PDF Service Usage
This section describes in detail the features provided by the microservice:
Generate PDF from a template
This endpoint provides a simple way for generating PDF files from an HTML template. It relies on:
- CRUD Service;
- Puppeteer library;
- Handlebars library.
This feature requires:
- the name given to the template to identify it within the CRUD;data
- an object, possibly nested, containing the data to use for text interpolation in the HTML template.
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-data '{ "templateId": "123", "data": { "key": "value" } }'
The response is a stream containing the generated pdf document.
HTML template
HTML templates are interpolated using the Handlebars library. So, the syntax to perform interpolation is the one of the linked library. Moreover, PDF Service implements just-handlerbars-helpers library, which means that the all the helpers offered by the library can be used in the construction of the HTML Template.
In order to insert an image into the header/footer, you have to insert the img tag containing as value for src the base64 image. You can use this link to upload an image and obtain its base64 version.
Interpolation process example
The PDF Service retrieves the template record with templateId
value of 123
from the CRUD Service, and proceeds to perform an interpolation on the htmlTemplate
, htmlHeader
, and htmlFooter
using the object passed in the data field.
"templateId": "123",
"data": {
"name": "John",
"address": {
"city": "Milan",
"streetName": "Via Carlo Imbonati, 1",
<div align="center">
My name is {{name}} and I live in {{address.city}}.
Interpolation result
<div align="center">
My name is John and I live in Milan.
Generate PDF from a url
This endpoint provides a simple way for generating PDF files from a web URL. This feature relies on:
- Puppeteer library.
The feature requires:
- url of the page you want to print as a PDF.
You can also print a web page in a specified language passing the following header parameter in the request:
: 'it-IT,it'
Version 1.x of this microservice allowed the generation of PDFs from forms constructed via the Form Service Backend and Frontend.
To reproduce this functionality, use this endpoint passing as URL the reference to the form you want to print.
Eg: https://BASE_URL
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-data '{ "url": "https://mia-care.io" }'
The response is a stream containing the generated pdf document.
Merge two PDFs
This endpoint allows to merge multiple pdf files provided in a multipart. Such files will be merged based on the order they have in the multipart body.
It is possible to specify the filename of the new merged file via the filename
property inside the multipart. If not provided the name will be random.
Other fields in the multipart which are not PDF (strings or other types of files) will be ignored.
curl --request POST \
'' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form first_pdf_file={{first_pdf}} \
--form second_pdf_file={{second_pdf}} \
--form third_pdf_file={{third_pdf}} \
--form another_field=this_will_be_ignored \
--form non_pdf_file_that_will_be_ignored={{non_pdf_file}}
--form filename=my_file
The response is a stream containing the merged PDF document.