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Version: 13.x (Current)

Messaging Service configuration

The Messaging Service seed some configuration work in order to be used effectively.

CRUD configuration

To use the Messaging Service you need to create and configure a couple of CRUD collections.

Users CRUD (required)

This collection should contain the data about the users you want to send messages to. The collection is mandatory and can be named however you want (we suggest users) as long as you specify the correct name in the USERS_CRUD_NAME environment variable.

The properties used by the service are the following.

  • emailAddress - string: a valid e-mail address.

  • phoneNumber - string: a phone number in E.164 format.

  • deviceToken - string: a Firebase devices token.

  • clusters - array of strings: a list of clusters to which the user belongs (used to decide whether the user should be included as a recipient or not when sending a message to a particular cluster).


The naming of these four properties is up to you. By default, the service will look for the names listed above, but if you prefer using other names you just need to map them correctly in the userFields properties of the service configuration.


None of these properties are required. If the service does not find a value for a user, it will simply not send messages to that user over the missing channel(s).


The collection can have any number of additional properties, the service will ignore them.

Templates CRUD

If you want to use templates in your messages, you should store them in this collection. As for the users collection it does not matter how the CRUD is named (we suggest message_templates) as long as you specify the correct name in the TEMPLATES_CRUD_NAME environment variable.

This collection is not mandatory, but if you don't create it and try to use a template anyway, you will receive an error.

It follows a description of the fields of the collection.

  • name - string: human-readable name of the template.

  • emailTitle (required) - string: title of the e-mail. It supports interpolation.

  • emailMessage - string: body the e-mail. Required if htmlMessage is not defined. It will be ignored if both emailMessage and emailHtmlMessage are provided. It supports interpolation.

  • emailHtmlMessage - string: html body the e-mail. Required if message is not defined. If both are defined, only emailHtmlMessage is used. It supports interpolation.

  • emailAttachments - array of object: list of objects with the same interface given by File Service. The only compulsory field is the file attribute.

  • smsMessage (required) - string: body the SMS. It supports interpolation.

  • voiceMessage (required) - string: body the voice message. It supports interpolation.

  • pushTitle (optional from version 1.5) - string: title of the notification. It supports interpolation.

  • pushSubtitle - string: subtitle of the notification. It supports interpolation.

  • pushMessage (optional from version 1.5) - string: message of the notification. It supports interpolation.

  • pushData - string: JSON payload of the notification. It supports interpolation. A JSON with the following signature is supported:

    • android - object: android-specific information to be included in the message. The object must conform the shape described here.
    • apns - object: information specific to APNS (Apple Push Notification Service). The object must conform the shape described here.

The fields relative to a channel are required only if plan to use templates, and you want to send messages through that channel (this applies also to the fields marked as required in the list above).

Environment variables


v1.7.0. Since version 1.7.0 the DEFAULT_LOCALE environment variable is available, to configure the default locale to use with toLocale custom helper.

The Messaging Service accepts the following environment variables.

  • CRUD_SERVICE_NAME (required): name of the CRUD Service.

  • USERS_CRUD_NAME (required): name of the CRUD collection containing users data.

  • TEMPLATES_CRUD_NAME: name of the CRUD collection containing messaging templates. Required if you want to use templates for your messages.

  • MAIL_SERVICE_NAME: name of the SES Mail Notification Service. Required if you want to send e-mails.

  • SMS_SERVICE_NAME: name of the SMS Service. Required if you want to send SMS.

  • FILE_SERVICE_NAME: name of the File Service. Required if you want to send emails with attachments.

  • KAFKA_2_FIREBASE_SERVICE_NAME: name of the Kafka2Firebase Service. Required if you want to send push notifications.

  • KAFKA_CLIENT_ID: required if you want to send push notifications.

  • KAFKA_BROKERS: list of comma separated brokers address. Required if you want to send push notifications.

  • KAFKA_TOPICS: list of comma separated topics. Required if you want to send push notifications.

  • KAFKA_AUTH_MECHANISM: authentication mechanism, used only if KAFKA_USERNAME and KAFKA_PASSWORD have a value. Defaults to PLAIN.



  • KAFKA_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: time in milliseconds to wait for a successful connection. Defaults to 1000.

  • KAFKA_AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT: time in milliseconds to wait for a successful authentication. Defaults to 1000.

