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Version: 13.x (Current)

Fast Data Low Code Tutorial

Fast Data is an event-driven architecture that allows you to collect data, manipulate and aggregate it from your systems in near real-time using a data stream approach.

What We Will Build

In this tutorial, we will create a simple example of a Single View dedicated to a history of orders made by a customer. To do that we will expect to receive data from two different tables: a table that includes a registry of customer data (like the name, address and so on) and a table for a single order (with date, price and the identifier of the customer included in the registry).

We are going also to create the microservices that will store the data received in separate collections (we will call them Projections) and aggregate the Single View.

To do that, in the console, you will:

  • Generate two Projections where we will store the data;
  • Connect two endpoints to the Projections;
  • Create a Single View Low Code that will aggregate the data from the two projections;
  • Create an endpoint that will consume the data from the Single View;
  • Test the Single View.


Before starting this tutorial, you need to be familiar with the concepts of:

For the technical part of this tutorial, you will need both Kafka and MongoDB instances available.

Systems of Record

A System of Record (SoR) is a container of Projections, which are architectural objects responsible for storing the data in a persistent storage, to have a fast and scalable way to decouple the data from the source system. We will use these projections to have a copy of the data from the source systems, and later they will be used to aggregate the data from the source systems, using the Single View Creator.

The architectural component responsible for creating and updating the projection is either the Real-Time Updater or the Projection Storer: we will refer to them as SoR Microservices throughout this tutorial.


Projection Storer is available from v12.0.0 of MIA Console.

This microservice orchestrates a Kafka consumer responsible for fetching data from the source systems and updating the corresponding projections in MongoDB.

In this tutorial, we can imagine a simple delivery platform where the data are the registry and the order of the customers. So, we will create a single System of Record with two projections (one for the registry and one for the order) attached to a single SoR Microservice.

Create the System of Record


Until Console v11.7.0, the Real-Time Updater service was automatically created when a System of Record was created only after saving the configuration.

If you're using a Console version lower than v11.7.0, you can skip the System of Record Microservices section and just configure the required environments variables of the micro-service.

Before starting to create projections, we need to create the System of Record representing the source system we want to connect to.

SoR Creation Steps

  1. Open the page Projection in the Fast Data section of our left menu;
  2. Click on the button Create new Systems of Record:

Page Systems of Record

  1. In the dialog, choose the name (which will act as an identifier of the System of Record, we will call it delivery) and the Kafka message format (in this case, we will use Debezium) and then click on Create:

    Create Systems of Record

  2. Now we can either start define the projections or attach SoR microservices inside this System of Record:

Page Projections

System of Record Microservice

Once a system of record has been created, you'll need at least one SoR microservice where projections will be assigned.

You can choose between two microservices: the Real-Time Updater or the Projection Storer.

Although the two services have several differences, that we will see later during strategy handling, they have one shared feature: they read ingestion messages from Kafka topics to store them into the projections on MongoDB.

Projection Storer Setup

The first step is to create the microservice Projection Storer, that will be attached to the System of Record we created before. To do so, we move to the Microservices section of the Console. From here we can click on the "Create a Microservice" button on the top-left corner to open the Marketplace and select our microservice.

We can find it under the name of Projection Storer.

Create Delivery PS

After selecting the Projection Storer service, you just need to choose a unique name (we suggest delivery-projection-storer) and, eventually the description. Once clicked on the Create button, the service will be created and we will be redirected to the service page.

Then, move to the delivery SoR and, in the Services section, attach the newly created service.

Attach PS to Delivery SoR

Once the service has been attached, you can click on the right arrow of the micro-service and edit its configuration.

Edit PS Configuration

In this section, you can setup the following configurations:

Real-Time Updater Setup


If you're using a console version older than v11.7.0, you can skip this paragraph since the service is automatically created when saving the configuration after creating the System of Record.

