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Version: 13.x (Current)

Single View Creator Template


The Single View Creator Template has been deprecated in favour of the Single View Creator Plugin, which supports both Low Code and No Code features. We strongly suggest not to use the Single View Creator Template.

Search in the Marketplace for a Single View Creator - Template and create it. Then go to the microservice page of the newly created Single View Creator and set the correct values to the environment variables containing a placeholder. Click on the repository link in the microservice page and clone on your computer the repository.


You can use the template and all of Mia-Platform libraries only under license. For further information contact your Mia Platform representative.

Code overview

The service starts in index.js file. First, the template uses the Custom Plugin Lib to instantiate a service. Inside its callback, the single-view-creator-lib is initialized to deal with the complexity of the Fast Data components.

const singleViewCreator = getSingleViewCreator(log, config, customMetrics)

await singleViewCreator
.initEnvironment() // connect Mongo, Kafka and create the patient instance
service.decorate('patient', singleViewCreator.k8sPatient)

config is an object whose fields represent the Microservice environment variables.

Some environment variables will be pre-compiled when you create the service from template, others won't, but they will still have a placeholder as value. Replace it with the correct value.


Now, we start the Single View Creator:

const resolvedOnStop = singleViewCreator.startCustom({
strategy: aggregatorBuilder(projectionsDB),
singleViewKeyGetter: singleViewKey,
upsertSingleView: upsertFnSv(),
deleteSingleView: deleteSV(),
  • strategy is the function that performs the aggregation over the Projections
  • mapper is the function that takes as input the raw aggregation result and maps the data to the final Single View
  • validator is the validation function which determines if the Single View is valid (and thus inserted or updated in Mongo) or not (and thus deleted)
  • singleViewKeyGetter is the function that, given the Projections changes identifier, returns the data used as selector to find the Single View document on Mongo to update or delete
  • upsertFnSv is the function that updates or inserts the Single View to the Single Views collection on Mongo
  • deleteSingleView is the function that deletes the Single View from the Single Views collection on Mongo. It uses the deleteSV function exported by the library.

The deleteSV function makes a real delete of the document on MongoDB. So, unlike the Projections deletion, it does not make a virtual delete.

The value of upsertFnSv is based on the UPSERT_STRATEGIES environment variable. If its value is update, then the updateOrInsertSV function exported by the library is used, otherwise the function replaceOrInsertSV is used instead. The default upsert strategy is replace.


In the versions of the template prior to the v3.1.0, the UPSERT_STRATEGIES was missing, and it was used an alias function (upsertSV) of the replaceOrInsertSV.


The Single View Creator needs to be stopped when the process is stopping. To do that, we use the onClose hook:

service.addHook('onClose', async() => {
log.fatal({ type: 'END' }, 'Single View Creator is stopping...')
await singleViewCreator.stop()

// this is a promise resolved when the infinite loop which processes the single views ends.
// Here we wait for the resolving of the promise. You don't need to call it.
await resolvedOnStop
log.fatal({ type: 'END' }, 'Single View Creator stopped')
await mongoClient.close()


The startCustom function accepts a function in the configuration object called validator, which is the validation function.

The validation of a Single View determines what to do with the current update. If the Single View is determined as "non-valid", the delete function will be called. Otherwise, if the result of the validation is positive, it will be updated or inserted in the Single Views collection, through the upsert function. You can read about Delete and upsert functions here.

The input fields of the validation function are the logger and the Single View, while the output is a boolean containing the result of the validation.

// (logger: BasicLogger, singleView: Document) => Boolean
function singleViewValidator(logger, singleView) {
// ... checks on singleView
// returns a boolean
return validationResult

Upsert and Delete Strategies

You can either use the provided upsert and delete strategies or to pass your custom functions directly to the startCustom method.

const resolvedOnStop = singleViewCreator.startCustom({
strategy: aggregatorBuilder(projectionsDB),
singleViewKeyGetter: singleViewKey,
upsertSingleView: upsertFnSV,
deleteSingleView: deleteSV,