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Version: 13.x (Current)


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

7.2.1 - 2024-10-08


  • improve how query parser discriminates update operator modifiers (e.g. $each) from actual record value
  • introduce support for $eq operator also for integer fields (the ones defined in nested array and objects)

7.2.0 - 2024-09-23


  • introduce support for Array of ObjectIds at document root level
  • introduce support for $size operator in _q for fields of type array


  • enable bom stripping when importing CSV files
  • change CSV escape character to align it with CSV field quote character, as recommended by RFC 4180

7.1.1 - 2024-08-29


  • extend to /bulk endpoint the requests preprocessing performed on exposed routes of View with lookup feature enabled

7.1.0 - 2024-08-26


  • new optional environment variable CRYPT_SHARED_LIB_PATH that specify where crypt_shared MongoDB dynamic library is located. This variable is already set within the Docker image and it points to the correct location, so that it is not necessary to customize it.


  • replace mongocryptd libraries with Mongo crypt_shared
  • upgrade NodeJS version in Docker image to v20.17.0
  • enforce quoting all strings in CSV export to prevent issues with delimiter character


  • when the service was configured to run with the (CSFLE)[] feature enabled and a Mongo View was defined alongside the collections models, the service crashed at startup due to an incompatibility between Mongo Views and the auto-encryption feature.
    This issue has been resolved and the service can now properly start, creating the Mongo Views even in such situation.

7.0.4 - 2024-06-28


  • bug that made compilers collide with collections having the same prefix.

7.0.3 - 2024-06-20


  • hooks and serializer compiler are not registered anymore on every httpInterface.js, but only once in index.js, to avoid multiple registers for collections;
  • validator compiler is still applied to each HTTP interface to avoid OOM, but it has been moved to compilers.js;
  • AdditionalCaster class does not need to compute the fields that are either ObjectId, Date, or Geopoint: in the new castItem method, field types are inferred with the instanceof keyword;
  • upgrade NodeJS version in Docker image to v20.14.0
  • added await keyword when registering Fastify plugins


  • fixed projection example in json schema generator
  • serializerCompiler has been added to use explicitly fastifiy-fast-json, along with AdditionalCaster
  • $eq operator can now be used also for array fields
  • #286: /-/schemas accept header defaults to application/json
  • #326: /schemas and /-/schemas endpoints now return also required property

7.0.2 - 2024-05-06


  • added _exportOpts query parameter for GET /export calls


  • fixed GET /export with csv format: csv files contain all the requested fields as columns without omissions
  • fixed GET /export with excel format: excel files contain all the requested fields as columns instead of containing always all the collection fields
  • allow running raw queries with _q over fields containing a digit in their name

7.0.1 - 2024-04-08


  • OPEN_API_SPECIFICATION env to choose specification used for exposing Swagger


  • improve internal logic bulk POST and PATCH operations

7.0.0 - 2024-02-01


  • #189 introduce support to MongoDB v7.0 and remove support to MongoDB v4.2
  • #140 changed response code on unique constraint violation with respect to mia-platform/#175
  • #53 request to transition to a disallowed state now returns HTTP error 400 instead of 404
  • #55 additional query _q now return 400 Bad Request in case a field is not included in the collection definition schema
  • #144 method GET /:id returns document containing only fields defined in the JSON Schema of the collection


  • #236 added defaultSorting field to collection definition: the field applies a sorting object document to find queries, if no explicit _s parameter is set on request


  • remove additionalProperties constraints from collection definition schema to allow greater flexibility in adding further config entries
  • updated NodeJS version in Dockerfile to v20.11.0
  • updated @fastify/mongodb to v8.0.0
  • updated @fastify/multipart to v8.0.0

6.10.2 - 2024-06-06


  • upgrade NodeJS version in Docker image to v20.14.0

6.10.1 - 2024-05-17

  • fixed projection example in json schema generator

6.10.0 - 2024-02-01


  • introduce new query parameter _useEstimate on GET /count request. In this manner the endpoint employs the estimatedDocumentCount method of MongoDB, returning the number of documents from the collection metadata
  • added /-/schemas and /<collection>/schema routes to discover/inspect the data models' of each collection as JSON schema


  • #237: casting values in _q queries are now executed even in case of nested fields

6.9.6 - 2024-01-23


  • improved excel export to ensure column consistency

6.9.5 - 2024-01-19


  • #247: xls and xlsx export formats


  • updated service dependencies
  • updated NodeJS version in Dockerfile to v18.19.0