The first step is to create the microservice Real-Time Updater, that will be attached to the System of Record we will create. To do so, we move to the Microservices section of the Console. From here we can click on the Create a Microservice button on the top-left corner to open the Marketplace and find the microservice under the name of Real-Time Updater.

Create Delivery RTU

After selecting the Real-Time Updater service, the only thing you need to choose is a unique name (we suggest fast-data-delivery-realtime-updater) and, eventually the description. Once clicked on the "Create" button, the service will be created and we will be redirected to the service page. Now we need to configure all the parameters of the microservice. Here is an example of the fields that we need to configure:

  • PROJECTIONS_DATABASE_NAME: the name of the database that will be used to store the data of the Projections
  • PROJECTIONS_CHANGES_COLLECTION_NAME: the name of the collection that will be used to store the changes of the Projections; (we suggest fd-pc-delivery)
  • KAFKA_BROKERS: the list of the kafka brokers that will be used to send the data to the Projections;
  • KAFKA_GROUP_ID: the group id that will be used to consume the data from the source systems; (we suggest
  • KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME: the username that will be used to login to the kafka brokers;
  • KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD: the password that will be used to login to the kafka brokers;
  • KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM: the mechanism that will be used to login to the kafka brokers.

The Real-Time Updater includes more optional parameters that might be included via Environment Variables. If you need to know more about them, you can read the documentation of the Real-Time Updater.

The last step to finish the configuration is to attach the Real-Time Updater to the System of Record we originally created. To do so, move to the Services tab of the Projection page where a placeholder will inform you that no services have been attached yet and suggest you to select one from the list of compatible services, chose the Real-Time Updater you created before and save the configurations.

Attach Real-Time Updater


To start define new Projections, inside a System of Record page, we need to click on the Create new Projection button. Doing so a modal will be opened, allowing the user to choose the Projection name. Click on the Create button to create the Projection.

Create Projection

Once the projection is created, you will be automatically redirected to its dedicated page, where we can see the default CRUD data schema already configured.

Projection Overview

For this tutorial, we will create two projections:

  • registry: will store data about the user;
  • orders: will store the data of the user's orders.

For each of them, we have to consider the following aspects.


Now we need to define the fields that we want to store in the Projection. You can do that by clicking the Add field button located at the top-right of the Fields card.

Create Projection Fields


It is mandatory to define at least one custom field. Also, you must define at least one field as Primary Key (select the related checkbox).

Here's the specification for both registry and orders projections.

Registry Fields

FieldTypeCast FunctionsRequiredPrimary KeyDescription
registry_idStringdefaultIdentityThe registry ID.
nameStringdefaultIdentity--The name of the customer to whom the registry refers.
emailStringdefaultIdentity--The email of the customer to whom the registry refers.
phoneStringdefaultIdentity--The phone of the customer to whom the registry refers.
addressStringdefaultIdentity--The address of the customer to whom the registry refers.
cityStringdefaultIdentity--The city of the customer to whom the registry refers.
stateStringdefaultIdentity--The State of the customer to whom the registry refers.

Orders Fields

FieldTypeCast FunctionRequiredPrimary KeyDescription
order_idStringdefaultIdentityThe order ID. Check this field as "Required" and "Primary Key".
nameStringdefaultIdentity--The name of the product.
priceNumberdefaultIdentity--The price of the product.
dateDatedefaultCastToDate--The date when the order was placed.
registry_idStringdefaultIdentity--The registry ID of the customer who placed the order.


At the bottom of the same page, we can also see the Kafka topics. There are two types of topics:

  • Ingestion topic: will be used by the SoR microservice to receive the data from the Source Systems so that the Projections will be updated on the target Database;
  • PR Update topic: will be used to notify when a projection has been updated.

Projection Topics


The application does not create Kafka topics for you. If you decide to use a different Kafka topic name, please be sure the topic already exists and it is fully operational. The chosen SoR microservice, that will receives the update from the source System, will crash at startup if there is a topic not defined in Kafka.

