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Version: 13.x (Current)


In this page you will find the required information to perform REST calls related to the Axerve payment provider.

Payment MethodPaymentRefundAutomatic SubscriptionManual Subscription
Pay By Link


Every Axerve endpoint has this prefix path /v3/axerve.


POST /{payment-method}/pay

This endpoint allows to execute payments via the Axerve payment provider.

You can always define the following optional fields in providerData:

"providerData": {
"buyerName": "string",
"buyerEmail": "string",
"serverRedirect": "string"

Payment Token

The following payment methods:

  • credit-cards
  • applepay
  • googlepay

requires the token field to be specified inside the providerData object.

"providerData": {
"token": "string"
Credit Card token

This token can be obtained performig an HTTP request to the Axerve's Shop API POST - /shop/token as described in the documentation.

Apple Pay token

This token is a string representation of the JSON below:

"paymentData": {
"data": "string",
"signature": "string",
"version": "string",
"header": {
"ephemeralPublicKey": "string",
"publicKeyHash": "string",
"transactionId": "string"
"transactionIdentifier": "string",
"paymentMethod": {
"network": "string",
"type": "string",
"displayName": "string"

Few steps are required in order to obtain a payment dictionary compliant to the structure expected above. After making a PKPaymentRequest using Apple's PassKit framework, you can retrieve the PKPayment object from the PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController didAuthorizePayment completion callback.

  1. Create a Foundation object from the given payment.token.paymentData data:

    NSData *paymentData = payment.token.paymentData;
    NSError *serializationError = nil;

    id dict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:paymentData options:NSJSONReadingFragmentsAllowed error:&serializationError];
    // error handling with serializationError
  2. Create the payment method dictionary:

    // ...
    NSDictionary *paymentMethodDictionary = @{
    @"type": [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:payment.token.paymentMethod.type],
    // ...
  3. Create the payment information dictionary and convert it as JSON data:

    // ...
    NSError *dataWritingError = nil;
    NSDictionary *paymentDictionary = @{

    NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:paymentDictionary options:NSJSONWritingFragmentsAllowed error:&dataWritingError];
    // error handling with dataWritingError
  4. Initialize a NSString with the data to be used as token to be provided to the /pay endpoint:

    // ...
    NSString *paymentDataString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    // ...

For more information visit Axerve's documentation.

Google Pay token

This token is a string representation of the JSON below:

"signature": "string",
"protocolVersion": "string",
"signedMessage": "string"

The most simple way to obtain that token data is via the front-end Google Pay libraries. For more information visit Axerve's documentation.


POST /refund

This endpoint allows to refund an already executed payment via the Axerve provider.

The request body does not require any provider-specific data.



POST /subscription/start

This endpoint allows to create a new subscription and the related first payment via the Axerve provider.

It required the same fields inside providerData object as the pay request. Another mandatory field is the authenticationAmount field that define the maximum amount that can be requested at each payment. Below an example of the providerData object needed:

"providerData": {
"token": "string",
"authenticationAmount": Int,
"buyerName": "string",
"buyerEmail": "string",
"serverRedirect": "string"

The subscriptionInfo.interval field accept the following values:

  • DAY


POST /subscription/pay

This endpoint allows to create a new payment related to the subscription defined by the subscriptionToken via the Axerve provider.

It required the token field inside the subscriptionInfo object.


GET /status?paymentId={paymentId}

This endpoint allows to get the current status of the payment identified by the required query parameter paymentId.


The status received by the provider will be mapped according to the following table:

Provider StatusPlugin Status


GET /check?paymentId={paymentId} This endpoint allows to get the current status of the payment identified by the required query parameter paymentId and also to send a notification to the external service as specified by PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL environment variable.

POST /pay-by-link

The request body does not require any provider-specific data.


POST /callback This endpoint should only be called by Axerve.


Payment Tokenization

POST /utility/payment/token

This endpoint allows to tokenize a payment request, it creates in the system of the provider a payment token using the Axerve create endpoint. For more details on Axerve APIs please read the documentation

In order to tokenize a payment we need a request body as below:

"shopLogin": "shopLoginId",
"amount": "100",
"shopTransactionId": "transactionId",
"currency": "EUR"

The API will return a single string with the payment token of the payment just created.