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Version: 12.x (Current)


In this page you will find the required information to perform REST calls related to the Adyen payment provider.

Payment MethodPaymentRefundAutomatic SubscriptionManual Subscription
Pay By Link

At this moment, only the Adyen Automatic Capture mode is supported. Remember to set it in the Adyen Customer Area.


Every Adyen endpoint has the prefix path /v3/adyen.


POST /{payment-method}/pay

In addition to the common mandatory fields, has four provider specific required ones:

"amount": "...",
"shopTransactionId": "...",
"providerData": {
"encryptedCardNumber": "...",
"encryptedExpiryMonth": "...",
"encryptedExpiryYear": "...",
"encryptedSecurityCode": "..."

All these four fields are related to the shopper credit/debit card details and must be encrypted by Adyen system first.


POST /refund

This endpoint allows to refund, fully or partially, an already executed payment via the Adyen provider.

The request body does not require any provider-specific data.

The refund request is asynchronous, so /refund endpoint doesn't return the outcome of the operation but a generic PENDING code. In order to verify if a refund has been performed or not, a notification must be received through the /callback endpoint.



POST /subscription/start

This endpoint allows to create a new subscription and the related first payment via the Adyen provider.

It required the same fields inside providerData object as the pay request. Below an example of the providerData object needed:

"providerData": {
"paymentMethod": {
"encryptedCardNumber": "string",
"encryptedExpiryMonth": "string",
"encryptedExpiryYear": "string",
"encryptedSecurityCode": "string"
"shopperReference": "string"


POST /subscription/pay

This endpoint allows to create a new payment related to the subscription defined by the subscriptionToken via the Adyen provider.

It required the token field inside the subscriptionInfo object.

Below an example of the providerData object needed:

"providerData": {
"shopperReference": "string"


POST /subscription/expire/{subscriptionToken}?reference={{shopperReference}}

This endpoint allows to expire a subscription.

POST /pay-by-link

The request body does not require any provider-specific data.


POST /callback

This endpoint should only be called by Adyen.


The /status and /check endpoints are not implemented.