The Kafka topic names can be changed over time, but please mind that their name must be unique within your Kafka cluster.

Here's the specification for both registry and orders projections.

Registry Topics

These are the suggested naming convention of topics defined in Kafka:

  • Ingestion:
  • Pr-Update:

Orders Topics

These are the suggested naming convention of topics defined in Kafka:

  • Ingestion:
  • Pr-Update:

Before receiving messages from the ingestion topic defined in the projection, you have to link it to a SoR microservice.

Go back to the Services section of the delivery SoR, and select the microservice you have attached during the previous paragraph: there, on the Projections card, you can pick one or more projections.

Link Projection to SoR Microservice

In this particular case, both registry and orders will be linked to the same microservice.

Going back to the projection's page, you can see that the microservice linked to it will appear under the Microservice card.

Expose & Test Projections

At this point, we have configured the microservice, we already have one system of record and two projections, but we need to expose the Projection endpoints.

Create Endpoints


It is not mandatory to expose the Projection endpoints to create, update and work with the Single View, but if you want to expose the raw data stored in the projection you need to create the endpoints.

In the Endpoint section, we can click on the Create new endpoint button to create the Projection's endpoints.

Create Endpoint's Projection

Inside the creation page, we can choose the endpoint path. From the type drop-down we have to choose Fast Data Projection and, in the Fast Data Projection dropdown menu, we can choose the Projection that we want to expose. We can create two different endpoints, one for the registry and one for the order.


Remember that the endpoints connected to the Fast Data will expose just the GET method: so, we can't perform update and delete operations over them.

Test Projections

Now it's time to save and deploy the new configuration. Deploy the configuration

After that, we can try to send a message to the Kafka Ingestion Topics created in the previous steps, and we can see the data stored in the Projection using the APIs available in the API Documentations.

Since we have chosen Debezium as the format for our SoR, the ingestion message that we will send has to comply to its specifications.

Ingestion Example

We will add one registry and one order to our System of Record, respectively reg-1 and ord-1.

This will mean sending the following ingestion messages to the ingestion topics, using a Kafka Producer:
"key": {
"registry_id": "reg-1"
"value": {
"op": "c",
"before": null,
"after": {
"registry_id": "reg-1",
"address": "customer address",
"city": "customer city",
"email": "",
"name": "customer 1",
"phone": "customer phone",
"state": "customer state",
"key": {
"order_id": "ord-1"
"value": {
"op": "c",
"before": null,
"after": {
"date": "2024-02-16T11:13:48.322Z",
"name": "order-1",
"order_id": "ord-1",
"price": 123,
"registry_id": "reg-1"

If you don't have a direct access to your Kafka broker to produce messages, you can use a dedicated microservice such as Rest2Kafka to produce Kafka messages as REST request directly from MIA Console.

Once messages have been set, you can check from the API Documentations if both registry and orders projections have been updated successfully.

GET /registry
"_id": "63ceb97233241d6536c857e759c02",
"__STATE__": "PUBLIC",
"address": "customer address",
"city": "customer city",
"createdAt": "2023-01-23T16:44:33.006Z",
"email": "",
"name": "customer 1",
"phone": "customer phone",
"registry_id": "reg-1",
"state": "customer state",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-23T16:44:33.006Z"
GET /orders
"_id": "63cebcb6d65321231236c857e76b6ab",
"__STATE__": "PUBLIC",
"createdAt": "2023-01-23T16:58:30.201Z",
"date": "2024-02-16T11:13:48.322Z",
"name": "order-1",
"order_id": "ord-1",
"price": 123,
"registry_id": "reg-1",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-23T16:58:30.201Z"

Single View

The Single View is an architectural object that is used to store the aggregate data from the Projections. The goal of the Single View is to store the data already aggregated and ready to use from the Projection. A good approach is to store the data in Single Views dedicated to each channel and each use.

