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Version: 13.x (Current)


Environment Variables

The service needs the following environment variables:

  • CRUD_URL: url to the crud service with the collection used to store rules;
  • FLOW_MANAGER_URL (optional, default to null): url to the flow manager to send events to;
  • HTTP_PORT (optional, default to 8080): port where the web server is exposed;
  • LOG_LEVEL (optional, default to INFO): application log level;
  • USERID_HEADER_KEY (optional, default to miauserid): name of the header carrying the identifier of the calling user;
  • USER_PROPERTIES_HEADER_KEY (optional, default to miauserproperties): name of the header carrying properties of the calling user;
  • GROUPS_HEADER_KEY (optional, default to miausergroups): name of the header carrying groups of the calling user;
  • CLIENTTYPE_HEADER_KEY (optional, default to client-type): name of the header carrying client type of the calling user;
  • BACKOFFICE_HEADER_KEY (optional, default to isbackoffice): the header key which identifies the value which determines if the service is considered backoffice;
  • MICROSERVICE_GATEWAY_SERVICE_NAME (optional, default to microservice-gateway): which contains the host name (or IP address) pointing to the microservice-gateway;

CRUD Collection

The rules service store rules on a CRUD. You need to create a collection with the same schema of the rule defined in the previous section.