6.9.4 - 2023-11-22


  • #225: MONGODB_MAX_IDLE_TIME_MS env to control MongoDB maxIdleTimeMs connection option (default set to 0 for backward compatibility, meaning the opened connection remain opened indefinitely)


  • #227: create indexes limiting promises concurrency to prevent connection creation spikes at boot

6.9.3 - 2023-11-21


  • review writable views to introduce a proper support of multi-lookup references (one-to-many relationship), addressing the point raised in this discussion
  • rewritten writable views documentation to clarify their motivation and configuration

6.9.2 - 2023-10-25


  • add optional chaining to allow not to specify pipeline field in $lookup views when enabledLookup is set


  • upgrade tap to v18.5.2
  • updated NodeJS version in Dockerfile to v18.18.2

6.9.1 - 2023-09-08


  • #172 collection export endpoint can now parse multiple accept header values and select the one with the highest weight

6.9.0 - 2023-08-23


  • #119 created route to import collection files (json, ndjson and csv)
  • #137 export route allows different file formats (json, ndjson and csv)
  • CRUD Service image is now pushed also on the internal Mia-Platform registry
  • new Github Action that cleans up the cache generated by actions carried out when working on PRs


  • updated NodeJS version in Dockerfile to v18.17.1
  • updated service minor and patch dependencies
  • #154 import route with PATCH method now does an upsert instead of a simple update


  • #138 patch import route validate the presence for the _id field
  • #145 increased get response performances

6.8.0 - 2023-07-11


  • #129 introduce the option to enable strict validation on service responses


  • #125 handled streaming error on GET / and GET /export
  • #123 resolved performance issues on many collections



  • $text search query now working on aggregation
  • #158 fixed wrong validation on nested objects.
  • endpoint tag format has been updated to correctly display paths with underscores

6.7.0 - 2023-06-19


  • #92 abstraction for view writing support with the "enableLookup" flag in views configuration.

6.6.1 - 2023-06-15


  • #88 dot (.) notation with operator $set is now correctly supported
  • #89 operators $addToSet and $pull are now supported on properties added via additionalProperties JSON schema definition
  • collection definition validation is now carried out only once per collection


  • update minor and patch dependencies

6.6.0 - 2023-06-09


  • add option to enable tracing


  • upgrade lc39 to v7, which upgrade fastify to v4
  • updated documentation regarding service configuration to clarify the database name in the connection string
  • call to configure MongoDB are now concurrent
  • JSON Schema Generator refactoring to reduce duplicated operations


  • updated broken links in documentation
  • wrong swagger configuration

6.5.2 - 2023-05-08


  • __mia_configuration property in a collection schema now accepts additional properties
  • improved validation message for "body must NOT have additional properties" Ajv error, now it also says the unwanted property
  • optimization of the __STATE__ query sent to MongoDB: $in operator has been removed when not necessary

6.5.1 - 2023-04-20


  • encryption not working with JSON Schema collection definition

6.5.0 - 2023-04-20


  • Collections configuration files can now accept a new field schema which allows to define the collection data model by means of a JSON Schema. The property schema in the configuration files is an opt-in feature and when defined it takes precedence over the fields property.
    Though the latter property is still supported, it is recommended to convert your collections to adopt a JSON schema definition to access the new functionality offered by JSON schema.
  • $pull operator support
  • $addToSet supports mongo operators


  • Collections definition via fields property is now considered deprecated and it will be removed in future versions.

6.4.0 - 2023-03-21


  • Support to $addToSet operations for array fields


  • Upgraded service libraries
  • Refactored tests to further reduce their execution time and prevent tests timeouts
  • Improved service documentation

6.3.0 - 2023-02-08


  • .npmrc file added to .dockerignore and .gitignore


  • improved with instructions on how to run the service in a local environment and how to configure collections and views;
  • Refactored ./tests folder to support parallel run of tests in CI pipelines
  • Improved description of API methods exposed in API specification;

6.2.0 - 2023-01-13


  • Dockerfile: remove crud-service-base-image and merge its configuration into crud-service image definition
  • upgrade NodeJS to v18
  • upgrade mongodb-enterprise-cryptd to v5.0.14
  • upgrade libmongocrypt to v1.6.2-0

6.1.4 - 2023-01-10


  • Removal of references to Mia s.r.l. internal documents, minor updates on the code for readability
  • JSON definitions of MongoDB Views does not require the property type anymore (it will be automatically added with the view value)

6.1.3 - 2022-12-02


  • ALLOW_DISK_USE_IN_QUERIES supports /count operations

6.1.2 - 2022-11-24



  • Fields stored as string are casted to number if requested by schema

6.1.1 - 2022-11-22


  • support for $dateToString project operator in _rawp query param.

