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Version: 13.x (Current)



Medisanté provides a suite of medical devices and a portal to manage the devices and the data acquisition.

Since there is no direct integration between the Medisanté portal and the Device Manager, the device enrollment requires two manual steps:

  • adding the device on the Medisanté portal;
  • register the device in the Device Manager.

To receive health data from a Medisanté device, you need to create a webhook on the Medisanté portal. A webhook requires several configurations:

  • the destination URL, which must point to to the POST /health-data/medisante endpoint of the Device Manager;
  • the standard (Medisanté or FHIR) and format (JSON or XML) used to send the data: we usually recommend Medisanté JSON;
  • the authentication mechanism: we natively support the API Key, which should be used only with HTTPS connections using TLS 1.2 and CA-signed certificates, or OAuth 2.0, which provides better security but would require a custom middleware.

Apple HealthKit

Apple HealthKit is a centralized repository of health data stored on iPhone and Apple Watch devices.

In order to collect health data from a device compatible with HealthKit, you need a mobile application running on your iPhone performing the following steps:

  • asking the permissions to access the health data on the device;
  • authenticate the user to be able to communicate securely with the Device Manager;
  • enroll a device the first time it's connected to the device using the POST /devices/assign endpoint;
  • send health data to the BFF using the POST /health-data endpoint.

To authenticate and authorize the user, you need a custom BFF exposing the endpoints described in the following section.

BFF endpoints

GET /profile

This endpoints returns the profile of the logged-in user and should be compatible with the OIDC UserInfo Endpoint.


When used in combination with the User Manager Service, this endpoint can act as a proxy of the GET /userinfo endpoint of the User Manager Service.

POST /oauth/token

This endpoints allows a user to authenticate with username and password and returns in the set-cookie header a new session id (sid) for authenticating API calls.

The request body must provide the username and password:

"username": "...",
"password": "..."

and the response will include a set-cookie header with the sid value.


When used in combination with the User Manager Service, this endpoint can act as a proxy of the POST /oauth/token endpoint of the User Manager Service.

POST /reset-password

This endpoint allows a user to reset the password.

The request body must include the user email address:

"email": ""

and, if successfull, the response has a 204 status code and no body.


When used in combination with the User Manager Service, this endpoint can trigger the password reset procedure by calling the POST /users/change-password endpoint of the User Manager Service.

POST /health-data/:format

This endpoint is responsible of vetting incoming health data and transmitting it to the Device Manager through the POST /health-data/healthkit endpoint.