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Version: 13.x (Current)

Upsert and Delete Strategies

The Single View Creator provides different ways to handle the upsert and delete of Single View records through the UPSERT_STRATEGY and DELETE_STRATEGY environment variables.

Most of the times one of the pre-configured strategies will be enough, but if it isn't you can also customize them to your specific needs.

Upsert Strategy

The upsert strategy tells the Single View Creator what action to perform once the aggregation procedure is completed. Based on the value of UPSERT_STRATEGY, the system will act accordingly.


Using replace, the whole record that matches the Single View Key will be replaced the new record from the aggregation.


If there isn't an UPSERT_STRATEGY explicitly defined into the micro-service, replace will be used as the default strategy.


Using update, the Single View record that matches the Single View Key won't be entirely overwritten, so that only the properties computed by the aggregation will be updated.


If a path to a function is provided, a completed customized logic to perform the upsert of the Single View document will be performed.

The function definition is better explained in the section below.

Delete Strategy

The delete strategy tells the Single View Creator what action to perform once the aggregation procedure returns no value, meaning that the single view record has been deleted.

Based on the value of DELETE_STRATEGY, the system will act accordingly.

Hard Delete

Using delete, the Single View Creator hard deletes the Single View record.


If there isn't a DELETE_STRATEGY explicitly defined into the micro-service, delete will be used as the default strategy.

Soft Delete

Using virtualDelete, the Single View Creator soft deletes the Single View, by setting the __STATE__ property to DELETED.

The delete operation of a Single View (either hard, soft or custom) happens when the Base Projection record gets deleted.

If you need a more complex deleting strategy we encourage you to take a look to the Custom functions section.

Custom functions

If you want, you can replace both upsert and delete functions with your own custom functions.

These functions represent the last step of the creation (or deletion) of a Single View, in which the Single View collection is actually modified.

In case the validation succeeds, the upsert function will be called with the following arguments:

  • logger is the logger
  • singleViewCollection is the Mongo collection object
  • singleView is the result of the mapping operation
  • singleViewKey is the Single View key

On the other hand, if the validation has a negative outcome, the delete function will be called with the same arguments, except for the singleView, which will not be handled by the delete function.

In both cases, some operation should be done on singleViewCollection in order to modify the Single View with the current singleViewKey, with the idea of "merging" the current result with the one already present in the database.

For example, we have a "Customer" Single View with a list of products the customer bought from different e-commerce websites, and we receive an update for a new object on a specific shop. In that case we don't want to replace the list of bought products with the last one arrived, but we want to push the product in the list in order to have the complete history of purchases.

For both functions, the output is composed of an object containing two fields:

  • old which contains the old Single View
  • new which contains the new Single View

These values will respectively be the before and the after of the message sent to the KAFKA_BA_TOPIC topic, which is the topic responsible for tracking any result of the Single View Creator. The naming convention for this topic can be found here.

async function upsertSingleViewFunction(
logger.trace('Upserting Single View...')

// Here goes your custom upsert logic
const oldSingleView = await singleViewCollection.findOne(singleViewKey)

await singleViewCollection.replaceOne(
{ upsert: true }

logger.trace({ isNew: Boolean(oldSingleView) }, 'Updated Single View')
return {
old: oldSingleView,
new: singleView,

async function deleteSingleViewFunction(
logger.trace('Deleting Single View...')

// Here goes your custom delete logic
const oldSingleView = await singleViewCollection.findOne(singleViewKey)

if (oldSingleView !== null) {
try {
await singleViewCollection.deleteOne(singleViewKey)
} catch (ex) {
logger.error(`Error during Single View delete: ${ex}`)

logger.trace('Single view deletion procedure terminated')
return {
old: oldSingleView,
new: null,