In this tutorial, our Single View is called order-history and its schema has the registry information and its linked orders information: this means that each document is an object that contains the registry information about the user and a list of orders made by the user.

To start define our single view we need to open the Single Views page in the Fast Data section of our left menu, then click on the Create new Single View button.

Single View

Here, we can choose the name of the Single View, that will be order-history.

Create New Single View

Now, we need to create the fields of the Single View, inside this tutorial we will create the following fields:

registryIdStringThe registry ID. This field must be marked as "Required".
nameStringThe name of the customer to whom the registry refers.
cityStringThe city of the customer to whom the registry refers.
stateStringThe State of the customer to whom the registry refers.
ordersArray of objectsThe orders associated to the registry.

Single View Fields


It is important to also define the JSON Schema for the orders field of the Single View, to let it visible later in the No Code section.

Json Schema for orders array

By clicking the Edit button of the orders field, a right panel will show a JSON Schema editor, where you can place the following object:

"properties": {
"id": {
"title": "Order id",
"type": "string"
"price": {
"title": "Order Price",
"type": "number"
"name": {
"title": "Order name",
"type": "string"
"date": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date"
"additionalProperties": false,
"type": "object"

Then press on the Save button on the bottom right of the page to apply the changes made to the field.

Microservice Configuration

First of all, we need to create a microservice that we will attach to the Single View that we're going to create. This microservice is called "Single View Creator", and it's available in the microservice Marketplace.

Marketplace and Single View Creator

Here we have two different plugins: the first one is for the Single View Creator, and the second one is for the Single View Creator Low Code. We will go for the latter, since we want to leverage the usage of Low Code / No Code features for a quicker configuration of the microservice. We suggest naming it single-view-creator-delivery.

Now we need to configure all the parameters of the microservice, here is a set of the fields that we need to configure:

  • SINGLE_VIEWS_COLLECTION: should be the name of the single view which your single view creator is responsible for (we suggest order-history, the same name as the Single View we are going to create);
  • SINGLE_VIEWS_PORTFOLIO_ORIGIN: a representative name used in debugging and metrics to identify the source of any Single View update request (we suggest to use the name of the System of Record, delivery);
  • TYPE: identifies the type of projection changes that need to be read. It should be the same as the Single View name you want to update (also here we are going to call it order-history);
  • SINGLE_VIEWS_ERRORS_COLLECTION: a collection where the service will write errors that may happen during aggregation. (we suggest order-history-errors, here you can read about record format that will be stored)

Also, based on the connection channel where the microservice reads the projection changes, additional environment variables needs to be set:

  • PROJECTIONS_CHANGES_SOURCE: by using the value KAFKA, it instructs the service to read projection changes from a Kafka connection;
  • kafka connection variables such as:
    • KAFKA_BROKERS: a comma-separated list of your Kafka brokers;
    • KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME, KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD and KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM if authentication needs to be performed
    • KAFKA_PROJECTION_CHANGES_TOPICS: name of the topic that will receive projection changes in the shape of trigger messages, you can choose;
    • KAFKA_GROUP_ID: name of the consumer group that will be used to subscribe to and read messages from the topic from the KAFKA_PROJECTION_CHANGES_TOPIC variable (we can choose

The Single View Creator includes more optional parameters that might be included via Environment Variables. If you need to know more about them, you can refer to the related documentation section.

The marketplace will also ask you to define a name for the following configurations:

  • Single View Key: this is the key that will be used to store the Single View (you can choose delivery-configuration as name);
  • ER-Schema: the relationship between projections (you can choose delivery-erschema as name);
  • Aggregation: the aggregation that will be used to generate the Single View (you can choose delivery-aggregation as name).

This configurations will be in read-only mode, since they can be edited inside the Single View section.

Marketplace and Single View Creator

Attach Microservice

The last configuration that you need to do is to attach the newly created Single View Creator microservice to our order-history Single View.

Inside the Single View page, go to the Single View Creators tab. A placeholder will inform the user that a Single View Creator must be attached.

