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Version: 13.x (Current)

Push Notification Sender

Environment Variables

The service requires the following environment variables:

  • CONFIG_FILE_PATH: the path where the configuration file is mounted

Configuration File

The service requires a configuration file in JSON format with the following fields:

  • sendersInitOptions: object, specifies the configuration for Android and iOS senders. It has the following fields:
    • android: object, specifies the configuration for Android sender. It has the following fields:
      • key: string, the Firebase key for sending Android notifications
    • ios: object, specifies the configuration for iOS sender. This object is passed directly to the APN Provider. So you can specify the options listed here.
  • collectionsOptions: object, specifies the configuration of the CRUD collection used by the service. It has the following fields:
    • notificationsCollectionsPath: path to the notifications CRUD collection
    • devicesCollectionPath: path to the devices CRUD collection
    • usersCollectionPath: path to the users CRUD collection
    • bufferSize: maximum number of notifications to be sent a once

An example of configuration file is the following:

"sendersInitOptions": {
"ios": {
"cert": "/home/node/app/config/cert.pem",
"key": "/home/node/app/config/key.pem",
"production": true,
"mock": {},
"android": {
"collectionsOptions": {
"devicesCollectionPath": "/devices/",
"notificationsCollectionsPath": "/notifications/",
"usersCollectionPath": "/users/",
"bufferSize": 5000

In the case above, you must mount the cert.pem and key.pem files of the iOS certificates at the paths indicated in the configuration file.

CRUD Collections

The service is based on two CRUD collections: devices and notifications An additional users collection is needed for /groups route to work. Here you can see how to create a CRUD collection from Mia-Platform Console.


This collection contains the registered devices, a document containing the registration token (so there may be multiple documents for each user). This collection should not be used directly by clients, who have authenticated registration APIs! The properties are as follows:

  • userId: string or ObjectId, reference to the user who has registered
  • token: string, the token ios or android that identifies the device and the app
  • tags: list of strings, marks of users interested in topics or grouped as a group of users
  • platform: string, the platform of the device android,ios, mock (case-sensitive!)


This collection keeps the history of notifications sent. Property:

  • title: string, the title independent from the platform
  • body: string, the message independent of the platform
  • payload: the custom payload independent from the platform
  • platformSpecificContent: object, notification customizations depending on the platform
  • destination: object, a descriptor that contains the type type of the destination and the list of recipients
  • outcome: object, the result of sending the notification


This collection will be only used by /groups route. It contains users' data. This collection must have property groups, an array of strings: it represents the groups a user belongs to.
This service will send notifications to groups by collecting the ids of users belonging to groups specified as input.