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Version: 13.x (Current)

Fast Data Secrets Resolution

Fast Data services may have secrets inside their Config Maps. Secrets can be injected as:

These are the services versions that support this feature in their config maps:

Control PlaneProjection StorerReal Time UpdaterSingle View Trigger GeneratorSingle View Creator

Plain Text

The field is set to be a string and it is loaded directly from the Config Map itself.

"some-entry": {
// ...,
"some-secret-field": {

Remember to use external environment variables, to avoid store them in plain in your Console configuration!

Environment Variable

The field is populated by a microservice environment variable.

"some-entry": {
// ...,
"some-secret-field": {
"url": {
"type": "env",

By default the value contained in the environment variable that is referenced within the secret is expected to be a plain text. However, the secret definition allows to define the encoding property to base64, so that the value contained in the environment variable can be written in base64 format.

"some-entry": {
// ...,
"some-secret-field": {
"url": {
"type": "env",
"encoding": "base64"

File Reference

The field is populated by the content of a file mounted inside the microservice.

Full Content

"some-entry": {
// ...
"some-secret-field": {
"url": {
"type": "file",
"path": "/path/to/file"

.ini Key

If the chosen file is a .ini file with key-value pair values, it's possible to specify a key that needs to be interpolated.

"some-entry": {
// ...
"some-secret-field": {
"url": {
"type": "file",
"path": "/path/to/file.ini",
"key": "<KEY NAME>"