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Version: 13.x (Current)

Messaging Service Usage

This sections illustrates how to use the Messaging Service.

POST /send

With this API you can send a new message to your users through different channels.


The body of the request should have the following shape.

  • channels (required) - array of strings: list of channels you want to send you message over. Possible values are email, sms, push and voice.

This list has to be a subset of the activeChannels property specified in the service configuration.

  • recipients - array of string: list of unique identifiers of the users you want to send your messages to. Required if clusters is not defined.

  • clusters - array of string: users' clusters you want to send your messages to. Required if recipients is not defined.

  • messageTitle - string: title of the message. It will be used as title for e-mails and push notifications. Required if templateId is not defined. It will be ignored if templateId is defined. It supports interpolation.

  • messageContent - string: content of the message. It will be used as content for e-mails, sms, push and voice notifications. Required if templateId is not defined. It will be ignored if templateId is defined. It supports interpolation.

  • templateId - ObjectId: id of the template to be used for composing the message. Required if messageTitle and messageContent are not defined.

  • data - object: data used for messages interpolation.

  • emailAttachments - array of strings: list of filenames that should be sent as mail attachments. The filename must be the same as that used in the file service to download it. It is possible to send attachments no larger than 15 MB. If no File Service is declared in the environment variables an error will be thrown.


If you use a template in which some attachments are listed, they will be merged with the attachments specified in the emailAttachments property of the request body (i.e. both the attachments specified in the template and in the body will be sent.)

  • emailCarbonCopies - array of strings: list of email addresses that should be included as carbon copies (CC). Any invalid email addresses will be ignored. Available since version 1.4.0.

  • emailBlindCarbonCopies - array of strings: list of email addresses that should be included as blind carbon copies (BCC). Any invalid email addresses will be ignored. Available since version 1.4.0.

  • emailSender - string: email address of the message sender. This value overwrites the email set in the service configuration.



If something goes wrong during the request, the response will have a 4xx or 5xx status code and the following payload:

"statusCode": "400",
"error": "Bad request",
"message": "Exception description"


A successful response (status code 200) is issued if the process of messages sending starts without errors. However, it is still possible that the dispatch of some messages to some users fails on some channels. The body of the response will contain a list of those failures, with a brief explanation of the error, if applicable.

"failures": [
"userId": "",
"channel": "",
"error": ""

POST /saga/send

With this API you can send a new message to your users through different channels directly with a Flow manager command. You should avoid calling this endpoint in a different way.


It has the same structure of a Flow Manager command.



If something goes wrong during the request, the response will have a 4xx or 5xx status code and the following payload:

"statusCode": "400",
"error": "Bad request",
"message": "Exception description"

Moreover, if enabled by configuration, it sends an event with failEventlabel as messageLabel and empty messagePayload.


A successful response (status code 200) with an empty body is issued if the process of messages sending starts without errors.

Moreover, if enabled by configuration, it sends an event with successEventlabel as messageLabel and empty messagePayload.