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Version: 13.x (Current)


In this page you will find the required information to perform REST calls related to the FlowPay payment provider.

Payment MethodPaymentRefundAutomatic SubscriptionManual Subscription
Pay By Link


Every FlowPay endpoint has this prefix path /v3/flowpay


POST /{payment-method}/pay

This endpoint allows to execute payments via the Stripe payment provider.

The body needs the additional field providerData with the following structure:

"providerData": {
"debtorFiscalCode": String,
"creditorFiscalCode": String,
"creditorIban": String,
"remittanceDescription": String,
"transferDate": String,

Here there is a brief description of the fields' meaning:

  • debtorFiscalCode (required): the debtor fiscal code or VAT.
  • creditorFiscalCode (required): the creditor fiscal code or VAT.
  • creditorIban (required): the creditor iban.
  • remittanceDescription: wire transfer remittance description.
  • transferDate: the wire transfer date in the ISO 8601 format without milliseconds. E.g. 2023-10-11T16:31:21Z

The payment response can have the following result codes:

  • REDIRECT_TO_URL: the payment was successfully created and the user can be redirected to the checkout page.
  • KO: the payment failed.


GET /status?paymentId={paymentId} This endpoint allows to get the current status of the payment identified by the required query parameter paymentId.


The status received by the provider will be mapped according to the following table:

Provider StatusPlugin Status

Everything else will be mapped as PENDING.


GET /check?paymentId={paymentId} This endpoint allows to get the current status of the payment identified by the required query parameter paymentId and also to send a notification to the external service as specified by PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL environment variable.


POST /callback This endpoint must only be called by FlowPay.

GET /callback This endpoint must only be called by FlowPay.