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Version: 13.x (Current)

SES Mail Notification Service

The Mail Notification Service allows sending e-mails via AWS SES or SMTP.


This page serves as common documentation for both the SES Mail Notification Service and the SMTP Mail Notification Service, which can be found in the Marketplace.


You can configure this service to send e-mails with one of the following modes:

  • SES: to use Amazon SES to send e-mails
  • SMTP: to use SMTP to send e-mails


The microservice will use Amazon SES service in order to send e-mails. You will need to provide the key and the secret of a previously configured SES. You can also specify the region you want to rely on (the default value is us-east-1).

Moreover, you can specify a list of headers to forward to SES through a stringified JSON object. This is useful (among other use cases) if you want to specify the configuration set necessary for being notifies by SES when mails are not received by end users. Here is a list of the variables used to configure the service:

  • SES_KEY (string)
  • SES_SECRET (string)
  • SES_REGION (string | default: us-east-1)
  • SES_HEADERS (string) example '{"X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET":"example-configuration-set"}'
  • TRUSTED_PROXIES: (string)


The microservice will use SMTP in order to send e-mails. You will need to provide the HOST and PORT (default: 587) of an SMTP server. You can also specify security configurations in order to use TLS.

SMTP authentication is ensured by default with the login method, which requires a username and a password.

Here is a list of the variables used to configure the service:

  • HOST (string),
  • PORT (number | default: 587)
  • AUTH_TYPE: login
  • AUTH_USER: (string)
  • AUTH_PASS: (string)
  • REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED: (boolean | default: true)
  • TLS_SECURE: (boolean | default: false)
  • TLS_IGNORE: (boolean | default: true)
  • TRUSTED_PROXIES: (string)
  • POOL_ENABLED: (boolean | default: false)
  • POOL_MAX_CONNECTIONS: (number | default: 5)
  • POOL_MAX_MESSAGES: (number | default: 100)

The variable REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED is used to set the tls option rejectUnauthorized. For further information, have a look at this page

If you want to use Gmail, have a look at this page.