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Version: 13.x (Current)

Projection Changes Schema Configuration


The Projection Changes Schema is a JSON file (projectionChangesSchema.json) which helps the strategy to find the right path from the initial projection to the base projection and then to the identifier used to match the single view document. This file is typically used by the Real-Time Updater or the Single View Trigger Generator to execute the strategies.

Configuration Properties

The Projection Changes Schema is made of the following fields:

  • version: Current configuration version, which determines the syntax and semantics of the rest of the configuration. The following properties follow the 1.0.0 syntax version.
  • config: The whole Projection Changes Schema config
  • SINGLE_VIEW_NAME: The name of the single view we want to aggregate
  • paths: An array of possible paths to generate an identifier capable to match a single view document
  • path: An ordered array of projections for the strategy to reach the BASE_PROJECTION. For example if we receive an ingestion message on PROJECTION_2 we know that in order to reach BASE_PROJECTION we must first look for all the documents of PROJECTION_1 related to PROJECTION_2 (the relationships are specified by the ER Schema).
  • identifier: The projection changes identifier object that will be generated to match the single view document. Every key of the object will be a key of the identifier and every value of the object will be replaced with the BASE_PROJECTION documents found by the strategy
Projection Changes Configuration

"version": "1.0.0",
"config": {
"sv_books": {
"paths": [
"path": [ "pr_libraries", "pr_book_libraries", "pr_books"],
"identifier": {
"bookID": "ID_BOOK"


All the keys in uppercase are values that you must change depending on your data, while the keys in lowercase are keywords that should not be changed.

In some cases you may want a finer control over the creation of the projection changes identifier. Such control can be achieved within service configuration providing a custom function, which is applied to each document retrieved by the last step of the strategy path (in this case records extracted from BASE_PROJECTION collection).

Custom Functions


Please note that this feature is only supported by Single View Trigger Generator service, whereas Real-Time Updater does not handle it.

It's possible to use custom functions in each path that requires additional operations not provided by the ER Schema.

To define a custom function, you should specify as identifier the __fromFile__[<filename>] keyword, where within squared brackets is provided the filename containing the custom function: the function provided must be created in a config map, that has been mounted in the same path as the one defined in the environment variable TRIGGER_CUSTOM_FUNCTIONS_FOLDER.

Projection Changes Configuration with function loading

"version": "X.Y.Z",
"config": {
"paths": [
"identifier": "__fromFile__[myCustomFunction.js]"

As you can see, in this example we're referencing a file called myCustomFunction.js. This file needs to a be a Javascript file exporting a default async generator function with the following parameters:

  • strategyContext: strategy context object composed of two properties:
    • logger: Pino logger to print out useful service logs
    • dbMongo: the configured MongoDB Database instance where the projections are stored
  • document: the document of the base projection found by the strategy up to this point
Custom function

// note: this has to be an AsyncGenerator
module.exports = async function* myCustomFunction ({ logger, dbMongo }, document) {
const query = { SOME_FIELD: document.SOME_FIELD }
const documentFound = await dbMongo.collection('SOME_COLLECTION').findOne(query)

yield {
IDENTIFIER_FIELD_1: documentFound.FIELD_1,