6.1.0 - 2022-11-22

6.0.2 - 2022-10-25


  • Add new environment variable ALLOW_DISK_USE_IN_QUERIES to set allowDiskUse option in MongoDB queries, useful when working with MongoDB Views (works with MongoDB >= 4.4).

6.0.1 - 2022-10-06


  • Added header json-query-params-encoding for the json query params encoding.


  • the header json_query_params_encoding is marked as deprecated and its support is going to be dropped in the next major release.

6.0.0 - 2022-09-23


  • Ajv major upgrade to v8. Look at its release notes.
  • Remove multi-type definition for nullable objects, in order to favor the nullable property. The service expected behavior will be equivalent, but the API Schemas will change if compared to the previous versions.
  • Refactored Partial Indexes configuration properties


  • object nullable field attribute is now recognized
  • array nullable field attribute is now recognized
  • export route works also when an array field is set to null
  • failing tests on Mongo encryption lib


  • Refactored Partial Indexes configuration properties, in order to be more aligned to what is displayed on the Console Frontend
  • replaced deprecated fastify-mongodb and fastify-env with their respective namespace scoped version @fastify/mongodb and fastify/env
  • remove multi-type definitions (["<type>", "null"]) to exploit only nullable attribute when defining that a property can be set to null
  • replace standard and snazzy with Mia eslint configuration, refactoring code where needed to match the latest code styles
  • set Fastify to use Ajv v8 compiler
  • upgraded Ajv to v8, adopting its newer (and stricter) default configs. This required to review source code and tests according to the migration guide.
  • upgraded service dependencies


  • Added support for base64 encoded (json) query params to support the ODI HTTP Client
  • Added support to partial indexes

5.4.2 - 2022-07-28


  • Fixed $currentDate operator behavior for patchById, patchMany, patchBulk and upsertOne APIs

5.4.1 - 2022-07-18

  • security fixes

5.4.0 - 2022-06-22


  • Add new _rawp's operators: $eq, $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $ne, $nin, $and, $not, $nor, $or, $exists, $type, $all, $elemMatch, $size, $cond, $regexMatch, $map, $mod

  • Add the CRUD_MAX_LIMIT environment variable, for setting up the maximum limit of object per query


  • Docker Image base file @1.1.1

5.3.1 - 2022-05-30


  • standard@^17.0.0


  • prevent query with empty object in $and to avoid full scan

5.3.0 - 2022-05-12


  • sorting by nested and multiple fields


  • lc39 to v6.0.0


  • Throw error on findAll stream error event

5.2.3 - 2022-05-04


  • removed check on text indexes presence when $text operator is used, mongodb performs the check by itself

5.2.2 - 2022-04-22


  • resolved a regression introduced in version 5.1.0. Now all of the endpoints of a collection are correctly exposed.

5.2.1 - 2022-03-30


  • null values in _q query filter are correctly handled for GET endpoints

5.2.0 - 2022-03-29


  • support for $first project operator in _rawp query param

5.1.0 - 2022-03-21 [Found regression in this version on date 2022-04-22]


  • supports MongoDB views

5.0.2 - 2022-02-25


  • mongocryptd v2

5.0.1 - 2021-11-08


  • added pino to dependencies
  • remove async from get list handler


  • node.js to v16
  • dependency pino to ^7.1.0


  • added tests and improved documentation

5.0.0 - 2021-10-15


This version brings Mongo breaking changes from Mongo v4.4 to v5. Specially, if you are using some query (e.g. with _q parameter) no more supported by new Mongo version or new driver version, it will return an error.

Known limitation in this version:

  • before, it would be possible to make a count using $nearSphere operator. This operator is not permitted by mongo v4.4 and mongo v5, so in this version the count with this filter will throw.


