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Version: 13.x (Current)

APIs Overview

In this section, the capabilities of the DICOM Service will be described. However, for more in-depth documentation on individual APIs, please refer to the documentation exposed by the service via swagger.

Worklist management

The DICOM Service allows the management of a worklist and the related workitems, leveraging on the UPS-RS webDICOM interface.

Workitem creation

The creation of a new workitem can be performed through the POST /workitems endpoint. The payload of the workitem must be provided in the body of the request. Such a payload must be provided in JSON format, and it must contain the following fields:

  • PatientID
  • PatientName
  • ScheduledStationAETitle
  • ScheduledProcedureStepDescription
  • ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate
  • ScheduledProcedureStepStartTime
  • Modality
  • AccessionNumber

Please note that the StudyInstanceUID is created automatically by the service when a new workitem is created.

In addiction, further fields can be provided in the payload:

  • ScheduledStationAETitle
  • ScheduledPerformingPhysiciansName
  • ScheduledProcedureStepID
  • RequestedProcedureDescription
  • RequestedProcedureID
  • RequestingPhysician
  • ReferringPhysicianName
  • AdmissionID
  • CurrentPatientLocation
  • PatientBirthDate
  • PatientSex
  • ConfidentialityConstraintOnPatientDataDescription
  • PatientState
  • PregnancyStatus
  • MedicalAlerts
  • PlacerOrderNumberImagingServiceRequest
  • ServiceEpisodeID
  • ScheduledStationName

The possible returned status codes are: | Status code | Meaning | |:---------------:|:-------------:| | 200 OK | The workitem has been created successfully | | 400 Bad Request | The request is invalid or empty | | 401 Unauthorized | The request has failed the authentication to the PACS | | 409 Conflict | The request is trying to insert an already existing workitem (by studyInstanceUID) | | 500 Internal Server Error | The request has failed due to unknown error |

Example of workitem creation request
curl --request POST \
--url https://your-dicom-service/workitems \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"StudyInstanceUID": "1.2.752.24.5.2584605181.20150129083013.816906",
"PatientID": "SDJ38WMD1MS01",
"PatientName": "MARIO^ROSSI",
"ScheduledStationAETitle": "NGV",
"ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate": "20000101",
"ScheduledProcedureStepStartTime": "120000",
"ScheduledProcedureStepDescription": "Tac",
"Modality": "CT",
"AccessionNumber": "NDS83JF784N209D2"

Workitems retrieval

The retrieval of the workitems can be performed through the GET /workitems endpoint. The endpoint accepts the following query parameters:

  • patientID

In case of successful request, the response is an array containing the workitems for a specific user.

The possible returned status codes are: | Status code | Meaning | |:---------------:|:-------------:| | 200 OK | The request has been successful and it returns the list of workitems | | 500 Internal Server Error | The request has failed due to unknown error |

Example of workitem retrival request
Request```bash curl --request GET \ --url https://your-dicom-service/workitems?patientID=123456789 ```Response
"00080005": {
"vr": "CS",
"Value": [
"ISO-IR 192"
"00080050": {
"vr": "SH",
"Value": [
"00080090": {
"vr": "PN"
"00100010": {
"vr": "PN",
"Value": [
"Alphabetic": "MARIO^ROSSI"
"00100020": {
"vr": "LO",
"Value": [
"00100030": {
"vr": "DA"
"00100040": {
"vr": "CS"
"00102000": {
"vr": "LO"
"001021C0": {
"vr": "US"
"0020000D": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00321032": {
"vr": "PN"
"00321060": {
"vr": "LO"
"00380010": {
"vr": "LO"
"00380300": {
"vr": "LO"
"00380500": {
"vr": "LO"
"00400100": {
"vr": "SQ",
"Value": [
"00080060": {
"vr": "CS",
"Value": [
"00400001": {
"vr": "AE",
"Value": [
"00400002": {
"vr": "DA",
"Value": [
"00400003": {
"vr": "TM",
"Value": [
"00400006": {
"vr": "PN"
"00400007": {
"vr": "LO",
"Value": [
"00400009": {
"vr": "SH"
"00400010": {
"vr": "SH"
"00401001": {
"vr": "SH"
"00402016": {
"vr": "LO"
"00403001": {
"vr": "LO"

Workitems deletion

The deletion of a workitem can be performed through the DELETE /workitems/:studyInstanceUID endpoint. The endpoint accepts the studyInstanceUID as path parameter and it is mandatory.

In case of successful request, the response has status code 204 No Content with empty body.

The possible returned status codes are: | Status code | Meaning | |:---------------:|:-------------:| | 204 No Content | The request has been successful and the workitem has been removed | | 500 Internal Server Error | The request has failed due to unknown error |

Example of workitem deletion request
Request```bash curl --request DELETE \ --url https://your-dicom-service/workitems/ ```

Exams management

The DICOM Service allows:


In this context, the term "exam" is used as a synonym for "DICOM file". An exam is nothing more than a DICOM object.

Exams upload

The upload of an exam can be performed through the POST /exams endpoint, that accepts as input a valid DICOM object within a multipart formatted request.

In case of successful request, the response has status code 200 OK containing the metadata of the uploaded exam.

