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Version: 13.x (Current)


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.3.0] 2024-06-11


  • Fixed bug causing errors when sending attachments via email


  • Add custom helper to format values according to locale
  • Add DEFAULT_LOCALE environment variable
  • Add support for custom email attachments to notification events API
  • Add endpoint GET /notifications/count
  • Add endpoint GET /notification-settings/count
  • Add USERS_API_ENDPOINT environment variable and integration with external module for users management
  • Add GET /templates/ endpoint
  • Add GET /templates/:id endpoint
  • Add GET /templates/count endpoint
  • Add POST /templates/ endpoint
  • Add PATCH /templates/:id endpoint
  • Add DELETE /templates/:id endpoint
  • Add POST /templates/state endpoint
  • Add GET /notification-messages/ endpoint
  • Add GET /notification-messages/count endpoint
  • Add POST /notification-settings/state endpoint


  • POST /notification-events/ accepts custom fields in the request body that are merged into the event payload
  • Change validation to endpoint POST /notification-settings
  • Change validation to endpoint PATCH /notification-settings/:id
  • Remove required CRUD properties from event settings schema, remove templateName from required notification message schema

[2.2.0] 2024-03-28

  • Update Node.js to v20 (LTS)


  • Update service configuration to support direct push notifications
  • Build direct push notifications using Firebase
  • Send direct push notifications using Firebase

[2.1.1] 2024-02-26

  • Fix notification settings changing 'role' with 'rule'

[2.1.0] 2024-01-05


  • Add PATCH /user/notification-settings endpoint
  • Add GET /event-settings/ endpoint
  • Add POST /event-settings/ endpoint
  • Add PATCH /event-settings/:id endpoint
  • Add DELETE /event-settings/:id endpoint


  • The POST /send endpoint now supports the new field emailSender to overwrite the sender set in the service config.
  • Compile event schemas only once
  • Update IC Resource Forbidden Event handler to fetch users from notification settings
  • Add supported and enabled channels to the GET /user/event endpoint
  • PATCH /user/notification-settings returns a 400 error if user tries to patch an unsupported channel


  • IC RFE handler does not correctly match notification settings with users
  • Create user notification settings with message template from group, role or cluster
  • Return 403 (Forbidden) error if the event is not visible to the user trying to update the notification settings through the PATCH /user/notification-settings endpoint

[2.0.0] 2023-10-23


The following environment variables have been changed:

  • CRUD_SERVICE_NAME is replaced by CRUD_SERVICE_URL, which must provide a URL for the CRUD service instead of the service name.
  • MAIL_SERVICE_NAME is replaced by MAIL_SERVICE_URL, which must provide a URL for the Mail service instead of the service name.
  • SMS_SERVICE_NAME is replaced by SMS_SERVICE_URL, which must provide a URL for the SMS service instead of the service name.
  • FILE_SERVICE_NAME is replaced by FILE_SERVICE_URL, which must provide a URL for the SMS service instead of the service name.
  • KAFKA_2_FIREBASE_SERVICE_NAME is replaced by KAFKA_2_FIREBASE_SERVICE_URL, which must provide a URL for the Kafka2Firebase service instead of the service name


  • Added WhatsApp channel
  • Added configuration options for outbound calls
  • Add handler for the IC Resource Forbidden Event
  • Add POST /notification-events/ endpoint to send notification events
  • Add environment variables for Kafka and notifications
  • Add custom handlers configuration
  • Add GET /notifications endpoint
  • Add GET /notifications/:id endpoint
  • Add POST /notification-settings endpoint
  • Add PATCH /notification-settings endpoint
  • Add GET /notification-settings endpoint
  • Add GET /notification-settings/:id endpoint
  • Add DELETE /notification-settings/:id endpoint
  • Add GET /user-notification-settings endpoint
  • Add PATCH /user-notification-settings/:id endpoint
  • Add DELETE /user-notification-settings/:id endpoint
  • Add utils to retrieve notification settings for a user and event
  • Add utils to retrieve recipients from query
  • Add utils to send notifications
  • Add handler for the AM appointment created event
  • Add handler for the AM appointment updated event
  • Add handler for the AM appointment deleted event
  • Add handler for the AM appointment reminder event
  • Add handler for the TMM therapy created event
  • Add handler for the TMM therapy updated event
  • Add handler for the TMM therapy deleted event
  • Add handler for the TMM therapy reminder event
  • Add handler for the TMM monitoring plan created event
  • Add handler for the TMM monitoring plan updated event
  • Add handler for the TMM monitoring plan deleted event
  • Add handler for the TMM monitoring plan reminder event
  • Add handler for the TMM threshold exceeded event
  • Update to Node.js LTS v18
  • Add utils to abort active reminders from query
  • Add utils to merge notification settings
  • Add utils to build messages to send from a list of notification settings
  • Add utils to build reminders to schedule
  • Add utils to send messages
  • Update monitoring handlers to send periodic reminders for detections
  • Retrieve notification settings only by event
  • Sort notification settings only by precedence
  • Register notification utils
  • Integrate default event handlers
  • Align notifications returned by the default event handlers
  • Add Postman functional test suite for TMM events and fix bugs
  • Filter notification settings by emitters
  • Update event payload for new and deleted participants of an updated AM appointment
  • Update event payload for new and deleted participants of an updated TMM monitoring
  • POST /notification-events/ returns notifications without CRUD default fields
  • Update buildReminders and setReminders utility functions in order to target only the interested users
  • Update documentation for RMM recurring reminders
  • Abort recurring reminders in TMM default event handlers
  • Add Postman functional test suite for AM events and fix bugs
  • Update event handlers with buildReminders and setReminders utility functions that target only the interested users
  • Add documentation about event settings
  • Add event settings
  • Add Rond policies for notification settings endpoints and prevent clients from changing notification settings event name
  • Added API GET /user/events
  • Save message details in the notifications CRUD
  • Ignore user fields missing from AM appointment payloads
  • Add support for push notifications to notification utils



[1.5.0] 2023-09-25


  • Added the API POST /saga/send that accepts a Flow Manager command as input body.
  • Add support for custom metadata to push notifications using pushData template field

[1.4.0] 2023-08-31


  • The API POST /send now accepts the new field emailCarbonCopies for adding email addresses as carbon copies (CC).
  • The API POST /send now accepts the new field emailBlindCarbonCopies for adding email addresses as blind carbon copies (BCC).

[1.3.0] 2023-06-26

  • Upgrade to Node.js v18



  • Fixed documentation links

[1.2.1] 2023-03-07


  • Configurable android action added via androidIntentAction.

[1.2.0] 2023-01-18


CRUD collections

The message_templates CRUD collection schema has changed as follows:

  • emailAttachments (changed): update type from array of string to array of object


  • Support template attachments: now con be sent a communication with both a message and template attachments.

[1.1.0] 2022-11-25


  • Logs added to channels and crud.
  • Added voice channel to messaging service, exploiting Kaleyra outbound calls service.

[1.0.3] 2022-06-20


  • Fixed the POST /send response that contained failures array elements even if emails were delivered correctly to end users.

[1.0.2] 2022-05-26


  • Fixed a bug as described in #4 to allow Kafka messages to be sent correctly.
  • Fixed an issue occurring when omitting the environment variables KAFKA_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT and KAFKA_AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT as described in #3.

[1.0.1] 2022-03-29

  • Fix to POST /send for emails with attachments.

[1.0.0] 2021-10-08

  • First release