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Version: 12.x (Current)

API Portal Configuration

The API Portal microservice can be added to your project by visiting Mia-Platform Marketplace. To configure it properly, there are essentially 2 ways.

The easiest and recommended way to add an API Portal to your project is to create a new API Documentation Aggregator application.

The creation of the application is divided into several steps, allowing the Swagger Aggregator and API Gateway services, each with the necessary endpoints, to be added to the project in addition to the API Portal itself (both are needed to make the API Portal work properly: the Swagger Aggregator is responsible for aggregating the individual Open APIs of all the microservices indicated in the configuration, while the API Gateway is needed to manage endpoints).

API Documentation Aggregator creation

Once you have finished creating the application, you need to properly configure the endpoint /documentations/api-portal, which is needed to access the Documentation Portal:

  • In the "Endpoint settings" card:

    • Under the "Security" tab, set the User Group Permission to false; API Portal setup | Security
    • Under the "Documentation" tab, uncheck the Show in API Portal checkbox; API Portal setup | Documentation
    • If your project uses the Microservice Gateway plugin, under the "Microservice Gateway" tab, uncheck the on request and on response checkboxes. API Portal setup | Microservice Gateway
  • In the "Routes" card, create a route with GET as http verb and / as route path. For this newly created route uncheck the inherited checkbox for the User Group Permission and set its value to true. API Portal setup | Routes


If you want to expose the API Portal on an additional path, you have also to expose the Swagger Aggregator on the correct corresponding path. For instance, if you expose the API Portal on /my-api-portal, then you need to expose the Swagger Aggregator on /my-api-portal/api. Otherwise, the API Portal would not be able to get the swagger definitions.


Please, be aware that the API Portal is public by default, so the users do not need to perform any login step to view your API Portal.
You can block unauthorized users to access the API Portal by checking Authentication required to the GET / route of the endpoint that exposes the API Portal. Doing so, only users with the cookie can access it, but the login page for setting the cookie is not autogenerated, hence you need to configure the login process by yourself.


You can set up a login process by using the Auth0 Client plugin, that you can find in the Marketplace.

2. Step-by-step manual configuration

This procedure allows you to manually add the various services and endpoints needed to make the API Portal work properly, effectively generating the resources that are automatically created when you add an API Documentation Aggregator application to the project.

  1. Add the API Portal plugin to the project via the "Microservices" section;
  2. Add the Swagger Aggregator plugin to the project via the "Microservices" section;
  3. Add the API Gateway plugin to the project via the "Microservices" section;
  4. Create a new endpoint with base path /documentations/api-portal, type Microservice, and linked to the api-portal service via the "Endpoints" section;
  5. Configure the newly created endpoint as described in the configuration procedure following the creation of the API Documentation Aggregator application.

Take a look at the "Environment Variables" tab of the API Portal service, and make sure the HTTP_PORT where the web server is exposed is properly set, with value 8080. API Portal | Environment Variables