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Version: 13.x (Current)

Fast Data Error Codes

In this page are collected all the codes associated to errors that may be generated by Fast Data core components.
Each error code is grouped under a specific category to help understanding which component operation may have raised the error. Moreover, for each of them is provided a brief explanation of what caused it and which are the steps that should be taken to potentially resolve the encountered issue.

Real-Time Updater

Coming soon

Projection Storer

In case of any doubt, please refer to service documentation, which can be found here.

Error CodeCategoryCauseAction
FD_PS_E0001Configurationservice configuration file has not been found or its format is not supportedensure that configuration file set in environment variable CONFIG_FILE_PATH exitsts and it is either a valid json or yaml file
FD_PS_E0002Configurationprovided service configuration is invalidensure that provided json or yaml file respects the configuration schema, as described in the documentation. Note: the error should provide more insights on the issue
FD_PS_E0003Configurationno projection has been associated to the serviceensure that at least one valid projection definition is attached to the service configuration. An example can be found in the documentation
FD_PS_E0004Configurationselected storage type is unknown or not supportedin the service configuration verify that type property of storage component is set to one of accepted values, as described in the documentation
FD_PS_E0005Configurationselected consumer type is unknown or not supportedin the service configuration verify that type property of consumer component is set to one of accepted values, as described in the documentation
FD_PS_E0006Configurationselected producer type is unknown or not supportedin the service configuration verify that type property of producer component is set to one of accepted values, as described in the documentation
FD_PS_E0007Configurationone of provided custom cast function has not been found, recognized or is invalidensure that the custom functions configuration are set as described in the documentation, that the custom cast function file is in the proper location, there is a function whose signature name is the same assigned under the castFunctions properties. Note: in case the cast function is invalid and it can not be evaluated, the service will throw this error
FD_PS_E0008Configurationselected control plane state type is unknown or not supportedin the service configuration verify that type property of controlPlane.settings.state component is set to one of accepted values, as described in the documentation
FD_PS_E0009Configurationselected control plane feedback type is unknown or not supportedin the service configuration verify that type property of component is set to one of accepted values, as described in the documentation
FD_PS_E1001Startupselected message adapter type is unknown or not supportedin the service configuration settings verify that type property of dataSourceAdapter component is set to one of accepted values, as described in the documentation
FD_PS_E1002Startupcomponent configuration lead to initialization failureensure that provided options under storage property within service configuration file are valid and matches selected storage type
FD_PS_E1003Startupcomponent configuration lead to initialization failureensure that provided options under consumer property within service configuration file are validand matches selected consumer type
FD_PS_E1004Startupcomponent configuration lead to initialization failureensure that provided options under producer property within service configuration file are valid and matches selected producer type
FD_PS_E1005Startupcustom message adapter has not been loadedensure that selected custom message adapter configured in dataSourceAdapter service configuration settings points to an existing file. If that is correct, please verify that provided file contains a Javascript function definition and there exists a function named messageAdapter, as described in the service documentation
FD_PS_E1006Runtimeexecuting custom message adapter resulted into an invalid outputprovided custom message adapter logic should contain a function named messageAdapter with a signature matching what is described in the documentation. Note: this error may be raised event when the logic is expected to produce the correct output, but its execution is throwing due to invalid or malformed record
FD_PS_E1007Startupprovided control plane configuration lead to initialization failureensure that provided configurations under controlPlane.settings.state and properties within service configuration file are valid and matches selected controller type
FD_PS_E1008Startupinternal status probes failed to startplease verify the service has been restarted by the orchestrator system, since service status probes were not available
FD_PS_E2001Consumerunrecoverable errorthe service should restart since it cannot proceed further without losing some record. At restart, the service will try to reprocess the same records since the consumer has not carried out the checkpoint operation. Configuration or incoming data on connected topics should be checked only in case the service restarts indefinitely
FD_PS_E2002Consumerconsumer commit/checkpointing operation has failedthe service should restart since it has not been able to checkpoint processed events. At restart, the service will try to reprocess the same records since the consumer has not carried out the checkpoint operation. This should be a transient error, since it may occur only in case the consumer abruptly disconnects
FD_PS_E2003Consumerconsumer cannot access topic on clusterspecified topic may not exists or employed credentials do not allow the access to configured topic. Please verify topic existence and which ACL are assigned to the consumer
FD_PS_E3001Producerproducer failed to send and eventan error occurred while producing an output event (projection record update). The error should be transient, and the service should automatically retry processing the same set of events before giving up and restarting
FD_PS_E3002Producerproducer cannot access topic on clusterspecified topic may not exists or employed credentials do not allow the access to configured topic. Please verify topic existence and which ACL are assigned to the producer
FD_PS_E4001Storageempty projections operations list provided to the storage componentall the incoming change events were filtered out by the message adapter validation. This occur when the wrong message adapter is selected or incoming change events do not follow the expected format of selected message adapter. It is recommended to verify whether the dataSourceAdapter is correctly configured and whether the origin system (System of Record) is producing events in the expected format
FD_PS_E4002Storageprojection record provided to the storage does not have a valid identifierone of the received change events is missing from the payload the fields that uniquely identifies it (the primary key fields). Please review the incoming message since the service may begin to restart indefinitely to avoid losing changes
FD_PS_E4003Storageno projection name provided to the storage component to write projectionsplease verify that each projection under the projections property of service configuration file contains the property storageNamespace with a non-blank value. It is also fine when property storageNamespace is not provided, since projection name would be employed as default value
FD_PS_E4004Storageerror encountered while writing projections records on the storagean error occurred while writing projection records onto the storage system. The error should be transient, and the service should automatically retry processing the same set of events before giving up and restarting
FD_PS_E4005Storagestorage component is not connected and ready for storing operationsthis is a transient error. The service should briefly reconnect automatically. Otherwise, it would restart
FD_PS_E5001Processormalformed keyplease verify incoming events on the topic
FD_PS_E5002Processormalformed payloadplease verify incoming events on the topic
FD_PS_E5003Processorinvalid operation typeone of the incoming change events does not have a valid operation type or can not be mapped to a known operation type. Please verify incoming events on the topic
FD_PS_E5004Processorinvalid argument can not be employed for operationprovided custom function, either a cast function or message adapter, is written in an unsupported language or it has an unsupported file extension
FD_PS_E7001Internal Eventsinternal communication has failedone of service component has failed processing records or it was slowed down, so that it did not meet the processing internal deadline. Under standard conditions, this is not a problem since service retries autonomously failed operation. However, in case the service does not make any progress or it restarts indefinitely it may be possible that storage component is experiencing an issue in writing projections. We recommend to verify that for each projection all the needed indexes were created on the external storage system. When using MongoDB as storage, we advised to deploy the CRUD Service plugin alongside Fast Data application, which ensures necessary indexes are created on the database.
FD_PS_E8001Control Planemalformed keyplease verify events on the controller channel
FD_PS_E8002Control Planemalformed payloadplease verify events on the controller channel
FD_PS_E8003Control Planestate request received by controller is not among the supported onesplease verify whether a supported version of Fast Data Control Plane service is released alongside this service and that no other system is writing to the state controller channel
FD_PS_E8004Control Planecontroller consumer cannot access configured channelplease verify that controller configuration points to an existing channel with the proper permissions. For example, in case of kafka please ensure that selected topic exits
FD_PS_E8005Control Planefailed to process and apply control-plane stateplease send another state request on the controller channel, so that the service can retry processing and applying it
FD_PS_E8006Control Planeruntime feedback state is not among supported onesthe service has generated a feedback that it is not valid. No action needs to be taken, since it will proceed with generating the next heartbeat. In case the situation persists, please verify the last state that has been sent to the Control Plane backend

