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Version: 13.x (Current)

External Integration

In this page you will find the required information to perform REST calls for external payments and custom integrations.


Every endpoint has this prefix path /v3/{external}, where {external} is the name of the external service where the payment will be executed.

The external integrated service must expose the same endpoints, described below, exposed by the Payment Gateway Manager (or at least a reasonable subset of them).


POST - /pay This endpoint allows to execute payments via the external service.

The providerData object will be sent to the external service.


POST - /refund This endpoint allows to execute a refund via the external service.

The providerData object will be sent to the external service.


GET - /status?paymentId={paymentId} This endpoint allows to get the current status of the payment identified by the required query parameter paymentId.


GET - /check?paymentId={paymentId} This endpoint allows to get the current status of the payment identified by the required query parameter paymentId and also to send a notification to the external service as specified by PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL environment variable.


GET - /callback?paymentId={paymentId} This endpoint allows to send updates about the payment identified by the required query parameter paymentId. It should only be called by the external service.

Schedule Subscription

POST - /subscription/schedule This endpoint allows to schedule an automatic subscription (if supported) on the external service.

Update Subscription

POST - /subscription/update/{subscriptionToken} This endpoint allows to update the automatic subscription (if supported) referenced by the required path parameter subscriptionToken, on the external service.

Start (manual) Subscription

POST - /subscription/start This endpoint allows to start a manual subscription on the external service.

Pay (manual) Subscription

POST - /subscription/pay This endpoint allows to execute a manual payment related to a subscription on the external service.

Get Subscription Status

GET - /subscription/status/{subscriptionToken} This endpoint allows to get the subscription (referenced by the required path parameter subscriptionToken) status, on the external service.

Expire Subscription

DELETE - /subscription/expire/{subscriptionToken} This endpoint allows to expire the subscription referenced by the required path parameter subscriptionToken, on the external service.