Attach Single View Creator

From there, select the single-view-creator-delivery microservice, then click the Add single view creator button.

Single View Aggregation

After linking a microservice to the Single View page, click the Edit Configurations button (the one with arrow) at the right side of the table. It will open a new page, where it's possible to configure all the aspects regarding the Single View aggregation and generation.

Single View Overview

ER Schema

The ER Schema is a configuration used by Fast Data to infer into the microservices the relationships among projections. In the case of order-history, we have to define a relationship where one Customer (stored in the registry Projection) can have multiple Orders (stored in the orders Projection).

ER Schema of Registry and Order


The following explains how to configure an ER Schema using the "Er Schema" section of Fast Data. To do so, please make sure that this feature is enabled in your project. You might need to ask your Project Administrator for it.

You can configure the ER Schema in both No Code and Low Code mode.

To configure the ER Schema with the No Code, you need to return to the Projections section, and then select the ER Schemas tab.

From there, you can create a new ER Schema, by clicking the Create new ER Schema button: you'll be asked to choose a name for your ER Schema (we suggest: delivery-er-schema). After that, you will be redirected to the ER Schema canvas.

Create new ER Schema

The configuration of the ER Schema with the "No Code" is explained in the dedicated section, but we include here a quick guide on how to create the ER Schema with the needed relationships:

  • In the right side panel you can see the list of Projections inside the System of Record delivery: drag the collections registry and order to the canvas in the middle of the screen.
  • Inside the canvas, draw a line from the dot at the right of the registry Projection to the orders Projection: you'll see that the line remains visible with a small warning icon in the middle, which means that the relationship has been created without any condition.
  • the right side panel should show the details of the relationship. From here you'll need to:
    • change the Condition Type value of A -> B to One to many.
    • click on the Edit Rules button to open the Rules Modal: click on + Rule button and then fill the input fields with registry_id both for the registry and the orders Projection. Finally, click the Save button.

The final result should resemble the following image:

The ER Schema configuration is completed

Set the Base Projection

Once the ER Schema has been set, we have to define what is the root from where we want to start the aggregation: we will refer to it as Base Projection, which represents the collection where the aggregation will start.

By going back to the Aggregation tab, you'll be required to select a Base Projection which is the Projection from where the mapping will begin: in our tutorial, we select the Projection registry and click on Set base projection. After this, the Single View Data Model will show up to the left, ready for the configuration.

Order History Blank Aggregation

Before configuring it, we have to specify what is the identifier of our single view records.

Single View Key

The Single View Key represents the link between the identifier of the projection change and the Single View fields: this mapping will be executed at the beginning of the aggregation, to retrieve the base projection that will be used as a starting point to compute the single view. to get a query that, executed in the Single View collection, retrieves the Single View document to be updated.


The following explains how to configure a Single View Key using the "No Code" feature, available from version 11.3.0 of the Mia-Platform Console. Please make sure that your project has activated this feature. You might need to ask your Project Administrator for it.

To configure the Single View Key with the "No Code" feature, you can refer to the specific documentation page.

Here is a quick list of operations to execute to configure correctly the Single View Key:

  • move to the Settings page and go to the Single View Key card.
  • click on the Configure button to open a modal to start configuring the Single View Key.
  • click the Add Single View Key: a new line will appear with two input fields.
  • as Single View Primary Field, which is a field of the Single View, select registryId.
  • as Projection Identifier, which contains the value inside the identifier field of the Projection Changes Schema, select registry_id (which is, for our example, the same name of the Base Projection registry).
  • you can review the updates by clicking the toggle Advanced Mode and, when you are sure everything is fine, click on Save.


The aggregation is the configMap that will be used to define the rules on how the Single View will be calculated. In this configuration, we will get our dependencies from the projection and the description of how we want to map the dependencies to the Single View Data Model.

In our case, we will map registryId, name, city and state from the Projection registry, and the order list from the Projection orders.