  • support to mongo v5.0


  • update mongo driver to use v4
  • handle mongo stream error in findAll

4.4.0 - 2021-09-30


  • Client side field level encryption


  • Corrected JSON schema for text indexes.
  • Corrected some logs that were not showing objects
  • PATCH: $.merge operator on multiple nested array

4.3.0 - 2021-09-10


  • Upgraded lc39 to version 5 (handled with retrocompatibility by setting swagger in order to avoid breaking changes)


  • new parameter _rawp to perform raw projections with aggregation operators on MongoDB v4.4 or above
  • error handling for _rawp trying to override acl_read_columns header
  • check on not allowed operators used during _rawp


  • Changed base image from node:12.22.3-alpine to node:14.17.6-slim
  • Installed version 4.4.8 of mongocryptd inside the Docker image
  • Installed version 1.2.2 of libmongocrypt inside the Docker image
  • Upgrade node version in nvm
  • Required node engine is now v14.17.6
  • Inserted KMS configuration variables

4.2.0 - 2021-08-05


  • support to text search indexes (with weights and language options) and $text queries on findAll

4.1.0 - 2021-07-06


  • projection regex pattern is removed in order to allow the projection over nested fields.

4.0.0 - 2021-06-17

3.3.0 - 2021-06-17 [Unpublished]


  • support __STATE__ change of multiple documents using a filter and without knowing the _id of each one.

Breaking Change

  • installed @mia-platform/mongodb-healthchecker for mongo healthchecks

3.2.3 - 2021-04-29


  • fix checkNormalIndexEquality comparison

3.2.2 - 2021-03-04


  • lc39 v3.3.0

3.2.1 - 2021-01-29


  • patch with unset of ObjectId field no longer fails

3.2.0 - 2020-12-02


  • support json schema for RawObject and array of RawObject field properties

3.1.2 - 2020-11-04


  • castToObjectId allow also null value as input and return null itself.



  • lc39 v3.1.4
  • Updated gitlab-ci.yml mongo dependency, from this version mongo 4.4 support is guaranteed.

3.1.0 - 2020-10-06


  • Allow $inc, $set, $unset on sub properties of raw object

3.0.1 - 2020-10-02


  • update lc39 to v3.1.3.

3.0.0 - 2020-09-29



  • lc39 to v3.1.2. The update is breaking since it's bringing up lc39 v3.x with the newer logging format.

2.2.0 - 2020-07-14


  • Expose some metrics about collections


  • lc39 to v3.1.0

2.1.6 - 2020-05-26


  • Omit required if empty

2.1.5 - 2020-05-26

BROKEN: do not use this version

2.1.4 - 2020-04-15


  • Remove default limit from /export

2.1.3 - 2020-01-31


  • Update package-lock for zero-downtime
  • passing {useUnifiedTopology: false} to fastify-mongo to avoid that isConnected() always return true

2.1.1 - 2019-12-16


  • fix CRUD startup with 0 collections

2.1.0 - 2019-12-09


  • handle ttl index
  • support _id of type string

2.0.1 - 2019-10-16


  • Fixed missing data in STATE field of post and post-bulk json schema

v2.0.0 - 2019-07-03


  • Implement nullable flag. Before this, the nullable flag is ignored. The default behavior is to convert null into falsy value for the field type type. For example, for an integer null value is converted to 0, for a string to '' (empty string).


  • Both the handlers of /-/check-up and /-/healthz route check the connection to Mongo.

v1.2.0 (Jun 25, 2019)


  • Support for the CRUD_LIMIT_CONSTRAINT_ENABLED env variables to enable constraints on minimum, maximum and default values. New limits are: maximum 200, minimum 1 and default 25


Changes that have landed in master but are not yet released.


  • Support for patching array items. The $set command works properly on both primitive and RawObject item types, by using array.$.replace and array.$.merge as keys in the $set command object. This feature involves the following CRUD operations:
    • Patch by ID
    • Patch many
    • Patch bulk
  • array.$.replace Replace entirely the query-matching array item with the content passed as value.
  • array.$.merge Edits only the specified fields of the query-matching array item with the content passed as value.

See below for some sample cURLs for /PATCH /books-endpoint/{:id} where _q={"": "John Doe", _st: "PUBLIC"}

Case Merge

curl -X PATCH "http://crud-service:3000/books-endpoint/5cf83b600000000000000000?" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ "$set": { "attachments.$.merge": { "name": "renamed attachment" } }}"

Case Replace

curl -X PATCH "http://crud-service:3000/books-endpoint/5cf83b600000000000000000?" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ "$set": { "attachments.$.replace": { "name": "renamed attachment", content: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "state": "attached" } }}"