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Version: 13.x (Current)

How does it work?

In the following document we will provide some example flows for a generic Payment Provider, called provider. Provider specific edge cases are covered in more detail in the following pages, this is more of a generic overview of the Payment Gateway Manager and how to interact with it.

The Payment Gateway Manager interfaces aim to be agnostic to the payment provider used. Some providers may require additional fields, in which case they will be wrapped in a single, optional object field.

Core Concepts


  • PaymentId: unique identifier of the payment provided by the provider
  • ShopTransactionId: unique identifier of the payment on the user's system
  • SubscriptionToken: unique identifier of the subscription provided by the provider

Amount and Currency

The amount is expressed as an integer in order to avoid precision loss. Together with the currency value (ISO 4217) the correct float value can be computed.


Only "EUR" currency is supported at this moment


POST /{provider}/{payment-method}/pay

Perform a payment on the provider with the payment-method chosen.


"amount": 500, // the amount to be paid
"currency": "EUR", // currency used for the payment
"shopTransactionId": "123456789", // the unique id of your transaction
"successRedirectUrl": "", // the URL to be redirected to if payment succeeds (optional)
"failureRedirectUrl": "", // the URL to be redirected to if payment fails (optional)
"providerData": {...} // the object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)

For more information about the content of the providerData object, read the page related to the chosen provider.


"result": "OK", // transaction result
"resultDescription": "Transaction Completed", // human readable transaction result (varies with the provider)
"paymentId": "payment-123456789", // payment transaction id as returned by the provider
"redirectToUrl": "", // redirect web page
"redirectToUrlMobile": "provider-app://redirect?token=example" // redirect iOS url-scheme, used to open the provider's app in iOS devices

The result field can have the following values:

  • OK: the transaction has been performed successfully on the provider;
  • KO: the transaction has been rejected by the provider;
  • PENDING: the transaction is pending; an asynchronous notification will arrive from the provider with the information about the status of the transaction;
  • REDIRECT_TO_URL: the transaction is pending and needs further actions by the user in order to be completed; in this case at least one of the following fields is available:
    • redirectToUrl: redirect to a web page
    • redirectToUrlMobile: redirect iOS url-scheme, used to open the provider's app in iOS devices


POST /{provider}/refund

Perform a refund for a transaction on the provider.


"amount": 500,
"currency": "EUR",
"paymentId": "123456789",
"providerData": {...} // the object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)


"result": "OK"

The result field can have the following values:

  • OK: the refund has been performed successfully on the provider;
  • KO: the refund has been rejected by the provider;
  • PENDING: the refund is pending; an asynchronous notification will arrive from the provider with the information about the status of the transaction;


The Payment Gateway Manager can interact with the provider in order to manage subscriptions, that are recurrent payments.

A recurrent payment is a payment strategy that splits a whole payment across multiple installments, whose only the first one requires an interaction with the client (its authorization). An example of such payment strategy is paying monthly for a season ticket that covers one year.

Using an enabled provider, a client executes an initial payment where they also authorize the underlying system to perform future payments on their behalf, using the same details of the initial payment. This grant is defined through a token generated by the payments provider once the initial payment is successfully completed and returned to the payment system.

The following actions are available:

  • schedule: the provider will automatically handle new recurring payments and send a notification when the status of a subscription changes
  • manually:
    • start: create a new subscription on the provider
    • pay: perform a new payment related to an already created subscription on the provider
  • update: update information related to the subscription
  • get status: get the subscription status
  • expire: expire a subscription

An object subscriptionInfo needs to be included in the request in order to specify information about the subscription.

"subscriptionInfo": {
"token": "0987654321", // unique id of the subscription
"interval": "DAY", // time unit
"intervalCount": 1, // frequency of the subscription
"expiresAfter": 1 // maximum number of payments for the subscription (optional)

The following values are accepted for the field interval:

  • DAY

Each provider can accept only some interval values

On the response a SubscriptionToken is returned, that is the identifier to use in order to perform action on the correct subscription.


POST /{provider}/{payment-method}/subscription/schedule

Create a new subscription managed entirely by the provider. The provider will notify with a callback every change on the subscription.