The following explains how to configure an Aggregation using the No Code feature, available from version 11.3.0 of the Mia-Platform Console. Please make sure that your project has activated this feature. You might need to ask your Project Administrator for it.

Assuming that the ER Schema and the base projection have already been selected (see previous paragraphs), here is a list of steps to be executed to configure the Aggregation:

  • Select the field registryId: a panel will open to the right where we can select the dependency registry and the field registry_id.
  • Select the field name: a panel will open to the right where we can select the dependency registry and the field name.
  • Select the field city: a panel will open to the right where we can select the dependency registry and the field city.
  • Select the field state: a panel will open to the right where we can select the dependency registry and the field state.
  • Select the field orders: it will open a panel with the list of fields inside the Array of Objects orders defined in the Data Model.
  • Click on the Edit dependencies (0) button to create the dependency between registry and orders in the Aggregation: inside the modal click first on the Add dependency button to start configuring the dependency.
    • select the Source Projection registry: the rest of the form should fill automatically and a click on the Add dependency button will generate the dependency.
    • click on Save to update the Aggregation with the new dependency. You will see the orders field having an additional panel with the mapping of the fields for each element:
      • select the field id: a panel will open to the right where we can select the dependency orders and the field order_id.
      • select the field price: a panel will open to the right where we can select the dependency orders and the field price.
      • select the field name: a panel will open to the right where we can select the dependency orders and the field name.
      • select the field date: a panel will open to the right where we can select the dependency orders and the field date.

In case you want to reset the aggregation by changing the Base Projection, you have to go to the Settings tab and click the Edit button inside the General card.

After the following steps, the Aggregation is completely configured and, on configuration saving, it will be applied to the aggregation ConfigMap of the microservice. You can click on the toggle Advanced Mode at the bottom-left of the page to review your configuration in a JSON format.


To have an exhaustive explanation of how to configure an Aggregation with the No Code feature, you can refer to the specific documentation page.

After setting the single view, we can save the configuration.


Once we have defined how the projections should be aggregated into a single view, we have to define the logic on how to update single view records after a projection has been created/updated/deleted.

This is possible by defining strategies that will:

  • receive a projection document as input;
  • find the base projection linked to the document, based on the relations made on our ER Schema;
  • generate a Projection Change, that will be used in the aggregation process to define the Single View Key and query the base projection.

Strategies can have different definitions, based on the architecture employed during this tutorial:

  • if you have defined a RTU having the following environment variables:


    then you are using a Standard Architecture where strategies are executed within the Real Time Updater;

  • if you have defined a RTU having the following environment variables:


    or you have configured a PS, then you are using a Event Driven Architecture, where strategies are executed by an additional microservice, the Single View Trigger Generator (SVTG).

We will see, for each architecture, what are the steps needed to enable strategies.

Going into the fast-data-delivery-realtime-updater microservice page, we have to configure the following resources:

  • The ER Schema, to understand how the records across several projections are linked with paths.
  • The Projection Changes Schema, which is a configuration that explains how to traverse this paths in order to obtain a Projection Change identifier, the one that we have linked to the Single View Key (in this tutorial it was named registry_id).

ER Schema

If we consider the ER Schema that we have done during the Single View ER Schema step, we can notice that is bi-directional, i.e. it has a link that can be traversed both from registry and orders.

This means that it can be useful not only for the aggregation process (retrieve projections from base projection), but also to retrieve the base projection given other projections. To re-use it in the RTU, we have to do the following steps in the fast-data-delivery-realtime-updater, more precisely in the Config Map & Secrets sections:

  • delete the existing, empty config map finishing with the suffix -er-schema;
  • create a new config map:
    • when choose the name, pick the name delivery-erschema that will be suggested by the autocomplete prompt;
    • choose /home/node/app/erSchema as mount path
  • once created the config map, you will see that it's shared among the RTU and the SVC.