The possible returned status codes are: | Status code | Meaning | |:---------------:|:-------------:| | 200 OK | The request has been successful and the exam has been uploaded | | 422 Unprocessable Entity | The request is trying to insert a non-DICOM file | | 500 Internal Server Error | The request has failed due to unknown error |

Example of exam upload request
Request```bash curl --request POST \ --url https://your-dicom-service/exams --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---boundary' \ --form file=@/path/to/dicom/file.dcm ```Response
"00081199": {
"vr": "SQ",
"Value": [
"00081150": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081155": {
"vr": "UI",
"Value": [
"00081190": {
"vr": "UR",
"Value": [

Exams retrieval

This endpoints allows to search for studies, series and instances by patient ID leveraging on the QIDO structure.

Studies retrieval

The GET /exams/studies endpoint allows to retrieve all the studies for a specific patient.

This endpoint accept the following query parameter:

  • PatientId

Series retrieval

The GET /exams/studies/:studyUID/series endpoint allows to retrieve all the series belonging to a specific patient's study.

This endpoint accept the following path parameter:

  • studyUID: UID of the desired study

This endpoint accept the following query parameter:

  • PatientId

Instances retrieval

The GET /exams/studies/:studyUID/series/:seriesUID/instances endpoint allows to retrieve all the instances belonging to a specific patient's series.

This endpoint accept the following path parameter:

  • studyUID: UID of the desired study
  • seriesUID: UID of the desired series

This endpoint accept the following query parameter:

  • PatientId

The patientId query parameter is mandatory for all the endpoints.

In case of successful request, the response is an array containing the desired resources for a specific user.

The possible returned status codes are: | Status code | Meaning | |:---------------:|:-------------:| | 200 OK | The request has been successful and it returns the list of objects | | 500 Internal Server Error | The request has failed due to unknown error |

Example of exam retrieval request
curl --request GET \
--url https://your-dicom-service/exams/studies?patientID=123456789
"00080005": {
"vr": "CS",
"Value": [
"ISO_IR 192"

Exam retrieval

The retrieval of a single exam can be performed through the GET '/exams/studies/:studyUID/series/:seriesUID/instance/:instanceUID' endpoint. The following path parameters are necessary to correctly identify the resource:

  • studyUID
  • seriesUID
  • instanceUID

The endpoint accepts the following query parameter:

  • fileType: Two different values are allowed:
    • application/dicom: returns the exam DICOM file,
    • image/jpeg: returns the jpeg exam's thumbnail.

The fileType query parameter is mandatory.

In case of successful request, the response is a DICOM file or JPEG image, depending on the query parameter.

The possible returned status codes are: | Status code | Meaning | |:---------------:|:-------------:| | 200 OK | The request has been successful and it returns the thumbnail in JPEG format | | 500 Internal Server Error | The request has failed due to unknown error |

Example of exam JPEG thumbnail retrieval request
Request```bash curl --request GET \ --url https://your-dicom-service/exams/studies/STUDY_UID/series/SERIES_UID/instance/INSTANCE_UID?fileType=image%2Fjpeg ```


The DICOM Service exposes a callback that the PACS can use to notify the upload of a new exam. This is useful when an exam is uploaded directly from a device or a system outside your application. The method saves the incoming event from the PACS in a dedicated CRUD collection and, optionally, it can proxy the event to custom endpoints specified in the environment variable CALLBACK_URLS (see the Configuration page for further details).

The callback endpoint is POST /new-exam-callback and it accepts a JSON containing the following fields:

  • SourceID
  • StudyInstanceUID
  • AccessionNumber
  • PatientID
  • NumberOfStudyRelatedSeries
  • NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances
  • ModalitiesInStudy
  • AeTitles
  • StationNames
  • EventType
  • StudyDate
  • StudyTime
  • StudyID
  • ReferringPhysicianName
  • StudyDescription
  • PatientName
  • PatientBirthDate
  • PatientSex

In case of successful request, the response is a 204 No Content with empty body.

The possible returned status codes are: | Status code | Meaning | |:---------------:|:-------------:| | 204 No Content | The request has been successful and it returns a 204 No Content response | | 500 Internal Server Error | The request has failed due to unknown error |

Example of callback request from PACS
curl -- request POST \
--url https://your-dicom-service/new-exam-callback
--data '{
"ModalitiesInStudy": [
"AeTitles": [
"StationNames": [
"Station ALFA",
"Station BETA"
"StudyDescription":"DENTALSCAN SUP",

Viewer Token

The DICOM Service exposes an endpoint that is used by the DICOM Viewer service for the visualization of a specific token. The endpoint accepts the following query parameters (some of them are mandatory):

  • studyUID (mandatory)
  • patientID
  • user
  • role

The role query parameter identifies which kind of viewer must be provided. The options are: patient, for a read-only view, or diagnostic, for a doctor view with all the tools needed for DICOM file manipulation. By default, role is set to patient.


For further details, please refer to the DICOM Viewer documentation.

Example of token viewer retrival request
curl -- request GET \
--url https://your-dicom-service/token?patientID={patientID}&studyUID=STUDY_UID&role=patient
"token": "d3092u94r8d238fj29dd38d329d3287d3j29d"

Unique Identifier (UID) generation

The DICOM Service allows you to generate a unique identifier (UID), based on the root UID of the organization. The generation of a UID can be performed through the GET /uid endpoint.


The uniqueness of the uid is mathematically guaranteed due to large space of possibilities.

In case of successful request, the response is a JSON object, containing the UID in the uid field.

The possible returned status codes are: | Status code | Meaning | |:---------------:|:-------------:| | 200 OK | The request has been successful and it returns a valid UID | | 500 Internal Server Error | The request has failed due to unknown error |

Example of uid generation request
curl --request GET \
--url https://your-dicom-service/uid
"uid": ""