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Version: 13.x (Current)


You can build up filtered queries in two ways:

Static filtering

Static filtering can be achieved by inserting ##paramName## tags into the profile query; query string and path parameters are interpolated before processing the query. Notes:

  • this filter strategy is only available when using aggregationFilePath;
  • all tags you define are required, if some query string is missing a 500 status code is returned;
  • if you need to interpolate numbers you have to omit the double quotes in your JSON file (leading to a syntactically wrong file)

Dynamic filtering

Dynamic filtering (available since v1.3.0) can be implemented with the #matchWithFilters# operator; you can use this filtering strategy with both aggregationFilePath and aggregationFunction and it will be substituted with a $match operator containing all the properties that match requiredParameters list. Values from the query string input are interpolated into the query property and the property gets inserted into the $match operator.


  • parameters to be interpolated in the query must be provided wrapped in single # as in #paramName#. It's different from what you specify for static filtering to avoid interpolation conflicts;
  • the #matchWithFilters# operator should be used as the single key inside a pipeline stage as you'd normally do with Mongodb aggregation stages.

Sample configuration:

{ ...some pipeline stages },
"#matchWithFilters#": [
"requiredParameters": ["minValue", "maxValue"],
"query": {
"total": { "$lte": "#maxValue#", "$gte": "#minValue#" }
{ ...some pipeline stages }

will lead to (assuming both minValue and maxValue query string are provided)

{ ...some pipeline stages },
"$match": {
"total": { "$lte": "#maxValue#", "$gte": "#minValue#" }
{ ...some pipeline stages }