  • CONFIGURATION_PATH (required): path of the config map file containing the service configuration.

  • KALEYRA_API_KEY: Kaleyra API key for the outbound calling service.

  • KALEYRA_SID: Kaleyra SID for the outbound calling service.

  • DEFAULT_LOCALE: a BCP 47 language tag used as default locale by toLocale custom helper in message templates.

Service configuration

The service needs a configuration file in JSON format, that can be provided to it as a configmap. You can choose the name and mounting point of the map, as long as you specify the correct path in the CONFIGURATION_PATH environment variable.

It follows a description of the fields of the map.

  • userFields - object: if you have given a different name to any of the properties listed in the Users CRUD section, you can use this map to tell the service how to find them.
    • id - string: the name of the property in the Users CRUD containing the user's unique identifier. It will be matched with the values specified in the recipients field. If not set, the service will use _id as default.
    • emailAddress - string: the name of the property in the Users CRUD containing the user's e-mail address.
    • phoneNumber - string: the name of the property in the Users CRUD containing the user's phone number.
    • deviceToken - string: the name of the property in the Users CRUD containing the user's device token.
    • clusters - string: the name of the property in the Users CRUD containing the user's cluster list.
  • activeChannels (required) - string array: the list of active channels over which each message will be delivered. Possible values are email, sms, push and voice.

Keep in mind that even if a channel is active, a user will not receive messages over that channel if the correspondent property in the Users CRUD does not have a value.

  • sender - object: the senders for the various channels. Required if at least one among the email and the sms channels are enabled.
    • email - string: the e-mail address that will appear as the sender of e-mail messages. Required if the email channel is enabled.
    • sms - string: the sender of the SMS messages. Required if the sms channel is enabled. It can be one of the following:
    • voice - string: the caller phone number of the voice messages. Required if the voice channel is enabled. The phone number must be registered in the Kaleyra console.

If you set an alphanumeric sender ID and choose a name that is too generic (e.g. SMS, Info...), you may run into this error: ERROR - 21212 Invalid From Number (caller ID)

  • androidIntentAction - string: the Android intent action that is triggered by the notification (the default value is an empty string).

  • flowManagerConfiguration - object: required if you want to enable the /saga/send API and the Flow Manager direct interaction.

    • metadataSchema - object: defines the path where to find the body fields, with exactly the same meaning, inside the Flow Manager metadata object.
      • channels (required) - string or string array
      • recipients - string or string array
      • clusters - string or string array
      • messageTitle - string
      • messageContent - string
      • templateId - string: It will be ignored if getTemplateIdFilePath is defined.
      • emailAttachments - string or string array
      • emailCarbonCopies - string or string array
      • emailBlindCarbonCopies - string or string array
      • emailSender - string
    • serviceUrl - string: URL of the Flow Manager Service. Required if you want to send events back.
    • successEventLabel - string: event label. Required if you want to send an event in case of successful notification.
    • failEventLabel - string: event label. Required if you want to send an event in case of failed notification.
    • getTemplateIdFilePath - string: path of the config map file containing the custom function that retrieves a templateId based on the command received. The function must have the following signature: function getTemplateId: (event: FlowManagerEvent) => string. It follows an example of a valid file.
      module.exports = function getTemplateId(event) {
      return event.value.messageLabel
    • getDataFilePath - string: path of the config map file containing the custom function that retrieves an object used as data body field, based on the command received. The function must have the following signature: function getData: (event: FlowManagerEvent) => Record<string, any>. If not defined the Flow Manager command is used as is. It follows an example of a valid file.
      module.exports = function getData(event) {
      return {
      value: {
      messagePayload: {
      amount: event.value.messagePayload.amount.toFixed(2),

It follows an example of a valid configuration file.

"userFields": {
"id": "fiscalCode",
"emailAddress": "mail",
"clusters": "groups"
"activeChannels": [
"sender": {
"email": ""
"androidIntentAction": "eu.miaplatform.fakeactivity",
"flowManagerConfiguration": {
"serviceUrl": "http://flow-manager-service",
"successEventLabel": "notificationSent",
"failEventLabel": "notificationFailed",
"metadataSchema": {
"channels": "notifications.channels",
"recipients": "",
"templateId": "",