Single View Trigger Generator

In case of any doubt, please refer to service documentation, which can be found here.

Error codeCategoryCauseAction
FD_SVTG_E0001Configurationfailed loading one of the service config mapverify that files provided in the config maps are all JSON files using utf8 charset
FD_SVTG_E0002Configurationone or more strategy is invalidin the config map loaded from KAFKA_PROJECTION_UPDATES_FOLDER verify that the value of identifier property in each strategy path matches either __automatic__ or __fromFile[<filename>]__
FD_SVTG_E0003Configurationsingle view does not have any strategy pathin the config map loaded from KAFKA_PROJECTION_UPDATES_FOLDER verify that specified single view exists and it has at least one strategy path associated to it
FD_SVTG_E0004Configurationno manual strategy folder has been providedspecify a value for environmental variable MANUAL_STRATEGIES_FOLDER, representing the folder path where manual strategies files can be found
FD_SVTG_E0005Configurationmanual strategy identifier is malformedin the config map loaded from KAFKA_PROJECTION_UPDATES_FOLDER ensure that each identifier configured as __fromFile[<strategy-identifier>]__ has a <strategy-identifier> defined
FD_SVTG_E0006Configurationmanual strategy has not been found or was not possible to load itin the config map loaded from KAFKA_PROJECTION_UPDATES_FOLDER ensure that each identifier configured as __fromFile[<strategy-identifier>]__ has a <strategy-identifier> pointing to an existing javascript file (containing an async generator function exported by default) in the folder defined in environment variable MANUAL_STRATEGIES_FOLDER
FD_SVTG_E0007Configurationa config map did not pass its JsonSchema validationcheck out the validation errors described by the error log and modify accordingly the invalid config map
FD_SVTG_E2001Runtime - Message Parsinga message with an unexpected format receivedverify that message causing trouble has the correct format (pr-update)
FD_SVTG_E2002Runtime - Event Storeservice found an error with the underlying event store techologycheck the service error logs to see what caused this error, it could be related to the event store configuration or simply an unavailability of the underlying technology

Single View Creator

Coming soon