Link ER Schema

Projection Changes Schema

The Projection Changes Schema is a configuration that, for one or more single view, tells the RTU the possible paths that can be traversed in the ERSchema to obtain a base projection and generate a Projection Change identifier.

Since there is only one link between registry and orders, we have to provide only one path using the following JSON object:

"version": "1.0.0",
"config": {
"order-history": {
"paths": [
"path": [
"identifier": {
"registry_id": "registry_id"

With this configuration, the Single View that we are going to create can be updated with both of the following ways:

  • if we update the Projection registry, then we can read the registry_id directly from there.
  • if we update the Projection orders, we will search the related document inside the Projection registry, then we can read the registry_id.

Finally, the identifier will map object will map a subset of fields into the identifier of the Projection Change record: in this case, we will map the field registry_id to the registry_id value of the base projection.


You can find a detailed explanation of the Projection Changes Schema configuration on the dedicated page of the documentation.


Once the strategy has been configured, we have to instruct the RTU on what projections strategies needs to be enabled.

We can do this step by linking the strategies to the Single View. Go to the Single View section, and inside the order-history, click on the Add link to strategy button in the Strategies tab.

Strategy Page

Now, we will choose the System of Record delivery and the registry Projection.

Strategy Page

We need to choose the Strategy Source. In this case, we will use the Low Code strategy, then we can click on the Create button.

Strategy Page

We have to link the strategy also for the orders Projection, repeating the same process.

Final Strategy Page

Expose the Single View

Create Endpoint

Now we have the Projections, the Single View and each configuration ready to be used, we need to expose the Single View endpoints.

  1. Return to the Endpoints menu on the left;
  2. Select Create new endpoint;
  3. Choose the Base Path;
  4. Choose Single View as Type;
  5. Select from the list the name of our Single View, in this case: /order-history.

Expose Single View

Now we can commit our changes, deploy, and try our Fast Data sending data from the Kafka Topic, and see the result in the Single View using the endpoints.

Test your Single View

You can now consume the order-history Single View using the APIs available in the API Documentations.

Lets try to update the price of the order from 123 to 124. First of all, you have to send an ingestion message to the orders projection.
"key": {
"order_id": "ord-1"
"value": {
"op": "u",
"before": {
"date": "2024-02-16T11:13:48.322Z",
"name": "order-1",
"order_id": "ord-1",
"price": 123,
"registry_id": "reg-1"
"after": {
"date": "2024-02-16T11:13:48.322Z",
"name": "order-1",
"order_id": "ord-1",
"price": 124,
"registry_id": "reg-1"

By making a GET request to the single view endpoint, we will see that the single view record related to reg-1 has been generated and updated with the order ord-1 having 124 as the current price.

"_id": "63ceb97fd6536c857e75a0f2",
"__STATE__": "PUBLIC",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-23T16:58:47.805Z",
"registry_id": "reg-1",
"name": "customer 1",
"city": "customer city",
"state": "customer state",
"orders": [
"id": "ord-1",
"price": 124,
"name": "order-1",
"date": "2024-02-16T11:13:48.322Z",

And here you can see the response with more customers and orders. The customer reg-1 has now more orders that are aggregated in the orders list.

"_id": "63ceb97f123123d6536c857e75a0f2",
"__STATE__": "PUBLIC",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-23T17:06:47.845Z",
"registry_id": "reg-1",
"name": "customer 1",
"city": "customer city",
"state": "customer state",
"orders": [
"id": "ord-1",
"price": "123",
"name": "order-1",
"date": "23/1/2023"
"id": "ord-2",
"price": "10",
"name": "order-2",
"date": "23/1/2023"
"_id": "63c123ebea7d6123123123536c857e775f93",
"__STATE__": "PUBLIC",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-23T17:06:47.859Z",
"registry_id": "reg-2",
"name": "customer 2",
"city": null,
"state": null,
"orders": [
"id": "ord-3",
"price": "25",
"name": "order-3",
"date": "23/1/2023"