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Version: 13.x (Current)

PDF Invoice Service Usage

The service exposes only the /print-pdf in POST. The request must contain a body with the following properties:

"personName": "string", // required.
"streetAddress": "string" // required. Address of the person
"city": "string" // required. City of the person's address
"state": "string" // required. State of the person's address
"dateTime": "string" // required. Date and time of the payment/order in iso format
"paymentMethod" : "string" // required.
"transactionId": "string" // required.
"docNumber": "string" // required. Number of the invoice
"items": "obejct" // required. An object, containing the items data for order

The body items has the following properties:

"itemId": "string", // required.
"description": "string" // required.
"quantity": "number" // required.
"amount": "number" // required.
"iva": "number"

The service will get all the necessary data from the POST request and it will generate the invoice in pdf format with all the data received.