previous sections, all the prices of an order are in euro (€).