"amount": 200, // the amount to be paid at each recurrent payment
"currency": "EUR", // currency to use
"shopTransactionId": "1234567890", // the unique id of your transaction
"subscriptionInfo": {
"interval": "DAY", // time unit
"intervalCount": 1, // frequency of the subscription
"expiresAfter": 1 // maximum number of payments for the subscription (optional)
"providerData": {...} // the object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)

Possible values of subscrptionInfo.interval are:

  • DAY
  • WEEK
  • YEAR


"result": "OK",
"resultDescription": "Payment Authorised",
"paymentId": "1234567890", // the unique id of the transaction for the specific provider
"subscriptionToken": "0987654321", // the unique id of the subscription
"metadata": {...} // object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)


POST /{provider}/{payment-method}/subscription/start

Create a new subscription on the provider.


"amount": 200, // the amount to be paid at each recurrent payment
"currency": "EUR", // currency to use
"shopTransactionId": "1234567890", // the unique id of your transaction
"subscriptionInfo": {
"interval": "DAY", // time unit
"intervalCount": 1, // frequency of the subscription
"expiresAfter": 1 // maximum number of payments for the subscription (optional)
"providerData": {...} // the object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)


"result": "OK",
"resultDescription": "Payment Authorised",
"paymentId": "1234567890",
"subscriptionToken": "0987654321",
"metadata": {...} // object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)


POST /{provider}/{payment-method}/subscription/pay

Create a new payment related to a subscription on the provider.


"amount": 200, // the amount to be paid at each recurrent payment
"currency": "EUR", // currency to use
"shopTransactionId": "1234567890", // the unique id of your transaction
"subscriptionInfo": {
"token": "0987654321" // the unique id of subscription
"providerData": {...} // the object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)


"result": "OK",
"resultDescription": "Payment Authorised",
"paymentId": "1234567890",
"subscriptionToken": "0987654321",
"metadata": {...} // object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)


POST /{provider}/subscription/update/{subscriptionToken}

Update subscription information.


"amount": 200, // the amount to be paid at each recurrent payment
"currency": "EUR", // currency to use
"shopTransactionId": "1234567890", // the unique id of your transaction
"subscriptionInfo": {
"interval": "DAY", // time unit
"intervalCount": 1, // frequency of the subscription
"expiresAfter": 1 // the unique id of subscription
"providerData": {...} // the object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)


"result": "OK",
"resultDescription": "Successful transaction",
"subscriptionToken": "0987654321"

Get Status

GET /{provider}/subscription/status/{subscriptionToken}

Get the subscription status. Available status are:

  • PENDING: first payment to be executed
  • ACTIVE: last payment executed
  • PAST_DUE: last payment failed
  • EXPIRED: the subscription has reached the expiration date
  • CANCELED: the subscription has been manually canceled
  • UNKNOWN: the subscription status is unknown

The actual available status depend on the provider. It is always a subset of the list above. For more information visit the provider dedicated documentation page.


"status": "ACTIVE",
"subscriptionToken": "098764321",
"providerName": "stripe",
"metadata": {...}


DELETE /{provider}/subscription/expire/{subscriptionToken}

Expire the subscription on the provider.

The Payment Gateway Manager is also able to handle the Pay By Link scenario, it requests the link to the provider and returns it. The user can simply click on the link and will be redirected to the provider specific payment page, with all the payment methods enabled through the dashboard of that provider. At the end of the process the PGM will receive a callback that notifies about the payment result.

POST /{provider}/pay-by-link


"amount": 500, // the amount to be paid
"currency": "EUR", // currency used for the payment
"shopTransactionId": "123456789", // the unique id of your transaction
"successRedirectUrl": "", // the URL to be redirected to if payment succeeds (optional)
"failureRedirectUrl": "", // the URL to be redirected to if payment fails (optional)
"providerData": {...} // the object with provider-specific data (optional, varies with the provider)


"resultCode": "OK", // transaction result
"resultDescription": "Transaction Completed", // human readable transaction result (varies with the provider)
"paymentId": "payment-123456789", // payment transaction id as returned by the provider (optional)
"link": "", // the created link

The result field can have the following values:

  • OK: the link has been created successfully by the provider;
  • KO: the link has not been created by the provider;

Payment Status

The payment status is available through many endpoints with the following format:

"status": "ACCEPTED",
"paymentId": "1234567890",
"shopTransactionId": "0987654321",
"providerName": "PROVIDER_NAME",
"paymentMethod": "PAYMENT_METHOD",
"action": "PAYMENT",
"metadata": {...}

The result field can have the following values:

  • ACCEPTED: the transaction has been performed successfully on the provider;
  • FAILED: the transaction has been rejected by the provider;
  • PENDING: the transaction is pending;

The action field can have the following values:

  • PAYMENT: the status refers to a payment;
  • REFUND: the status refers to a refund;

The metadata field is optional and can contain additional information.


