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Version: 13.x (Current)

How to use

Once the Proxy Manager is up and running, you can contact each external service defined in the configuration by sending a request to it at a specific endpoint, which corresponds to the basePath field provided in the configuration.

All the subroutes exposed by the external service will also be reachable through the proxy.

Proxy usage example

Let's suppose that a user wants to use the Proxy Manager to fetch some data from the endpoint

The user can define a proxy with the following configuration:

"targetBaseUrl": "",
"basePath": "/third-party-api"

Now the /third-party-api/data endpoint can be called to fetch the data from the third-party service.

Management API

The service exposes a set of endpoints to manage the proxies collection:

GET /-/proxies

Returns the list of proxies. The API accepts the basePath query parameter to filter the list of proxies, and returns a paginated response. The API never returns sensitive data like the clientSecret or password for the proxies.

Query parameters

  • basePath (optional): filters the list of proxies by the proxy base path.
  • page (optional): the page number of the paginated response. Default value is 1.
  • per_page (optional): the number of returned items per page. Default value is 25.

Example response

"authentication": "oauth2",
"tokenIssuerUrl": "",
"targetBaseUrl": "",
"basePath": "/external-service",
"grantType": "client_credentials",
"clientId": "6779ef20e75817b79602",
// client secret is not returned
"authentication": "none",
"targetBaseUrl": "",
"basePath": "/other-service",

POST /-/proxies

Creates a new proxy. The API request body accepts a proxy matching the proxy schema specified in the configuration schema.

Example request body

"targetBaseUrl": "",
"basePath": "/external-service",
// other fields are optional

Example response

proxy_1234: the id of the created proxy on the CRUD collection.

PATCH /-/proxies/{id}

Updates an existing proxy. The API requires the id path parameter, representing its object id on the CRUD collection. It returns the updated proxy as a whole, except for sensitive fields like the clientSecret or the password.

Path parameters
  • id: the object id of the proxy to update.

Example request body

"basePath": "/updated-url",
"authentication": "none",
"username": null, // unsets the username
"password": null, // unsets the password

Example response

"basePath": "/updated-url",
"targetBaseUrl": "",
"authentication": "none",
// other unchanged fields

PATCH /-/proxies

Updates an existing proxy. The API accepts the basePath query parameter to determine the proxy to update. It returns the updated proxies count.

Query parameters

  • basePath (required): selects the proxy to update by its unique base path.

Example request body

"basePath": "/updated-url",
"authentication": "none",
"username": null, // unsets the username
"password": null, // unsets the password

Example response

"count": 1,

Both PATCH APIs accept a request body containing the fields to update.
In order to unset a specific field, the corresponding property in the request body must be explicitly set to null. Not setting the property will not unset the field.

DELETE /-/proxies

Deletes one or more proxies. The API accepts the basePath query parameter to determine the single proxy to delete or basePathPrefix to delete all the proxies with a basePath starting with the provided prefix.

Query parameters

At least one of the two following parameters needs to be specified.

  • basePath: selects the proxy to delete by its unique base path.
  • basePathPrefix: selects the proxies to delete by a shared base path prefix.