GET /{provider}/status?paymentId=0987654321

Retrieve payment status.


GET /{provider}/check?paymentId=0987654321

The Payment Gateway Manager sends a callback with the status of the payment to an external service, as specified by the PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL environment variable. More details on how to configure the callback are available on the dedicated section.

M2M Callback Transaction Verification

GET /{provider}/callback

POST /{provider}/callback

When the transaction result is known by the generic-provider, the latter may notify the Payment Gateway Manager.

This call will contain information allowing to identify the transaction.

The Payment Gateway Manager can use this information to check the transaction status, depending on the provider.

Once the check has been performed, the Payment Gateway Manager can notify the result to an external service, as specified by the PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL environment variable.

The notification include the payment status as described above.


The Payment Gateway Manager exposes utility APIs for some providers. These APIs abstract the boundary operations and allow the developer to focus on the payment process itself, rather than the configuration processes. Check the provider page in order to find which utility APIs are available.

External Integration

The Payment Gateway Manager supports payment through custom external integrations. In this way, new payment methods can be integrated independently and the functionality of the Payment Gateway Manager can be extended with custom integrations. API calls to these endpoints will be redirected to external microservices where payment management logic will be implemented. Below, the interface exposed:

  • Payment Request: POST /{external}/pay
  • Refund Request: POST /{external}/refund
  • Manage Subscriptions:
    • Schedule a new Subscription: POST /{external}/subscription/schedule
    • Start manually a new Subscription: POST /{external}/subscription/start
    • Perform manually a payment related to a Subscription: POST /{external}/subscription/pay
    • Update a Subscription: POST /{external}/subscription/update/{subscriptionToken}
    • Expire a Subscription: DELETE /{external}/subscription/expire/{subscriptionToken}
  • Get status of a Transaction: POST /{external}/status
  • M2M Callback Transaction Status Verification: GET /{external}/callback
  • On-Demand Transaction Status Verification: GET /{external}/check

More details about custom external integrations are available on the dedicated section.

Payment Saga APIs - Flow Manager Integration

The Payment Gateway Manager is able to communicate with Flow Manager service via REST APIs by sending events and exposing a dedicated interface:

  • Payment Request: POST /saga/pay
  • Refund Request: POST /saga/refund
  • Manage Subscriptions:
    • Schedule a new Subscription: POST /saga/subscription/schedule
    • Start manually a new Subscription: POST /saga/subscription/start
    • Perform manually a payment related to a Subscription: POST /saga/subscription/pay

More details about flow manager integrations are available on the dedicated section.


You can view the Swagger compatible OpenAPI documentation by calling the /documentation endpoint. You can also use /documentation/openapi.json as the documentation endpoint in the microservice configuration to add it to the API Portal.


The Payment Gateway Manager expose the following metrics:

  • http_payment_created_total: total number of http calls to payment provider to create the payment
  • http_payment_authorized_total: total number of http calls to payment provider to authorize the payment
  • http_payment_expired_total: total number of http calls to payment provider to expire the payment
  • http_payment_refunded_total: total number of http calls to payment provider to refund the payment
  • http_payment_link_created_total: total number of http calls to payment provider to create payment link
  • http_payment_status_total: total number of http calls to payment provider to get payment status
  • http_subscription_authorized_total: total number of http calls to payment provider to authorize a subscription
  • http_subscription_created_total: total number of http calls to payment provider to create a subscription
  • http_subscription_update_total: total number of http calls to payment provider to update a subscription
  • http_callback_total: total number of http calls callback received by the payment providers
  • http_utils_total: total number of http to payment providers for utils functionalities
  • http_flow_manager_service_total: total number of http calls to flow manager service
  • http_crud_service_total: total number of http calls to crud service
  • http_subscription_handler_total: total number of http calls to subscription handler service